The Storm God

Chapter 3296 Come to Midtown!


Having made up his mind, Bai Xiaofei naturally won't delay any longer.

With the precise space-time coordinates, he activated the ability directly. And with the activation of the shuttle ability, a huge force was instantly deducted from Bai Xiaofei's body.


It is the reward paid to Big Brother Hongmeng.

Although it is still huge, it is much smaller than when relying on the space-time shuttle. Anyway, Bai Xiaofei thinks it is very cost-effective.


After the ability is activated.

Bai Xiaofei instantly found himself in a special area of ​​incomparable chaos. The surrounding scene was like a starry sky in the universe, full of brilliance, dazzling and eye-catching.


It is different from the countless magnificent stars in the universe.

Bai Xiaofei glanced around, but all he saw were countless moving images, just like there were countless TVs playing countless film and television pictures.

Bai Xiaofei was extremely surprised.


"Aren't those pictures just the time projections of the space-time world?"

"It's simply unbelievable."


Bai Xiaofei's eyes were burning hot, and there were countless inspirations and ideas in his mind, which sprouted in an instant, and he obviously learned a lot from them.

At this time...

There was a sudden burst of light ahead.

And when Bai Xiaofei came to his senses, he had already stepped over the bright light and appeared directly on a modern city avenue.


As soon as the GM SUV was on, it braked abruptly and stopped in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Immediately afterwards, there was the usual traffic queue behind, and the culprit was Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

"Looking for death!"

The owner of the SUV stuck his head out and cursed at Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei reacted, his eyes suddenly turned cold.


He calmly stepped aside.

But when the SUV was about to move on cursingly, a force suddenly acted on its four tires.


The SUV has just started, and it is paralyzed in place again in an instant.

But this time, the car owner couldn't find anyone to vent to, even if he suspected that it was related to Bai Xiaofei, it was useless because he had no evidence.


Bai Xiaofei had already left there.

In this brief moment, Bai Xiaofei's primordial spirit power almost swept across the blueprint of the entire city, and he immediately knew his location.

A modern metropolis in the United States.


The city is very strange.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei had never heard of the name of this city in the previous world, but Bai Xiaofei was extremely familiar with the existence of some of them.

Like, The Flash!


The most famous hero in this city is The Flash! There is no Superman! No Batman! There is no Neptune or anything, only The Flash!

And the name of this city is Zhongcheng!


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said, "According to the information we have now, it's definitely not the movie version, could it be the TV version?"

Think here.

In his mind, the image of a big red boy in a scenic spot and several important people related to it flashed involuntarily.

Shock wave!



Kid Flash!

Extremely fast!


Etc., etc.

There is no way, the blueprint of the TV series is too huge, and it even has a linkage with several other DCs. In this way, the relevant plot characters and world view become more vast and complicated.

Anyway, I can't explain a sentence or two at all.


These are also not important.

The most important thing now is to find his wife and children, as well as the scattered items in the dimensional space, and the rest can be discussed later.

The world is not big, but it is not small.

It is definitely not an easy task to find someone in the vast crowd, even for Bai Xiaofei.

After entering this world, Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that his power seemed to be restricted by some kind of rules. Although it was not enough to completely suppress one's own strength, it was still somewhat affected.


This is also related to Bai Xiaofei not fully descending.

Otherwise, even if there is suppression, he can instantly cover the entire earth with the power of his primordial spirit, and then pay attention to screening to find out where his relatives are.

But now, it's obviously impossible.


In the complex and profound rules of the multiverse, there seems to be a special and powerful existence secretly peeping at the earth.

And that power, even for Bai Xiaofei, feels quite tricky!

"The energy is so terrifying, who could it be?"

"The Flash's enemies..."

Bai Xiaofei walked slowly towards the Starlight Laboratory in Midtown, while thinking to himself, in the TV drama version, how many enemies are there for the Flash Barry Allen?

And which ones are the most powerful?


A name flashed out.


Thinking of the terror and power of this person, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but tremble: "Don't be this guy, if it's really him, then things will be troublesome!"

Bai Xiaofei doesn't know much about DC's comics, most of them come from film and television dramas, and in related plots, he knows only a few of the most powerful characters.

They are: Doctor Manhattan, Dachao, Doomsday, Green Lantern, The Flash, Batman, Darkseid, and then there are the monitors and anti-monitors.


Doctor Manhattan was spun off.

Because this guy is too perverted, there is no one else to play with him, so Dr. Manhattan was excluded, and it only exists in "Watchmen".

Other plot characters are easier to engage with.


With the continuous development and extension of each character, the system is getting bigger and bigger, and the screenwriters, who are the creators, can't control it.

So there are various restart phenomena.

Like the Lightning Paradox!

for example……

Crisis on Infinite Earths!

And the latter is undoubtedly the one with the biggest changes and the most far-reaching impact, none of them!

If the power of peeping just now really came from the surveillance, or the anti-monitor, then this world is likely to belong to the crisis on infinite earths.

Even if it is not the end stage, there will inevitably be such a day.

Faced with such an existence, Bai Xiaofei also felt a little weak. It's not that he can't beat the opponent, the main thing is that this is not his home field, and he will suffer a lot in a fight.


Coupled with the various bonuses of the power of destiny, it will be even more disgusting.

For example, anti-monitors, starbursts, and destroying galaxies are just the lowest level. Do you dare to believe that they destroy a universe every now and then?

Bai Xiaofei will inevitably be constrained in an away game. It is a disadvantage to say that most of his power comes from himself, and he will lose as much as he uses.

But the other party is different.

Restarting the universe, and it's still a multiverse, just like eating and drinking water, even if Bai Xiaofei has advanced to the God Emperor Realm, compared with others' world-creating power, it is still a little bit worse.


Bai Xiaofei seemed a little anxious.

Fortunately, his speed was not slow, and he quickly found the quite famous Starlight Laboratory in Midtown, where he saw a long-haired Shockwave—Sisko Raymond.

There is also the glamorous Frost Girl——Kaitlin Snow.


The Frost Girl at this moment is not the cold and sassy second personality form, but the usual female scientist and female doctor.

"Who are you?"

For Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, Sisko and Caitlin were very surprised and surprised, because the security measures in the Starlight Laboratory are quite acceptable.

Ordinary people cannot easily enter.


Opposite this Chinese youth.

But it was as if he was visiting his own back garden, and he entered easily without any alarm, obviously not an ordinary person.

Therefore, the two looked at Bai Xiaofei's expression with a bit of seriousness.

Even jealous!


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