The Storm God

Chapter 3297 Little Bai Lei is on Earth-38!

Sisko and Caitlin could feel that Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side was not simple, and even their intuition told themselves that this person was quite dangerous.


They immediately put on a guarded posture.

Sisko is better, there is no special change, but Kaitlyn directly transformed into the Frost Killer, looking much more glamorous than before.

at the same time.

The billowing cold air was also released from her body, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees in an instant.

"take it easy!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at Caitlin indifferently, then smiled and waved at the two of them, saying, "My name is Bai Xiaofei, and I don't have any malicious intentions here, but I'm here to ask for help!"


Sisko was taken aback when he heard this.

Caitlin also looked surprised, but she didn't relax her vigilance.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Looking at the vigilant Frost Killer, he said with a smile: "Caitlin, can you relax a little? Don't be afraid of hitting your self-esteem. With your little ability, it's not enough to stand in front of me!"

The voice just fell.

Before Caitlin could react.

She was shocked to find that her strength had degraded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he returned from the state of Frost Killer to the normal state.

"You, what did you do to me?"

Caitlin was horrified.

Bingshuang is her second personality, and also her good friend, she loves her sisters, so naturally she doesn't like the other party to be hurt in any way.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I just let her relax, I didn't do anything to her, I think you should be able to feel it..."

Caitlin: "..."

She no longer spoke, but began to feel carefully.

Sisko on the other side frowned, horrified in his heart. To know Caitlin's strength, it's quite good.


In front of this Chinese surnamed Bai, without even a chance to react, his power was sealed. What is the origin of the other party?

He came to us for help?


What a joke!

What can us mere mortals do for things that even a great god like him can't do? I'm afraid the other party won't entertain us anymore, right?

At the same time astonished.

Sisko also immediately pressed the emergency signal of Starlight Lab calmly, hoping that Barry Allen could rush back to rescue the scene.

As everyone knows.

All his actions could not escape Bai Xiaofei's perception.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei pretended not to see it.


Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly explained his purpose of coming: "I want to ask you a few people, and they are..."


He gave all the information about Diana and others to Sisko, and then continued: "They are my family, I got separated from them, and finally found this world, I believe that with your ability , it shouldn't be difficult to find them..."

"I see!"

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Sisko finally understood that Bai Xiaofei is not from this world, including his wife and children.

And the Starlight Laboratory does have the ability to search for related characters and events in the multi-universe, because they have often done this before.


The current Wells was called to help from other multiverses, and he was not the second term.

However, even so, it is definitely not an easy task to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people and the diverse world.

The most important thing is, if he is not relative, why should I spend so much energy and material resources to help him?

Is it because he is a foreigner?


The Flash team is the incarnation of heroes, but heroes do not mean doing charity, they also need a sufficient reason.

Otherwise, if everyone came to ask them for help, wouldn't they be exhausted?

And Sisko's thoughts were all seen by Bai Xiaofei. He smiled slightly and said seriously: "As long as you can help find them, I can promise you some conditions, such as helping The Flash deal with some enemies." What……"


Sisko was surprised again when he heard the words, looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief and said, "How do you know that The Flash is with us?"

At this point, denial is meaningless.

Caitlin was shocked too.


But Bai Xiaofei smiled mysteriously: "I know far more than you imagined, otherwise I wouldn't let other people go looking for it, but came to you directly, not only because of your technology, but also because of your skills. The main reason is Barry Allen the Flash!"


The two remained silent, only shocked and astonished at the moment.

This Chinese young man from another world seemed to be far more mysterious and terrifying than he had imagined. Standing in front of him, it was as if he had seen through it completely.

I feel uncomfortable all over!


And at this moment.

A red lightning flashed, and Barry Allen, the Flash, was back.

Wearing a red battle suit and a mask, he looked at Bai Xiaofei, Sisko and Caitlin curiously, a little confused about the current situation.

"what happened?"

At that time, Barry Allen was on Earth-38, discussing matters with superwoman Kara Danvers, but suddenly received a distress signal from Sisko, and hurried back to Earth-1.

But when he returned to the Starlight Laboratory, what he saw was a seemingly harmonious picture, which made Barry Allen a little confused.

at the same time……

Barry Allen could also feel that the stranger in front of him was very powerful. The moment I ran in just now, this person's eyes were actually staring at me!

That is.

The opponent can keep up with his own speed!


It's incredible!


When Sisko and Caitlin saw the Flash Barry Allen come back, their faces were overjoyed, and they quickly walked aside, telling him what Bai Xiaofei wanted to ask for help.

Finally asked: "Do you think we should help him?"

Change to normal.

Sisko may choose to help.

But Bai Xiaofei's origin is unknown after all, and he is so powerful, if he is a bad person, wouldn't he be helping the evildoers?

So it's better to be cautious.

But what a dream.

After the Flash Barry Allen finished listening, he was right there, and then he stared at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Mr. Bai, you mean that your daughter's name is Xiao Bailei?" ? There is also a hammer in your hand that no one can lift?"


Hearing Barry Allen's words, Sisko and Caitlin were stunned immediately, because they just told Barry that Bai Xiaofei's daughter was called Xiao Bailei, and the weapon was a hammer, but no one knew about the hammer. Can't pick it up!

But Barry said it directly!

Could it be...


Bai Xiaofei was also taken aback when he heard the words, then stared blankly at Barry Allen the Flash, and said in surprise: "That's right, the name of that hammer is Mjolnir, and Xiao Bailei often calls it the Meow Hammer, have you seen it before?" she?"


Barry Allen shook his head directly, and said: "I haven't seen Xiao Bai Lei, but I heard about it from Kara Danvers on Earth-38, because Xiao Bai Lei is a member of the Chaocha Department. The youngest heroine..."

"take me!"

Before Barry Allen finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei interrupted him directly: "Now, immediately, immediately! Or give me the coordinates of Earth-38, and I will go there myself!"


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