The Storm God

Chapter 3300 Father and daughter meet!


In the Chaocha Department, Bai Xiaofei, who was waiting for Bai Lei, suddenly frowned, then raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes were deep and meaningful.

"Mr. Bai?"

Superwoman Kara looked at him curiously, and asked in confusion, "What are you looking at?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile and said, "I just felt Xiao Bailei's aura, and it seems that she is very angry..."


Superwoman Kara's eyes widened.

Others don't know Bai Lei's whereabouts, but she knows it very well. Las Vegas, the casino city, is very far away.

Even she couldn't know exactly what was going on with Bai Lei, but the person in front of her sensed it almost instantly, and said that little Bai Lei was very angry...


Supergirl Kara expresses shock.

Could it be the legendary family induction? But they are not biological father and daughter, so the only explanation can only be the other party's super power.

Able to cross the distance of several cities and feel Xiao Bailei's emotions...

Terrible to say!


Supergirl Kara felt that she should explain something, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would misunderstand her and say that she and others hired child labor, which would be bad.

"Mr. Bai, are you worried about Bai Lei?"

"Don't worry, she is very strong, even I may not be able to defeat Xiao Bailei, and her meow hammer is also very special, almost no one can match..."

"I believe those criminals will be dealt with soon."


Supergirl Kara said with a smile.

The main point is that this mission was not dispatched by the super-investigation department, but the kind that Xiao Bailei insisted on going, and she couldn't stop it.

I hope Bai Xiaofei doesn't misunderstand.


Bai Xiaofei nodded calmly, and said with a smile: "I know, Xiao Bailei's temper is like this, she likes to play, but she can't calm down at all."

"As for her strength, I'm not too worried, but I'm a little curious, what kind of power is it that can push Xiao Bailei to this level..."

"To be honest, I am very interested in this organization!"


Bai Xiaofei's voice was normal.

But Superwoman Kara could tell from it that the father at this moment seemed very angry, after all, Xiao Bai Lei was someone else's woman.

Seeing his daughter being besieged, even if there is no danger, as a father, he will still be concerned and angry, especially for some people who protect his shortcomings.

And obviously.

The Mr. Bai in front of him is probably the latter.

"Mr. Bai!"

Superwoman Kara sighed when she heard the words, and then explained: "To be honest, it is an extreme terrorist organization called reincarnation. It believes in the creed of early death and early rebirth, timely entertainment, and publicizing individuality. It doesn't care about morality and order at all. Treating human life as worthless, killing innocent people indiscriminately, lawlessness!"

"The main responsibility of our super-investigation department is to monitor and maintain the crisis in the universe. In our spare time, we will send team members to deal with ordinary disasters."

"Especially in the recent period, because of the threat of the antimatter wave, we are all so busy that we have no time to take care of those guys, but Xiao Bailei is very keen on it."

"We simply let her do it on her own. As long as it doesn't cause too much trouble and threaten the safety of ordinary people, we generally don't care about it."


Superwoman Kara said again: "If we encounter some difficult enemies, or if we are relatively free, we will still help Xiao Bailei deal with the reincarnation organization. We really don't have time recently..."

"Reincarnation organization?"

Bai Xiaofei raised his brows slightly when he heard the words, and thought in his heart: "Is it a coincidence, or is there someone intruding? This name makes people very disturbed!"

I'm thinking about it.

He sensed that there was an extremely strong force outside, galloping here from afar, with a speed exceeding several times the speed of sound.

A strong and familiar thunder force surged from the person who came.

no doubt.

This person must be Xiao Bai Lei.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a big hole was directly smashed out of the top floor of the super-challenge department, followed by a familiar figure, and instantly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's almost unchanged appearance, the young girl Bai Lei immediately exclaimed, then burst into tears of joy, and threw herself directly at Bai Xiaofei.

"Little Bai Lei?"

Bai Xiaofei stood there blankly, looking at his daughter whose height, appearance, and temperament had completely changed, he almost didn't recognize her.

next moment.

He was completely hugged by the girl Bai Lei.


"Daddy, where have you been all these years, Lei Lei misses you so much!"

"What about mom and them?"


Bai Lei was very excited.

He hugged Bai Xiaofei tightly, showing no signs of letting go, and even chattered endlessly, saying many, many things in one breath.

During this period.

Supergirl Kara has walked away silently.

In the current situation, there is no need to ask any more questions, it is definitely Xiao Bai Lei's father, did he admit it without seeing Xiao Bai Lei?

As a bystander, let the father and daughter have some independent space.

Not only Supergirl, but other superheroes, as well as the staff, also retreated silently.


It doesn't matter if they don't leave.

Because Bai Xiaofei had already used formations to completely isolate the two of them. As strong as Superwoman Kara wants to eavesdrop and peep, it is completely useless.

After all, this is Bai Xiaofei's private matter, there is no reason to let others know too much.

Although the people in the Chaocha Department were amazed at Bai Xiaofei's power, they didn't say much. After all, there are many heroes in the Chaocha Department, and the enemies they encountered were also weirder and stronger than the last one. Who doesn't have superpowers?

One more Bai Xiaofei is not too many, one less him is not too many.


in an isolated space.

After a while, the girl Bai Lei's emotions finally eased a lot.

She slowly let go of Daddy's embrace, but her little hand still held Bai Xiaofei tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear again.

Bai Xiaofei touched his daughter's head with a smile, and said, "Little Bailei, don't worry, Dad will never leave you again, I promise you!"


The girl Bai Lei nodded sweetly.

Then he asked: "Daddy, haven't you found mom and the others yet? Lei Lei misses them so much, when will you find them?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Dad has already found their coordinates, just like he found you, and he will definitely find them soon..."


He began to ask Xiao Bai Lei, how have you been living these years?

After all, Xiao Bailei's changes have been too great, not to mention her strength, but her body has directly transformed from a child to a girl's appearance.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel very guilty.

The girl Bai Lei smiled and told Bai Xiaofei about her past years, including sad, happy, depressed, and also lonely.


The most important thing, of course, is missing Bai Xiaofei and the two mothers!

And in these years, Bai Lei also had many adventures, otherwise her strength would not have grown to such a level in just a few years, even the superwoman Kara was almost inferior.


Xiao Bailei also awakened to the state of Thor.

In short, the growth was amazing, which surprised and delighted Bai Xiaofei. What made him even more happy was that Bai Lei had a lot of good things scattered in the dimension space on her body.

For example, blood orchid, vibration gold ore, Wulu metal, vibration gold holy cloth...

Etc., etc.

Almost one-fifth of the degree.

Bai Lei handed her storage ring to Bai Xiaofei, and said, "Daddy, when the dimensional space was destroyed, we were all terrified. I only collected these things in a hurry. Except for the lost ones, the rest They should all be with the two mothers..."


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