The Storm God

Chapter 3299 Female Thor Bai Lei!

Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

Looking at the superwoman Kara with a probing look on her face, Bai Xiaofei thought to himself, don't you just want to ask, am I from Krypton?

As for making so many detours?

How much better to be direct!


Bai Xiaofei nodded calmly.

Then he directly confessed: "Not only have I heard of it, but I have also come into contact with one of the Kryptonians. The Kryptonian is called Clark Kent. He has a son named Jason, and Xiao Bai Lei went to bed with him." Going to school..."

"But I'm sorry, I'm really not a Kryptonian. Although I have the same or even stronger abilities than you, I am a genuine Earthling!"

"It's just not the earth in your space-time dimension!"

"Do you know what I mean?"


Supergirl was dumbfounded.

She never expected that Bai Xiaofei's answer would be this, and he actually knew Clark, a superman from another time and space...


It's incredible!

In particular, Clark's son, Jason, has such a past with Xiao Bai Lei, why hasn't Xiao Bai Lei ever heard of it?

Could it be because of the huge changes that occurred on Earth 22?

this moment.

Supergirl Kara thinks a lot.

Bai Xiaofei saw that she was outside Hun Feitian, but he didn't disturb Kara's thoughts, just watched silently and waited patiently.

And the other side.

In the Las Vegas casino city of the United States, some criminals with super powers are committing crimes wantonly, venting their desires frantically.

Because they heard that the whole world was about to be destroyed.

That is the end of the world!


Now that it's all like this, what else is there to be afraid of? Of course, you have to enjoy it while you are still alive!

How cool is it!

Things that I wanted to do but didn't dare to do before, now I have to play to my heart's content, so that I can be worthy of the rest of my life!







Etc., etc.

People have desires, and people are different, so desires are naturally different.

Especially these super criminals, their hearts are different from normal people, and they often make trouble for the police. Now that the end of the world is coming, they are even more lawless.

It's just how arrogant it is.

The bustling and bustling casino city in the past is now almost full of smoke and screams. As far as the eye can see, it is a mess, like ruins.

But in the central area of ​​this dilapidated city, at this moment, there is a small figure, wearing an armor of unknown strength, holding a square hammer, bathed in thunder and lightning, fighting a group of super criminals.

"Damn you scumbags!"

The one who shouted the controversial slogan in anger was the figure of a young girl.

And around her, there were no less than two dozen super criminals. These criminals are male and female, old and young, fat and thin, handsome and vengeful!


The only thing they have in common is the same symbol imprinted on their bodies. Obviously these super criminals come from the same organization and group.

In terms of strength.

These super criminals are still very powerful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to completely defeat the local army in a short period of time and destroy the gambling city into what it is today.

in short.

Together, they definitely have the powerful power to destroy one, or even several cities.


These are still not enough to look at in front of the girl.

Even if there are too many people to bully the few, these super criminals will not get any benefits, and even a few of them were killed by the girl.

This pissed them off.


One day, the communication on the girl's body suddenly rang, followed by the voice of the super-challenge department she was familiar with: "Miss Bai Lei, please come back quickly..."

"No time!"

Before he could say anything on the communication side, he was interrupted by the girl: "I am busy here, and a large number of criminals are waiting for me to beat up. If there is anything, you can solve it yourself!"


She's about to hang up the call.


Immediately afterwards, a sentence popped up: "Wait! Miss Bai Lei, the thing is like this, a stranger came to the ministry today, claiming to be your father, called Bai Xiaofei, we..."

What was being said behind, the girl could not hear at all.


Bai Xiaofei three words.

Like a bolt from the blue, it completely set off a turbulent wave in the girl's mind, causing her to freeze in place.


"Bai Xiaofei? It's actually Father who is here!"

"He finally found us!"


The girl had both surprise and joy on her face.

In the bright and dazzling eyes, there were even tears falling down.

The super criminals around looked stunned and didn't know what happened. Why did this girl, Killing God, suddenly cry and laugh?

Could it be a nerve?


They don't care about it, and they don't care at all.

Seeing that the girl lost her mind on the spot for some reason, her vigilance was greatly reduced, and she was full of flaws, her eyes lit up immediately, and they shot together.


All kinds of attacks hit the girl's position in unison.

As the sky and the earth shook, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the shock wave it set off swept across everything, and in an instant, everything within a radius of several hundred meters was shaken into shattered slag.

Looking down from a high altitude, I saw a huge ruin, which was suddenly emptied into a huge blank area.

But in this area, there is a huge mushroom growing.

at the same time……

Over the mushrooms.

There are dozens of figures with fierce auras, and it is they who caused all this to happen. They seemed very satisfied with the size of the mushrooms.

Just when they thought that they had successfully killed the girl, they could continue to sabotage and vent their desires unscrupulously.


Between the sky and the earth, a rolling thunder suddenly flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the situation changed, the sky was dark, and countless dark clouds quickly gathered, as if a huge black pot was suddenly buckled down.

The sun is completely blocked.

The big mushroom that had just grown had already been shattered by the thunder and disappeared, replaced by endless thunder and lightning.

And at the center of Thunder and Lightning is a familiar figure of a young girl——

Bai Lei!

At this moment, she is like a god.

Thunder and lightning rolled all over his body, and the Meow Meow Hammer in his hand became silvery white, and his original shape could not be seen at all.

Under the clouds, the world was dark.

And the young girl Bai Lei is the only light in the world, the thunder and lightning that traverse the void, like a believer from all peoples, bowing their heads to her and obeying her orders.

There were only those dozens of criminals standing in mid-air in a daze, looking so out of place with the surrounding environment.


next moment.

The girl Bai Lei moved.

With just a wave of his hand, there was a shocking thunderbolt falling from the sky, like a galaxy waterfall, drowning several super criminals in an instant.

And these super criminals who were drowned by the thunder did not have any screams or screams, because they were smashed into slag by the thunder waterfall on the spot, the kind that could not die anymore.

This is the strength of Thunder God Bai Lei!

Just one hit.

He killed several super criminals in an understatement, so fast that the opponent didn't even have the slightest ability to react and resist, so he killed them instantly!


"You scumbags, all of you, give me hell!"

"Thunder Purgatory!"


Thor was outraged.


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