The Storm God

Chapter 3287 Lei Gang goes to die!

Outside Gantian Town.

On the mountain road about ten kilometers away, Yu Dachu, Ma Xiaohai, Lei Xiu, and Shu Ning were walking back panting.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife is really too big, nearly 7 meters long, and its weight is even more astonishing. If it weren't for Ma Xiaohai's relatively good strength, most people wouldn't be able to carry it.

But even so, it was exhausting enough.

The key is that only he can handle it. Yu Dachu and the three of them couldn't help to share the pressure, so Ma Xiaohai was exhausted on the journey.

But for the sake of the common people, no matter how hard and tiring he is, Ma Xiaohai admits it.

Along the way, apart from eating, drinking, and necessary rest, Ma Xiaohai really didn't dare to delay for a moment.


They will not bring back Qinglong Yanyue Saber so soon.

For the rest of the journey, they would probably be able to rush back to Fuxitang in Gantian Town before dark. The thought of this made them very happy.

And then the joy turns into sorrow.


As they walked, a purple demonic cloud suddenly gathered in the sky in front of them. Before Ma Xiaohai and the others could react, a figure descended from the demonic cloud, which was one of the four blood demons. .

"It's a blood demon!"

Ma Xiaohai and the others were shocked.

The appearance of the blood demon is really terrifying. Even if they have never seen the blood demon, they can guess the identity of the other party accurately based on their intuition and guesswork.

The four immediately put up a defensive battle.


But the blood demon dismissed it, all his attention was on the Qinglong Yanyue knife carried by Ma Xiaohai, he sneered and said: "You want to use magic soldiers to capture me? You want to get beauty, but it's a pity that you missed a move , let you die here today!"

He rushed over.

When he waved his hand, there was a billowing red light, and the demonic energy was everywhere, and his strength was obviously stronger than when Mao Xiaofang and others fought against him.

Yu Dachu, who was a pawn, didn't even resist a move, and was directly sent flying by the blood demon.

Lei Xiu also relies on the power of the talisman bestowed by Bai Xiaofei to be able to match it, but her skill is too shallow after all, and she can't last long.

As for Shu Ning?


She is just an ordinary woman. Although her fate is a bit special, she has never cultivated fruit, so she has no combat power at all and can only be protected by others.

Ma Xiaohai has some skills, but his use of the Qinglong Yanyue Saber is simply horrible, on the contrary, he might as well not use it.

In short.

The two sides fought, and the situation was very unfavorable for Ma Xiaohai and others.

As time goes by, this disadvantage becomes more and more obvious. And the first to suffer was Yu Dachu, who, like the four-eyed Taoist priest, was knocked down by the blood demon's magic wave, and he couldn't get back up.

Fortunately, the Gengjin Qi in his body seemed to be able to restrain this blood demon, so although he was hit by the magic wave, he didn't become as scary as the four-eyed Taoist priest, who was skinny and skinny. It's just vomiting blood and severely wounding.

The second is Lei Xiu.

Relying on the power of the talisman, she persisted a little longer.

But the less the mana in the body is used, the less powerful it can be exerted. On the other hand, the Gorefiend was as fierce and domineering as ever, a giant wheel of terror.

Even with Ma Xiaohai's assistance, it didn't help. The two suffered more attacks than they did, and soon fell into a passive disadvantage.

Shu Ning, who had no combat strength, could only stand aside, supporting Yu Dachu, anxious and helpless.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law!"

At the very moment, a familiar figure suddenly descended from the sky.

It was Lei Xiu's adoptive father, Lei Gang.



"Master Lei!"


For Lei Gang's appearance, everyone was very pleasantly surprised.

Lei Gang's move is the ultimate move, while parrying the attack of the blood demon, he told Ma Xiaohai: "Go! I'm dragging you here, you guys quickly take the treasured sword back to Gantian Town!"


Ma Xiaohai hesitated.

After all, the Gorefiend is too strong, even Lei Gang is no match.

If they left right now, Lei Gang would die soon. Although Lei Gang did a lot of bad things before, he seems to have changed his ways now.

Naturally, Ma Xiaohai and others couldn't just ignore them.

not to mention……

Lei Gang is also Lei Xiu's adoptive father, Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu's uncle. How can you tell them to let Lei Gang go?


Lei Gang was full of vigor and mana surged.

The whole person is like a god of war, unstoppable, even if he vomits blood and is injured, he will never take half a step back and stand firmly in front of the blood demon.

"There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Axiu, life is the most important thing in the world. Even if I die, it will be considered a worthy death. I have no complaints or regrets!"


At this moment, Lei Gang was shining with light.

He is no longer the villain he used to be, but a righteous man who has completely reformed. For the safety of all living beings, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own life to subjugate demons.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaohai and the others were immediately filled with grief.


They could only grit their teeth and leave.

As for Lei Xiu, her eyes were full of hot tears, she only hated herself for not being strong enough, otherwise how could such a tragedy happen today.

A group of four people, carrying Qinglong Yanyue Saber, ran wildly.

Go straight to Fuxi Hall in Gantian Town.


They obviously underestimated the Gorefiend too much.

Not long after Ma Xiaohai and the others walked out, an incomparably stinky, scorching demonic energy suddenly gushed out from the ground in front of them.

And this devilish energy instantly transformed into another blood demon.


"Where do you want to escape to?"

"It's not easy for me!"


The whole body of this blood demon is red, and the demonic energy is hot and violent. It seems to have the air of billowing magma. Before he gets close, the demonic energy emitted by his words alone has already made Ma Xiaohai and the others feel an unbearable pressure. .

at the same time.

Around the four of Ma Xiaohai, a large amount of magma and swamp also instantly appeared, directly blocking them in it, with no way out.

The only way out is to defeat the Gorefiend.


This is obviously impossible.

The Gorefiend is powerful, and waits for work with ease, but Ma Xiaohai and the others are exhausted, exhausted, and even injured...

how to spell?

What makes them even more desperate is.

Just when the four of them were about to put all their eggs in one basket and fight this blood demon, a wild laugh came from behind, and the previous blood demon also chased after him.

And in his hand, he also grabbed a head.

Lei Gang's head!


Looking at the corpse in the hands of the gorefiend, Lei Xiu was furious and exploded on the spot. Then, waving the talisman, she rushed forward, ready to snatch Lei Gang's corpse back.


The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The Gorefiend seemed to be playing, and easily sent Lei Xiu flying. He even crushed the talisman that Bai Xiaofei gave her.


The newly emerged Gorefiend was not idle either.

He charged forward, knocked Yu Dachu and Ma Xiaohai down, and even slapped Shu Ning unconscious.


The blood demon set his sights on the Qinglong Yanyue Knife: "It's a good knife, but it's a pity that I can't use it, so it can only destroy you!"


It is necessary to activate the ability, use the boundless magic energy, pollute the fairy sword, and sink it into the boundless underground magma, making it difficult for people to use it against itself.

"call out!"

But at this moment.

A ray of golden light came straight from the direction of Gantian Town and arrived here in an instant. After turning into Zhong Bang's figure, he kicked the blood demon who was caught off guard and flew out.

And Qinglong Yanyue Knife also fell into his hands.

"The art of turning light!"

The other Gorefiend was shocked.


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