The Storm God

Chapter 3298 Are you really her father?

"Ah? This..."

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Barry was startled.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the person in front of him would be so powerful. Even without his own help, he could go to Earth-38 by himself as long as he had the coordinates.


It occurred to him that this person might be Xiao Bai Lei's father.

Barry was relieved.

after all.

In the super-challenge department of Earth-38, Xiao Bailei is the youngest heroine, holding the magic weapon Meow Meow Hammer, this thunder and lightning, even Supergirl Kara can be tough.

As Xiao Bai Lei's father, it is naturally impossible to be ordinary.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Flash Barry quickly figured out the key point, nodded and said, "I can take you to Earth-38, but there have been some troubles there recently, and we may not have the time and energy..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "My purpose is to find lost relatives, and I'm not very interested in other messy things, so don't worry about us!"

Said categorically.

"All right!"

Everyone said so, what else could Barry do?

Of course it will be done.


He starts to run.

Shockwave Sisko, on the other hand, was in charge of correcting the coordinates to avoid accidents and let Barry go to other earth time and space.

Barry has done a lot of similar things before.


The earth is not peaceful recently. I heard that many space-times on the earth have been destroyed by antimatter waves, so I have to be more careful now.


A water-like tunnel quickly formed.

have to say.

The Flash's team is still very capable. Although its combat effectiveness is not great, its technological strength is extremely impressive.

Surprisingly, only with some low-level development capabilities and simple technological means, it is possible to break through the barriers and tunnels of the parallel worlds of the multiverse...

Bai Xiaofei can only say that it is worthy of being the DC universe that keeps pace with Marvel. The wall of this world is really as fragile as glass!

"Mr. Bai, please, this is the space tunnel leading to Earth-38!" The Flash Barry Allen indicated that it was possible to pass.


Bai Xiaofei wasn't afraid of their tricks either.

Hearing this, he nodded, and walked into the space tunnel calmly, followed by him in an empty corner of the super-challenge department of Earth-38.

And around, there are some familiar or unfamiliar figures.


Supergirl Kara!

The Atom, who played Superman, is actually an ordinary Batgirl...

The *** in Legends of Tomorrow...

Etc., etc.

In short.

many people.

Moreover, he was still dressed and ready to go, ready to go out and do a big job.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei, a stranger, suddenly appear from the space tunnel, these superheroes were slightly taken aback.

follow closely……


Flash Barry Allen also passed through the space tunnel.

"Barry, who is this?"

Seeing Barry appear, Superwoman Kara immediately asked.

And the other superheroes kept looking at Bai Xiaofei one after another, and some even became secretly vigilant.


Bai Xiaofei's aura was too weird.

Although the aura looks like ordinary people, the intuition of these superheroes tells them that this person is by no means simple!


Supergirl Kara is the most certain one.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei had also fused Superman's DNA before, thus possessing Kryptonian superpowers, and even upgraded and strengthened them.

This kind of special connection originating from the blood is naturally very familiar to Superwoman Kara, and somehow feels close to Bai Xiaofei.


She obviously only saw Bai Xiaofei for the first time.

This is very abnormal.


Barry didn't keep it secret, and quickly introduced Bai Xiaofei's identity to Supergirl and other superheroes, and finally said: "He may be the father of Thunder God Xiao Bailei..."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

You know, in the world of Earth 38, the name and prestige of Thor Xiaobai Lei is very great, even comparable to superwoman Kara.

after all……

Little Bai Lei is so cute.

Not to mention her young age and strong strength, her background is very mysterious, and her growth rate is even more astonishing. It is easy to gain the love and love of the public.

Superheroes such as Supergirl also like it very much, and are willing to help Xiao Bailei find her lost family.


I have worked hard for a long time, but there has been no news.

Until now, the entire multiverse has been greatly threatened, and they have not been able to help Xiao Bailei find her relatives. Just when Supergirl and others have no hope for this, a young man who is suspected to be Xiaobailei's father , but suddenly came to the door.

This made Superwoman and the others very shocked and unbelievable.


The Flash Barry Allen called the heroine, Batgirl and others in Legends of Tomorrow aside, leaving only Superwoman Kara to accompany Bai Xiaofei.

The Martian Manhunter, who was disguised as a normal black human, hurriedly sent someone to find Xiao Bai Lei who was on a mission.

the other side.

Superwoman Kara looked at Bai Xiaofei, feeling a little tangled and curious.

Bai Xiaofei was generous, not polite to her at all, and said bluntly: "Miss Kara, if you want to ask anything, just ask, you don't need to alienate me, after all, Xiao Bailei should have received a lot of attention in your super-investigation department." Your care?"


Carla nodded.

He smiled and said: "Little Bai Lei is very attractive. Our super-challenge department treats her like a treasure. Unfortunately, we have not been able to help her find her family... Well, are you really her father?"

to be honest.

Supergirl is a little skeptical.

Because Xiao Bailei has typical western characteristics and doesn't have any oriental characteristics on her body, but Bai Xiaofei obviously looks like an oriental.

Normally speaking, Bai Xiaofei couldn't be Xiao Bailei's father!


Is it Xiao Bailei's stepfather?


Bai Xiaofei didn't expect that the superwoman Kara would doubt her authenticity. Hearing this, he was slightly taken aback, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Indeed, I have no blood relationship with Xiao Bailei, but I am indeed her father!"

"Can a death be private?"

And Kara, the superwoman who heard what Bai Xiaofei said, was stunned on the spot: "What's the situation? You are not related by blood, so how could she be your daughter? Could it be that she is a stepfather?"

"Roughly the same!"

This involves some coquettish operations of the red queen, and Bai Xiaofei is not easy to explain to the superwoman Kara, so he can only smile wryly: "Actually, my two wives are not Xiao Bailei's biological mother. , is a bit complicated and difficult to explain.”


"I am indeed Xiao Bailei's father, without a doubt. The Meow Hammer in her hand has been specially modified by me, and I also have the same power of thunder on my body..."


Before he finished speaking, billowing thunder and lightning suddenly flashed from Bai Xiaofei's body, which shocked everyone around him.

Seeing this scene, Superwoman Kara's doubts immediately weakened a lot, because the way Bai Xiaofei manipulated the lightning was exactly like Xiao Bailei.


Little Bai Lei didn't seem to have said that the relatives she was looking for were her biological parents. It's just that everyone agrees.

Whether this mysterious and powerful Mr. Bai in front of him is Xiao Bai Lei's father or not, it will be known when Xiao Bai Lei arrives.


Superwoman Kara was more curious about another question, so she rolled her eyes and asked, "Mr. Bai, have you heard of Krypton?"



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