The Storm God

Chapter 3289 Seven Stars Awaken!

"It's actually the technique of beheading three corpses!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, he was shocked, and at the same time confirmed his conjecture, indeed, the remnants in the core of this fragment of the world belonged to the prehistoric sage!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have the technique of beheading three corpses.

To know.

In the prehistoric world, apart from the Great God Pangu who proved the Tao with strength, and the sanctification of merit, the most famous method of sanctification is the technique of beheading three corpses.

The so-called three corpses represent the three kinds of "evil desires" in the human body, and the prototypes are three kinds of insects. There is a cloud in the Taoist scriptures: there are three corpses in the human body.

It specifically includes the three worms of the upper corpse, the three worms of the middle corpse, and the three worms of the lower corpse, so it is called "three corpses and nine worms". To embark on the road to immortality, the ascetic must eradicate and eliminate the "root of the three corpses".

In many prehistoric settings, killing the three corpses means cutting off one's own good corpses, evil corpses and one's own corpses, that is, various obsessions.

When cutting obsessions, you can pin your obsessions on various innate spiritual treasures, and cut out incarnations with boundless magic power. Buddhists can also rely on the golden body of their own practice, but it is a bit inferior to relying on the innate spiritual treasure.

After the three corpses are cut off, it is the state of great silence, and then the three corpses merge into one, and the incarnation and the body are completely merged without distinction.

And this realm is a saint.


Saints are also divided into strong and weak, high and low, including Hongjun, they can only be regarded as saints of heaven, not saints of Hunyuan Dao.

According to the setting in Honghuangliu, the saint is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint. The only difference between the two is that the saint's soul entrusts the way of heaven, and if the way of heaven is immortal, they will be immortal forever.

But success is the way of heaven, and failure is also the way of heaven. Once the way of heaven dies, they will also fall with them. And the Dao of Heaven, the will of the world, as long as the world is destroyed, no matter how powerful the Dao of Heaven is, it will also fall along with it.

When the Dao of Heaven dies, the sages of the Dao of Heaven will naturally follow suit.


The method of destroying the world is equivalent to the method of destroying the saint.

And according to the information received from the mind just now, it also fully confirms the settings of these prehistoric currents. Although there may be some differences in them, they remain the same.

That is.

With the shattering of the prehistoric world and the collapse of the Dao of Heaven, those saints of the Dao of Heaven whose spirits and souls were entrusted to the Dao of Heaven will naturally be unlucky.

And this fragment of the world originated from the prehistoric, and it contains a core, so it also hosts a part of the saint's soul.

The devil who destroyed the prehistoric world is also really awesome.

He even wanted to kill them all, even refusing to let go of the fragments of the heavenly way, so there was the parasitism and infection of the extremely demonic thoughts.

If the magic thought doesn't move, Bai Xiaofei may have nothing to do with him, after all, he is not very familiar with this aspect, so he can't do anything about it.


He just wanted to use the Gorefiend to revive and strengthen himself, so that he could swallow and absorb this fragment of the prehistoric world faster and use it for himself.

And as soon as this evil thought came out, it gave Bai Xiaofei an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Although it could not be completely wiped out, it was also imprisoned in the cage of time, completely cutting off its entanglement and troubles with the fragmented saint abyss of the prehistoric world.

The sage rules the universe, goes through thousands of calamities without grinding, and does not get stained with cause and effect.


Heaven collapsed.

These saints are no longer the saints they used to be. Even if there is still a bit of the prestige of a saint, it is also related to cause and effect.

Bai Xiaofei's action was considered to have indirectly helped the saint's soul in the core of the fragments of the world, this is cause and effect, no matter it is direct or indirect, it is involved anyway.


He must repay and settle this cause and effect, otherwise he will suffer.

A thank you is of course useless, so the saint's spirit inside, along with it, also taught Bai Xiaofei the sanctified technique of killing three corpses, as well as his own cultivation experience and insights.

Obviously he also felt that Bai Xiaofei's strength had not yet reached the realm of a saint, so this gift of thanks meant a lot to Bai Xiaofei.

It is enough to repay and end this cause and effect.

After thinking about this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smiled wryly, shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, although this technique of beheading three corpses is good, it's not suitable for me..."


The benefits of picking up for nothing, don't don't want it for nothing!

What's more, if you don't need it yourself, you can teach it to others, such as your own apprentices, and the masters under your command.


Based on this technique, a more powerful version can be developed. Bai Xiaofei is not good at other things, but he is good at inventing and creating.

The most important thing is the experience and understanding of Taoism that comes with it!


This is the experience of a saint!

For Bai Xiaofei, these things are more important and crucial than other messy things, which can save him many, many detours on the way to become stronger!

Moreover, the idea of ​​harmony in it is also a great inspiration and help to Bai Xiaofei's three-element unity. If the timing is not right now, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei will have to retreat and study and comprehend it on the spot.

In short.

To Bai Xiaofei, the gift from the saint's spirit in the core of the fragments of the world is of great weight and significance.

After he readily accepted, he smiled slightly at the remnant thoughts inside, and said: "Senior, I still have some things to deal with, so I will leave this place first, and I will come to discuss with you another day!"


Bai Xiaofei left this dimension.


On the outskirts of Gantian Town.

Zhong Bang is fighting the blood demon with Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand.

Mao Xiaofang and others have also rushed to the scene. After learning that Lei Gang died in order to uphold justice, Mao Xiaofang was deeply saddened.

Daoist Simu is still in cultivation and did not come here. Master Yixiu, Daoist Bai, and Hei Yue and others were also moved by Lei Gang's sacrifice.


Soon they are attracted by the battle between Zhongbang and Gorefiend.

Because this battle is not only thrilling, but also extremely meaningful. If the Gorefiend wins, the world will probably usher in a catastrophe.

And if Zhong Bang wins, then this chaos will be over.

It is worth mentioning that the Gorefiend who is now fighting with Zhong Bang is not the previous two Gorefiends in one, but the four-in-one Gorefiend himself.

Just relying on the combination of two blood demons, it is not at all the opponent of Zhong Bang, the legendary man of the fifth generation + Qinglong Yanyue knife. Later, the two blood demons in the temple fused together, came to support, and merged into one. Bang Kankan was tied.

During the battle between the two sides, the blood demon complained angrily more than once: "If the golden body of the deity hadn't been destroyed by someone, how could you, a junior, be my opponent?"

"Without further ado!"

Zhong Bang didn't bother to talk to him about fairness.

The Xiaoyaoyou technique, one after another, combined with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, is full of power.

But that's all.

There seems to be a special power in this gorefiend's body, which can resist and eliminate the Qinglong righteousness released by Qinglong Yanyue Saber at the most critical moment.


With the power of the Immortal Soldier, coupled with the skill of Zhong Bang, a strange man of ten generations, he, a blood demon who is no longer at his peak, has long been beheaded.

Zhong Bang's intuition told himself that there must be some weirdness in it, and the power of himself and the Qinglong Yanyue Saber alone might not be enough to eradicate this blood demon.


The other party has nothing to do with him, the two of them are evenly matched, and neither can do anything to the other, unless something unexpected happens.

And at this moment.

But Lei Xiu jumped out and shouted coquettishly, "Brother Zhong, I'll help you!"

But on her right arm, there are seven blood lights, which are flickering faintly. It is the legendary seven stars on the shoulder!

Seven Star Girl's power has awakened!

And the person who awakened it and exploded was none other than the dead Lei Gang. Mao Xiaofang discovered the golden pill that condensed all the energy and skills from Lei Gang's mouth just now.

After Lei Xiu swallowed it, his power increased instantly, and Seven Stars awakened!


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