The Storm God

Chapter 3290 Gorefiend mutation!

Lei Xiu joined the battle.

Although she has now awakened Seven Star Girl's fate and part of her power, she is still far behind Zhong Bang and Gorefiend, and she still doesn't have a magic weapon in her hands.


Her joining did not have a great impact on the entire battle situation. At best, it could only make the blood demon a little flustered.

But when the battle situation is anxious.

Outside Gantian Town, a freshman fighter--Liu Ning is ushered in again!


At such a critical moment.

Liu Ning, the boss of the West, also just arrived, but it can't be explained that he came up with a unique move, helping Zhong Bang and Lei Xiu to deal with the blood demon.

Although Liu Ning's strength is not as good as Zhong Bang's, his cultivation is extremely pure, and Buddhism has a great restraint effect on demons.

this moment.

Quantitative change finally led to qualitative change.

The Gorefiend retreated steadily and was beaten clumsily by the three of Zhong Bang. He became more and more embarrassed, and the boundless devilish energy began to be replaced by the righteous energy of Qinglong.

The world began to restore a piece of clarity.


The Gorefiend was a little scared.

"I am the strongest, how could I be defeated by you ants!"

"Don't even think about it!"


He began to release the devilish energy in his body desperately.

That devilish energy didn't belong to him originally, it was accidentally obtained from another dimension, and its quality and power were far above that of Gorefiend.


The Gorefiend intends to keep this power and use it when he condenses his golden body, which can help him and achieve the state of perfect integration.

At that time, as long as there is a stable period of time, you can easily cross the tribulation, go straight to the realm of Mahayana, and become a land god.

But unfortunately...

Things backfired.

It is unlucky for him to run into Zhong Bang.

If I don't use that power now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to use it in the future.

In short.

Gorefiend is now desperate.

And with the awakening of the devilish energy in his body, the power of the blood demon began to expand instantly, like blowing up a balloon, his whole body also began to grow bigger.

Not only that.

The addition of terrifying demonic energy also made his face more ferocious and terrifying.

Although the blood demon brought in was ugly, it still had a somewhat human appearance, but with the fusion of this special demon energy, the blood demon was no longer human.

It had two horns on its head, bony spurs on its back, its feet turned into jointed limbs, its hands turned into claws, and its face was even more disgusting beyond description. It was impossible to tell what kind of monster it was.

This moment.

The Gorefiend is simply a thing that seems to be pieced together by various monsters. It is extremely ugly, but its momentum and magic power are unimaginably terrifying and powerful.

Just one easy blow completely disintegrated the combined attack of Zhong Bang and the three of them.


And that's just the beginning.

With the continuous fusion and sublimation of the devil energy, the body of the blood demon continued to grow, and the texture became more and more unclear.

Even Zhong Bang's Qinglong Yanyue Knife chopped on it, and now it can only cut a series of slight wounds. If he continues to evolve and become stronger like this, I am afraid that none of the three of Zhong Bang will be his opponent.

"The situation is not good!"

Mao Xiaofang and others who were watching the battle suddenly changed their expressions in shock and frowned.

Master Yixiu hastily ordered Hei Yue and the others to leave this place quickly, lest the Gorefiend go berserk later and sacrifice all of them here.

How could Hei Yue and the others leave so easily?

They shook their heads and refused.


Daoist Bai and the others were suddenly out of breath, but they were helpless, and felt a little relieved, and finally came up with a way, that is to gather everyone's strength to Zhong Bang, and let him use the Qinglong Yanyue Saber to deal with the blood demon.


Master Yixiu and others did not have any objections.

Even if the consequences of doing so are likely to cause them to die on the spot, it is the same. Because they have long been prepared to dedicate their lives to the Tao.


When the Gorefiend was immersed in strengthening and had no time to talk to everyone, Mao Xiaofang and others quickly gathered together and began to gather strength on Zhong Bang alone.

Zhong Bang, on the other hand, used the Xiaoyaoyou Kung Fu method and poured it on the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, preparing for the strongest and final blow.

some moment.

They are finally ready here.

The moment the power was gathered, Mao Xiaofang and the others all fell to the ground with extremely pale faces, panting.

Zhong Bang, on the other hand, radiated golden light all over his body, like an Oscar statuette. He held the same dazzling Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and flew up steeply, aiming at the head of the blood demon to smash Huashan with his strength.


The Gorefiend didn't dodge.

I don't know if it's disdain, or I just didn't have time to respond. In short, Zhong Bang's strongest knife was firmly chopped on the head of the blood demon.


Gorefiend is not only fine.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in Zhong Bang's hand was actually collapsed by the turbulent on-the-spot exercise. The main injury was broken, and Zhong Bang was thrown upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Blood spurted out in mid-air, and it was obvious that he had been severely injured.

at the same time.


Gorefiend also seemed to have fully sublimated.

The terrifying demon body, which was nearly thirty meters high, suddenly roared up to the sky, and the demonic energy surged instantly between the sky and the earth, covering the sky and the sun.

In a blink of an eye.

The entire sky around here turned into a terrifying scarlet color.

Everyone's ears and minds were also full of lingering magic sounds. Fortunately, they were firm-willed, and their soul cultivation was not bad, so they didn't receive too much influence.

But in Gantian Town further away, those ordinary villagers were immediately engulfed by the magic sound, and then completely degenerated.

at the same time.

Countless strands of evil thoughts were also stripped from the bodies of these villagers, and quickly flew out three-dimensionally, and then turned into boundless devilish energy, pouring into the body of the blood demon.


Even the ground under the feet, the surrounding mountains, rivers, animals and plants, etc., began to be aware of the influence of these demonic energy, and quickly turned black and red, decaying and boiling.

The whole scene was like Shura's hell, extremely terrifying.

The feng shui tree outside Gantian Town suppresses the feng shui veins, while the dragon vein stone hidden in it emits a faint light, making the final struggle and resistance.


Compared to a certain person, this glimmer is nothing to mention.

And that person was Bai Xiaofei who had just returned from a special dimension, and the boundless magic energy had no effect on him at all.


When meeting a boss of Bai Xiaofei's level, those demonic energy had to go around.


Bai Xiaofei came across this just after he came back, his expression darkened immediately, and he frowned and said, "It's the devilish energy of the devil's thoughts! It's really worrying!"

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has disappeared in place.

When Bai Xiaofei reappeared, it was in front of the Gorefiend. Compared with the tall and scarlet appearance of the Gorefiend, Bai Xiaofei is like a ray of light in the red night.

Although it looks small and gentle, it is like a mainstay, blocking the boundless demonic and terrifying aura of the blood demon with ease.


After Bai Xiaofei appeared, he didn't talk nonsense with the mutated Gorefiend Mojihe, and just sipped it lightly in his mouth, which was the surging and condensed power of infinite law.

follow closely……

Wan Dao Xiaguang flashed.

The boundless demon energy of the Gorefiend, like the darkness after the rising sun, began to dissipate and fade in an incomparable way, and the world returned to light and warmth!

at the same time.

In the void, countless chains of laws also shot out, and in an instant, the blood demon, which was more than ten feet tall, was bound into rice dumplings, unable to move!

"Mr. Bai!"

When Mao Xiaofang and the others saw this, they were immediately overjoyed, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's Mr. Bai! Mr. Bai is really amazing! Now we are saved!"

In a certain mountain stream, Zhong Bang, who was seriously injured, also flew into the air, and said excitedly: "Master! That's great, you're finally here!"


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