The Storm God

Chapter 3288 Thank you gift from the saint!

In this world, monks' traveling and escaping methods are very backward. Even if they have the corresponding spells, generally not many people can meet the requirements.

After all, the exhaustion of spiritual energy was serious, and the monks were inactive. Gradually, some Taoism and spells were forgotten and lost.

Before the Gorefiend was sealed, that era was not bad.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be him, and the centenary Taoist priest, who was almost immortal and demonic. And the bosses of their class are all proficient in this kind of spells.

The blood demon's escaping technique, as its name suggests, is called the blood escaping method, and it is a technique of turning light using the blood demon's energy.

He originally thought that in this era, only he had such abilities.


Zhong Bang's appearance broke his wish.

Being able to use the technique of turning light means that the other party's cultivation level is at least above the level of distraction, and it's hard to tell even if there is a period of crossing the catastrophe.

And no matter what it is, it is a strong enemy for the current Gorefiend!

Especially the latter.

If the other party is really a powerful person in the Tribulation Period, then he can only turn around and run away. After all, he is not in his heyday now, and he is still in a state of four.

So far.

The Gorefiend didn't dare to be careless, and quickly used the fusion technique to merge the two Gorefiends into one, turning them into a stronger version.

And on the other side...

After Zhong Bang got the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the latter immediately let out bursts of buzzing sounds, as if the spirit had finally met its owner, it was a joy.

"It's a pity that this knife is too big to use!"

Zhong Bang was a little depressed.

The blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Dao is about 7 meters long. It is easy to say about the weight, but this length is not very easy to play.


It seems to have sensed Zhong Bang's dissatisfaction.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife vibrated and buzzed again, then floated out of nowhere, the tip of the knife trembled, and was about to chop at Zhong Bang's palm.


Zhong Bang was suddenly surprised.

What's the situation? Okay why cut me? Am I not a demon? If you want to cut it, you must cut the blood demon, right?

Is this knife contaminated?


Surprises are surprises.

However, Zhong Bang never felt murderous and devilish aura from Qinglong Yanyue Dao, as if he was playing with himself, just a light slash.

In view of this.

Zhong Bang didn't dodge, but let the tip of the Qinglong Yanyue knife cut off towards his palm: "I want to see how you treat it?"


The tip of the knife touched the palm of his hand, Zhong Bang didn't have the skills to resist, and his flesh and blood was instantly seen through by the Qinglong Yanyue knife, bleeding continuously.


The blood that flowed out did not drip down, but was all absorbed by Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

And with Zhong Bang's blood soaked and watered, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife also began to emit more violent vibrations and buzzing...

In the end, only a "stagger" was heard.

The huge Qinglong Yanyue Knife, which was about 7 meters long just now, has shrunk down to a size of two meters in an instant.

It was full of multicolored lights, and seemed to be very excited, trembling in mid-air, and there was a faint green dragon flashing in the blade.


Seeing the change of Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Zhong Bang's eyes widened immediately, and he asked in surprise, "Could this be its real appearance?"


Zhong Bang waved at Qinglong Yanyue Dao.


The Qinglong Yanyue Knife instantly flew into Zhong Bang's hands like an arm and a finger. At the same time, a special idea and power also entered Zhong Bang's body from the blade.

It is obvious that the divine soldier has a spirit, and he has completely recognized him as the master.


Zhong Bang was suddenly excited.

Immediately, he waved his hands, the Qinglong Yanyue Saber flickered, and the dragon aura was vertical and horizontal, instantly forcing back the lingering blood demon aura around him.

With just a wave of the hand, it has such power, it is worthy of being a weapon of the fairy family.

On the other hand, the Fusion Gorefiend's expression changed drastically when he saw this, and his already solemn face instantly became extremely fearful.

this moment.

The Gorefiend thought of retreating unexpectedly.



With Zhong Bang Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand, his confidence suddenly increased, he glared at the blood demon, and said murderously: "I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late?"

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has rushed up.

Qinglong Yanyue Knife seems to be transformed into a green dragon exuding the righteousness of the world, baring its teeth and claws, rampaging all the way, completely unafraid of the blood demon's demonic influence, invincible and indomitable.

The Gorefiend, on the other hand, retreated again and again, not daring to fight head-on with it, dodging more and attacking less, obviously at a disadvantage, and extremely embarrassed.

"So strong!"

On the other side, when Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu saw that Zhong Bang was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, he was so powerful and domineering, and his blood was surging and he was extremely excited.

But on Lei Xiu's side, she was in no mood to pay attention to the battle situation.


Her father is dead.

Lei Xiu hugged Lei Gang's dead head, bursting into tears and heartbroken. And Shu Ning was by her side, hugging and weeping.


Lei Gang did a lot of bad things in the past, but now, he died for the righteous way, for subjugating demons and killing demons, so he deserves to be respected and moved.

No one can fault it!

In Gantian Town.


In the temple, he was sitting cross-legged in meditation, crazily absorbing the evil thoughts and spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, and strengthening himself. A blood demon suddenly seemed to sense something, and his face suddenly changed.

next moment.

He abruptly stopped practicing.

at the same time……


The other blood demon among the four clones turned into a blood light and merged into his body, and then he turned into a blood light and shot towards the outside of Gantian town.

And in another dimension.

Bai Xiaofei's divine sense is also working tirelessly to decipher the core mysteries in the world fragments, and after studying for so long, he finally has a clue.

"It really is your fault!"

Sensing the core demon energy in the world fragments, it seemed to have weakened a little, Bai Xiaofei's expression changed immediately, and he frowned and said, "Want to use the body of the blood demon to revive? There is no way!"

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei stopped cracking.

Instead, it began to frantically gather the power of the world's laws, besiege the core area of ​​this world fragment, and intend to build many barriers and seals around it.


Once the magic thoughts in the core are successfully escaped, the consequences will be disastrous.

Bai Xiaofei exerted all his strength, and the effect was naturally not artificial. In an instant, near the core of the world fragment, an independent space and latitude was formed, containing the power of supreme space and other types of laws.

And the most powerful among them is the Time Cage that Bai Xiaofei just comprehended.

With it, unless the magic thought in the core of the world shards can increase tenfold in strength, it can only be lost in the time loop set by Bai Xiaofei, repeated from beginning to end, endlessly.

This move can also be called Bai Xiaofei's strongest trump card right now!

"It's done!"

With the formation of the time cage, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief: "Although the reaction is a bit slow, it's still in time, otherwise it will be hard work!"

Although the Gorefiend outside had obtained part of the strength bonus of his magic thoughts, to Bai Xiaofei, he was just a slightly more powerful ant.

No big deal.


Once the evil thoughts are reborn by the gorefiend, the consequences will be unimaginable. After all, this evil thought is an existence that even a saint cannot destroy!

Just as Bai Xiaofei sighed and was about to leave here and return to the normal world, a thought suddenly came to him from the core of the world fragments.

"Huh? This is..."

Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately, and then he became completely excited: "It's actually a saint's gratitude and thanks, now he's flourishing!"

That's right!

The thought just now was the knowledge of the saint in the core of the fragments of the world. It not only contained his gratitude to Bai Xiaofei for his help, but also included a method of beheading three corpses to become a saint.


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