The Storm God

Chapter 3286 Return after defeat!

The three rushed over quickly.

Mao Xiaofang, who is a senior brother, even grabbed the arm of Taoist Priest Simu, and he wanted to give his kung fu to Taoist Priest Simu, otherwise, in his current situation, he might not die or be disabled.

Master Yixiu, as the best friend of Taoist Master Simu, is also very anxious. But after seeing Mao Xiaofang make a move, he didn't do it again.

Instead, he mobilized his skills to maximize the power of the Buddha beads and the purple gold bowl, so as to prevent the blood demon from taking the opportunity to attack and harm everyone.

The same is true of Daoist Bai.


With the strength of the two of them alone, it is really a drop in the bucket. With the influx of devilish energy, the power of the Gorefiend increased instantly.

It was simply not something the two could resist.

Just for a moment.

The defenses of Daoist Bai and Master Yixiu almost fell apart. The corners of the mouths of the two also shed blood in an instant.

Obviously injured, but they still persisted.


Mao Xiaofang was still casting spells.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was finally rescued, but he had completely lost his fighting power, and his current state was almost like a disabled person, in urgent need of recuperation and rest.

Otherwise, even if the injury is healed, the cultivation base of this body will be completely finished.

So far.

Mao Xiaofang was suddenly depressed.


The situation at the scene was very bad. The Gorefiends were getting stronger and stronger. They were not opponents at all. If they stayed any longer, they might really be wiped out by the group.

Fortunately at this time.

Jiale outside, Bairi Bairi, Hei Yue and others rushed over.

Mao Xiaofang taught them the severely wounded Taoist Master Simu, and then helped Master Yixiu and Taoist Master Bai to deal with the blood demons together.

A group of people did not love to fight, and retreated at full speed.

The blood demon was also unable to leave the temple because he wanted to devour the evil power absorbed by the magic cloud, so he could only sit and watch Mao Xiaofang and others leave.


All this is temporary.

When the Gorefiend absorbs these powers and reaches a higher level, he no longer needs to be so scruples, and will take the initiative to unify Gantian Town.

that's all.

Mao Xiaofang and others returned in embarrassment, and all returned to Fuxi Hall.

The four-eyed Taoist priest was finally wounded, unconscious and haggard, still struggling on the verge of death, and a blood demon's power in his body kept devouring his vitality.

Mao Xiaofang used various methods, but none of them worked.

in addition……

Master Yixiu and Daoist Bai were also injured. Although they were fine on the surface, they were actually very serious, and they might not be able to use their special skills in a short time.

Among the four, Mao Xiaofang's situation is relatively good.

Meanwhile, Bairi, Heiyue, Jiale and the others also had minor injuries to some extent. Although they were extremely embarrassed, there was no need to worry.


Master Yixiu recovered a bit.

Then he took a look at the situation of everyone present, but found that one person was missing, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Where is Zhong Bang, the fifth strange man?"

Zhong Bang didn't go to the Gorefiend at that time, but went outside with Hei Yue and others to help subdue the villagers who had turned into walking corpses.

Otherwise, with him around, even if Mao Xiaofang and the others couldn't subdue the Gorefiend, they certainly wouldn't be in such a mess, or even suffer heavy injuries.

"Brother Zhong lured all the villagers away, otherwise we wouldn't have rushed to the temple so quickly..." Hei Yue explained.

"I see."

Daoist Bai nodded knowingly, then frowned and said, "Then isn't he very dangerous right now? After all, we're all back..."

The voice did not fall.

Zhong Bang's voice came from outside: "I'm fine!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Zhong Bang walked into the Dao hall of Fuxi Hall from the outside without incident, and asked everyone: "How are you doing?"

Master Yixiu clasped his palms together, and then explained the situation to these juniors, and finally said: "The blood demon seems to have a special connection with the geomantic veins of Gantian Town. As time goes by, the magic power becomes stronger and stronger. !"

