The Storm God

Chapter 3291 Merits from Heaven!


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

Glancing at Zhong Bang, seeing him in such a mess with blood on his lips, he couldn't help being speechless: "Why are you in such a mess?"

Quite dissatisfied and reprimanded.


With the power of Chung Bang.

There should be no problem dealing with a mere gorefiend.

After all, with Qinglong Yanyue Knife in hand, even if the Gorefiend had the hole card, but before that, it shouldn't be so embarrassing.

You can see the situation on the spot.

Zhong Bang himself didn't say anything, Mao Xiaofang and the others were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, extremely weak and powerless to escape.

This made him very depressed.


The apprentice I, Bai Xiaofei taught, is this capable?

What a shame!


Zhong Bang also sensed Bai Xiaofei's dissatisfaction, he immediately looked embarrassed, and silently lowered his head, not daring to say anything, daring to ask anything.

Mao Xiaofang and the others looked at each other without saying a word, and also didn't say much, after all, this is the master's and apprentice's own business.


"Who are you? Why do you have such a powerful force?"

"You are definitely not from this world!"


the other side.

The Gorefiend, who was tightly bound by the chains of laws, was still struggling and roaring, but unfortunately it didn't help, he couldn't get away from Bai Xiaofei's tricks at all.


Bai Xiaofei snorted coldly: "I am your grandfather!"


I don't bother to explain any more.

Facing the blood demon, Bai Xiaofei directly released the little black dragon on his left arm. From the state of the tattoo, the little black dragon has a cute little dragon head.

He seemed to be a little confused about the current situation, so after showing up, he first glanced at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes full of questions.

"You really want me to eat him?"

Such meaning flashed in the dark pupils.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then passed the message to the little black dragon: "This guy has completely merged with the blood demon, and his origin is a bit special. I am not easy to eliminate. Instead of wasting time and energy, it is better to let you have a full meal..."

"Thank you master!"

The little black dragon was overjoyed immediately.


He turned his head.

Facing the mutated Gorefiend who had been completely shocked by the power of the little black dragon, he excitedly licked his tongue, then opened his mouth to suck...


next moment.

Mao Xiaofang and the others saw it in horror.

The mutated gorefiend, who was still arrogant and arrogant just now, reminded the giant Wupeng that it quickly collapsed like a leaky balloon.

And in the process of being swallowed and absorbed, everyone could still clearly hear the scream of fear coming from the mouth of the Gorefiend: "Ah! You devil! You are the real devil! Please, spare me Bar……"

The sound became smaller and smaller, weaker and weaker.

until it disappears.

at the same time……

The body of the Gorefiend also completely disintegrated, turning into a jet-black powder, and as the sky returned to normal, it and the demonic energy finally completely disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty world, Mao Xiaofang and the others couldn't help being stunned for a while: "This... the blood demon was easily wiped out like this?"


"After all, Mr. Bai took action himself, how could he fail?"

"But having said that, Mr. Bai is really strong. With such a method, I'm afraid he has already surpassed the land gods and the like?"

"I think it's 80%!"


The back is completely crooked.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to everyone's discussion, but used his supreme power to deal with the aftermath.

after all……

The blood demon raged, not only harming many people, but also destroying the entire Fengshui area of ​​Gantian Town.

Although the Gorefiend was eliminated, the damaged geomantic veins did not return to their original state, and they still looked bad.

If it is not properly repaired, even if there are no monsters, Gantian Town and the surrounding towns and villages will suffer from frequent disasters and the people will live in dire straits.

As the saying goes, saving people to the end, sending Buddha to the west.

Anyway, they have already made a move, and it's not too bad. Besides, it's not for nothing. Restoring the land ravaged by blood demons and benefiting the common people is definitely a good thing that helps the heavens, and there are merits to be gained.

it's not...

Bai Xiaofei had just stabilized the geomantic veins in Gantian Town, and before it was fully restored, he felt a huge virtuous force descending on his head.

You don't need to think about it, it must be the saint's soul in the core of the world fragments, rewarding yourself with benefits.

After all, the harm of the Gorefiend is more or less related to him.

That is, cause and effect are involved.

Bai Xiaofei shot, in a sense, he was wiping his fart... Ahem, to solve the trouble, so it is natural to pay something to understand the cause and effect.

The saint soul has almost nothing now.

The exercises are passed on, the experience is given, and the rest is only merit. And merit is the supreme weapon to solve the troubles of cause and effect.


He gave it without hesitation.

And as Bai Xiaofei's handling of the aftermath becomes more perfect and perfect, there will be more merits to be earned in the future.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was immediately full of energy.

Eliminated the blood demon, fed the little black dragon, solved a big problem, and gained a lot of merit by the way...

All the benefits are almost earned by myself!

Really cool!


Time flies.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Bai Xiaofei has been very busy, saving people, changing feng shui, reorganizing the power of the earth veins, restoring harmony between heaven and earth, cleaning up the influence of demonic energy...

Almost everything has to be done by him personally.


The payoff is also huge.

According to Bai Xiaofei's estimation, this wave, at least to say the least, has earned more than a million merits. Compared with my own effort, it's a bloody profit!

Not only that.

After the Gorefiend incident, the villagers of Gantian Town, and even the people in several surrounding towns and villages, have increased their belief in Bai Xiaofei day by day.

Bai Xiaofei deliberately and clearly felt that there was a steady stream of faith power born from these people at all times, and gathered in himself.

Coupled with the technique of beheading the three corpses taught by the saint's soul, the perception and experience of the way of heaven, etc., others can laugh out loud in their dreams.

But none of that matters.

What excites Bai Xiaofei the most is that in a few hours, the upgrade of the space-time shuttle will be completed.

Thinking of the space-time shuttle being upgraded to Lv6, whether it is the basic functions or the overall strength, there will be an earth-shaking improvement, Bai Xiaofei is so happy that he can hardly sit still.

Thinking about the powerful abilities that the space-time shuttle might possess after upgrading, how could Bai Xiaofei listen to what Mao Xiaofang and others were saying.

At the end.

Mao Xiaofang and others also figured out that Bai Xiaofei's thoughts were not here at all, so they stopped staying here one by one, turned and left one after another.

Including Bai Xiaofei's quasi-disciple Zhong Bang.

And at this time, the three moth demon sisters, the old spider spirit and other younger brothers finally arrived in Gantian Town.

Strangely, among the three sisters, there was actually a man who looked imposing. The man's cultivation was sealed by the three sisters, and his hands and feet were also tied. Like a prisoner, he was brought to Bai Xiaofei.

"Yang Feiyun!"

And Bai Xiaofei only took one look, and immediately recognized the identity of this man.


This person is the big boss in the first plot of Zombie Daoist Master. Bai Xiaofei sent people to search for the future demon leader Yang Feiyun who failed for a long time.


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