The Storm God

Chapter 3292 Fusion!

Yang Feiyun's current state is very poor.

Thinking about it, I suffered a lot during the process of being escorted. Bai Xiaofei also discovered that Yang Feiyun's energy was seriously lacking.


Bai Xiaofei looked at the three moth demon sisters.

The third of the three sisters immediately lowered her head shyly, and explained: "Sir, this Yang Feiyun has some skills, just in case, I absorbed a little bit of his yang energy, so that he would not have the strength to escape... "


Looking at Yang Feiyun's panda-like dark circles, Bai Xiaofei said in his heart: "Fuck! This is also called absorbing a little bit? If it is more serious, I'm afraid it will be done by being sucked into a human being, right?"


But he smiled and said: "Well, you did a good job!"

The three sisters were overjoyed immediately.


They took the Ice Phoenix holy water that Bai Xiaofei rewarded, and some other natural and earthly treasure cultivation resources, and left happily.

In the room, only Bai Xiaofei and Yang Feiyun were left.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you arresting me? We don't seem to know each other?"

"What the hell are you trying to do?"


Yang Feiyun is very smart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't grow from an ordinary monk to a super boss and devil. He easily saw that the culprit of all this was Bai Xiaofei.

It's just that Yang Feiyun didn't understand, this person in front of him, he had clearly never even seen him before, why did the other party want to arrest him?


Looking at Yang Feiyun who was bewildered and desperate, Bai Xiaofei sneered coldly, and decided to let him be a fool, so he explained: "There is no enmity between us, and it's not because you did any bad things..."


It's okay if Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, but Yang Feiyun was even more confused by this explanation.

No grudges, no grudges, why are you arresting me?



Bai Xiaofei seemed to see through his thoughts, and immediately snorted coldly: "But! In the near future, you will do evil and kill countless innocent people!"


Yang Feiyun was shocked suddenly.

He immediately thought of a possibility, that is, the person in front of him seemed to know his ambition and some plans for the future.


How can this be?

I have only just drafted those so-called plans and haven't put them into action yet. How could this person know?

Could it be that he can predict the future?


Looking at Yang Feiyun, who was drenched in cold sweat, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "I can indeed predict the future, that's why I sent people to find your whereabouts, in order to kill you, the devil, in the cradle!"

Yang Feiyun's face suddenly turned ashen, full of despair.


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, after explaining, murderous intent filled his eyes, and he said indifferently: "You actually know the reason now, so you can go on the road with peace of mind, but you can rest assured, since you haven't For the sake of causing too many killings, I can let you die quickly!"

The words fell.

Without waiting for Yang Feiyun to have any reaction.

Bai Xiaofei's terrifying primordial spirit power invaded Yang Feiyun's sea of ​​consciousness directly and brutally, and then destroyed him completely like a rotten one.

As soon as the sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, Yang Feiyun died instantly.


Even the soul is restrained.

The reason why Bai Xiaofei did this was to completely eliminate the possibility of Yang Feiyun turning into a ghost. After all, in the original plot, Yang Feiyun died once, but was later struck by lightning and mutated into a more powerful ghost.

The plot has inertia.

Of course he would not give Yang Feiyun any hope.


God has the virtue of good life.

Bai Xiaofei didn't let him go out of his wits, never to be reborn. Instead, he directly used his ability to send Yang Feiyun's soul to the underworld.

As for Yan Luo Heqing of the underworld, he also knew about Bai Xiaofei's plan long before.

Therefore, after Yang Feiyun's soul was sent to the underworld, it was immediately concocted by ghost messengers using secret methods. The three souls and seven souls were all scattered again, sealed, and then distributed to ten different remnant souls. Reincarnated once every ten years.

In this way, all the possibility of Yang Feiyun becoming a demon was killed to the greatest extent.

Do it all.

Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that his meritorious power seemed to have increased a lot, obviously getting rid of Yang Feiyun's operation was beneficial to the common people.

This is very comfortable!


for hours.

A long-lost "Master".

Bai Xiaofei was immediately overwhelmed with surprise, and stood up excitedly.

"Little brat!"

Bai Xiaofei excitedly said: "The space-time shuttle has been upgraded?"

"Yes Master!"

The little boy's voice sounded a lot more mature, less immature, and more stable: "I'll transmit the upgraded information to you right now!"

next moment……


Countless contents suddenly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

And he himself seemed to be in a strange and incomparably dimensional space. Apart from himself, there was a triangular fragment of something in front of him.

Needless to say.

Bai Xiaofei recognized the origin of the triangular fragment almost instantly——

"Time shuttle?"


The triangular fragment trembled slightly, as if responding to Bai Xiaofei's inquiry, and then the surrounding scene changed, and Bai Xiaofei seemed to be in a VR scene. In a very short period of time, he experienced countless fantastic and magnificent scenes.

"This is……"

After a long while, Bai Xiaofei came back to his senses, and said in shock, "...Some of the past of those supreme powerhouses, and the experience of building space-time shuttles?"

No one answered him.

The triangular fragment also returned to silence, like a dead object.


Bai Xiaofei felt it clearly.

I seem to have a deeper connection with it, and the other party seems to be a piece of flesh and blood on my body...

Bai Xiaofei tried to control it.

next moment……


The triangular fragment actually came in front of Bai Xiaofei.

And just when he reached out to touch the triangle fragment, a burst of strong light flashed, and the triangle fragment disappeared, completely integrated into Bai Xiaofei's body.

Bai Xiaofei found a special triangular badge in his sea of ​​consciousness. It exudes colorful streamers all over its body, and it is unknown.

at the same time……

A strong and profound force.

It also spread out from this triangular badge, spread into one's own sea of ​​consciousness, and gradually merged with one's own primordial consciousness and even soul.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly discovered that his comprehension of the laws of time and space has been enhanced by more than a thousand times, and at the same time, his strength in this aspect is also improving rapidly like a rocket.

Not only that.

With the incorporation of this special power, Bai Xiaofei also discovered that he seemed to possess many special powerful abilities.


Consciousness connects the heavens and stars, searches for space-time coordinates, locates life signals, opens a special inner world, and establishes a special communication and connection with a more powerful existence...

Etc., etc.

All in all, it's pretty amazing.

But immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized: "My God, aren't these abilities the functions of the space-time shuttle? Why are they transferred to me now?"

"Could it be..."

"I am now the space-time shuttle itself?"

"It's not scientific!"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

At this time, a handsome young man suddenly appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air. Judging from his appearance, he looked like a kid.


Isn't this boy just a brat?

as expected.


But the young man smiled at Bai Xiaofei and said, "This is the biggest function of the space-time shuttle after it has been upgraded to Lv6. It is completely integrated with the host!"


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