The Storm God

Chapter 3295 Confirm coordinates!

Almost at the same time.

Among Bai Xiaofei's avatars, two missions were completed relatively early, and they also started to act one after another, directly refining the space-time world they were in into a member of their own small world.


Mummy world!

As the breeding ground for the ice crystal phoenix and the place where the mutated enhanced version of the ice phoenix holy water is produced, the mummified Shangri-la is a precious resource that cannot be ignored.

Even if Bai Xiaofei didn't want anything else, he had to get Shangri-La. What's more, this is still the hometown of Dragon Emperor, so we can't give up.

Among Bai Xiaofei's many subordinates, although Dragon Emperor is not the strongest, he has the greatest potential.

The Three Lives True Self Judgment is enough to make the Dragon Emperor a god emperor, or even a big boss in the field of the venerable realm, so no matter what, it must be cultivated well.

And integrating the mummy world into his own small world is the most critical step, which is equivalent to letting a towering tree take root in the fertile soil!

After all, the mummy world itself is very deformed. If you want to correct it, or even thrive, the key is to improve it.

And this key, if you let it go, it is generally impossible. Only in Bai Xiaofei's small world, with the environmental blessing of endless power, can there be hope.

The better and stronger the development of the mummy world, the higher the Dragon Emperor's income, the faster the growth rate, and the more terrifying the combat power he can display!

after all……

The Dragon Emperor followed the way of the emperor.

It can be said that he is a collection of thousands of favors, and his destiny, as well as the skills he has practiced, are only second to Huangtu's domineering.

The heavens and worlds are his real battlefield.

After the mummy world is integrated into Bai Xiaofei's small world, the Dragon Emperor can follow Bai Xiaofei to conquer all worlds and seek his true self.

Another world that has been integrated is the Immortal Cultivation version of the Tianlong Babu world.


This world is relatively low-level and backward.

But no matter what, it has something to do with cultivating immortals. It is just right to use it as an over-promoted world for low-level boys.

If you can cultivate to the level of the Four Elders of Tianshan Mountain, you can enter the world of Shushan Mountain, break through your own limits, and seek a higher growth space!

However, the world of Spider-Man, the world of X-Men, and the world of Middle-earth, because the factors involved are too large and complex, or there is not much room for appreciation, so they are not within the scope of refining and fusion.

It is very suitable for use as a testing ground or something.


The top priority of everything.

It is still the world of Corpse Brothers with frequent changes and infinite possibilities. It is the world that Bai Xiaofei manages most carefully, and it is also the time and space with the most strategic significance.

And now its biggest threat is the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, with Shushan World, Tianlong World, Mummy World, and Bai Xiaofei's own strength, his overall strength is constantly rising.

I believe that in time, it will definitely not be a problem to overtake the Great Xia Dynasty.


The main god space is also there.

Even without Bai Xiaofei, relying on Dr. Zola and the main god space, I believe that Bai Fei, Hei Fei and others can also wrestle with the Great Xia Dynasty!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Although Dr. Zola's main god space has just been established, it has great potential and a very fast development speed. Shushan World and others rely on the main god space to expand. Although there have been some small episodes in the middle, the result is good.

Bai Xiaofei believes that as the second and third batches of the Lord God Squad members march to the heavens, their scale and power will become larger and larger.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei now seems to have been directly promoted from a small boss of a small company to the boss of a listed group.

There is no need for Bai Xiaofei to do anything on his own, just by relying on the employees under his command, he can create huge wealth and benefits for himself.


Compared with the space of reincarnation, the gap is still quite huge.

After all, he is a world-class overlord, and Bai Xiaofei, a company that has just gone public, does not have the strength to fight head-on with it.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as it develops well and develops steadily, if nothing happens, it will inevitably become a new star company that dominates Apple like Huawei.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei was very confident.

Especially after merging with the space-time shuttle, awakening the Eye of Primordial Mist, and coming into contact with the rules transformed by the will of the Great Dao.


What he wants to do most now is to find his wife and children back.

After all, it has been a long, long time since the unexpected parting of the two parties. In the past, there was no such condition to search and act, but now that there is one, Bai Xiaofei will certainly not waste time and continue to procrastinate.

After explaining some things to Dr. Zola and several avatars, the deity Bai Xiaofei exerted his strength, contacted and communicated with the rules formed by the will of the Hongmeng Dao again, and informed the other party of his appeal.

That is, to activate the ability of time and space detectives, and let the rules of the road help to find Bai Xiaofei's wife and children in the heavens and worlds.

Once he has the exact information, Bai Xiaofei only needs to pay a certain price to cross the world of endless time and space and descend directly to the past.

earlier time.

The space-time shuttle locates the final location of the dimensional space, which is within the DC world. But because the DC world is a multiverse, there is no further hint as to which world it is in.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei sought help from the power of rules transformed by the will of Hongmeng Avenue, in order to precisely locate his exact world coordinates.

In view of the results of the previous exploration as an auxiliary reference, the consumption this time is undoubtedly very small.


Big Brother Hongmeng's awesome program, which is neither sad nor happy, is extremely fair and honest, helped Bai Xiaofei pinpoint the location of the dimensional space.

At the same time, some of Bai Xiaofei's strength was automatically deducted as a reward for his actions.

But after Bai Xiaofei got the accurate search data, he froze on the spot on the spot: "Fuck! You're not in the same world yet? This is troublesome!"


Dimensional space is broken.

Many things in it, including Bai Xiaofei's wife and children, were scattered into some worlds in the DC multiverse in that big bang, not all of them were together.

Fortunately, Big Brother Hongmeng has already given the specific world coordinates, and the information shows that there are not many separated worlds, only three worlds.

Bai Xiaofei studied it carefully.

He found that the level of one of the worlds was much higher than that of the other two worlds, which meant that a very powerful existence was likely to appear in this world.

Just like Superman!


With the strength of Diana and others, even facing Superman, it is not very stressful, but the key point is that Bai Xiaofei doesn't know who has fallen into that highest world.

It would be fine if it was Diana, after all, she was the strongest, but if it was Xiaoqian or Xiao Bailei, it would be a bit worrying.

After all, some of Dachao's enemies are quite terrifying.

Just like Doomsday!

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to see any danger of his wife and children's births, and those babies in the dimension space, if they fell into the wrong hands, it would be a big trouble.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately became anxious.

He decided to go to the highest time and space in the world first, and after confirming who fell there and there was no danger, he went to the other two worlds.


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