"The purple demonic energy floating in the sky also has the ability to absorb and devour the evil thoughts of living beings. In the end, they are making wedding dresses for blood demons!"

"If we don't destroy these, we won't be able to defeat him!"

"The most important thing now is the four eyes!"


Speaking of injuries to the four eyes.

Master Yixiu, who is the best friend of Taoist Master Four Eyes, couldn't help sighing and shaking his head, and said weakly: "With our methods, it may be difficult to cure, but I don't know what good advice Zhong Daoyou has?"

"so serious?"

Zhong Bang was taken aback when he heard the words, then frowned and said, "I'm not completely sure about this matter, I need to see the specific injury to judge..."


He has already walked into the inner hall.

Master Yixiu and others followed closely behind, hoping that this strange man of the fifth generation could cure the four-eyed Taoist priest, otherwise the four-eyed priest would become crippled even if he did not die.

In the inner hall.

Mao Xiaofang is giving the four-eyed Taoist priest a kung fu to resist the devouring of the demonic energy in his body. But the effect was obviously not very satisfactory. Mao Xiaofang and Taoist Master Simu were covered in cold sweat, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

"Master Mao, let me come!"

Seeing this, Zhong Bang frowned immediately, and hurried to help. And with Zhong Bang's help, Mao Xiaofang immediately relieved the pressure: "I'm here, Fellow Daoist Zhong!"


He retreated to the side, exhaling and concentrating.

On the other hand, Zhong Bang replaced Mao Xiaofang and cast a spell. With the vast power of the five elements, it poured into the body of the four-eyed priest in an instant, and easily washed away the blood demon energy in the four-eyed priest's body .


The four-eyed priest opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of extremely foul-smelling black blood.

The black blood was like concentrated acid and poisonous, when it was sprayed on the ground, it was instantly corroded into a big hole, and then disappeared deep into the ground.

Without the intrusion of demonic energy, the situation of the four-eyed Taoist leader has obviously improved a lot. Coupled with the infusion and help of Zhong Bang's five elements, he quickly returned from a withered state to an ordinary person's state, and even Even the aspect of cultivation has begun to gradually recover.


See this scene.

Master Yixiu and the others were all stunned.

They knew that the legendary fate of the Fifth Strange Man was extremely powerful, but they never imagined that it would be so powerful.

This is simply the flesh and bones of the living dead!

Everyone was amazed.


Zhong Bang recuperated his efforts to adjust his breathing, but he didn't take it seriously. He smiled modestly, and then ordered: "The four-eyed Taoist priest is all right now. You just need to rest and adjust your breathing, and you will be alive and well... "


His eyes fell on Master Yixiu and Daoist Bai. It means that the two of you are also injured, do you want to help you recover?


Master Yixiu and Daoist Bai glanced at each other, then looked at Zhong Bang at last, and asked, "Friend Zhong Daoist, will it have any effect on you to bother you to exercise your kung fu to help me heal?"

The implication is that if it has an impact, forget it.

after all……

You are the main force against the Gorefiend.

And our injuries are not important at all. At worst, we can deal with those villagers who are like walking corpses. Anyway, it can't affect you.


Zhong Bang smiled when he heard the words, and said: "My current realm has reached the level of the unity of man and nature, my skills are almost endless, and the five elements of heaven and earth can be used by me. Besides, the injuries of the two of you are not like those of the four-eyed Taoist priest. It’s that serious, it’s such a trivial matter!”

"Even so, there will be Fellow Daoist Lao Zhong!"

Seeing that Zhong Bang is so powerful, the two of them did not pretend to be hypocritical with him, and put on their poses very straightforwardly, and then accepted Zhong Bang's skill infusion and treatment one after another.

not for a while.

The two masters recovered as before.

Master Yixiu and Daoist Bai were about to thank you, but Zhong Bang suddenly changed his expression, and frowned, "Not good! The blood demon is dispatched, and his goal is..."

"The Qinglong Yanyue Knife is coming!"


The voice did not fall.

The whole person has turned into a golden light, shooting towards the outside.


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