The Storm God

Chapter 3301 Incarnation of Thunder!

"Leilei is awesome!"

Bai Xiaofei praised his daughter very generously: "Without you, I am afraid that my father's savings over the years will be in vain!"


The girl Bai Lei just laughed.

While carefully checking the contents of the storage ring, Bai Xiaofei chatted and laughed with Bai Lei, and soon the topic turned to this mission.


"The group of people this time is really disgusting. The whole city was destroyed by them. I don't know how many innocent people died in it."

"So I killed him in a fit of anger!"


Speaking of this task.

The young Bai Lei still had an angry and murderous look on her face. Obviously, what the reincarnation organization did in Las Vegas this time completely irritated her.

"You killed them?" Bai Xiaofei asked.


"How many times is this?"

"have no idea!"


Bai Xiaofei never imagined that his own daughter has already killed people without blinking an eye, and she doesn't even remember the first few times she did such a thing.

This left him speechless.


Bai Lei seemed to feel her father's shock, she immediately lowered her head in embarrassment, and then explained: "It's not my fault, those people are really bad, if you don't kill them, they will come out to harm others! "

"I remember Daddy once said that to eradicate all evils, only by eradicating the roots can all troubles be eradicated. Otherwise, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself and good people!"

"Leilei did everything according to Daddy's teaching..."


He looked like he was arguing with reason.

Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled when he heard the words, then shook his head and said: "Leilei, Dad is not blaming you, but guilty, because if Dad is around, why would Leilei do these things?"

Looking at the clothes on her daughter, they were still a little dirty, and even a little damaged. It was obvious that she had just experienced a war.

Bai Xiaofei felt even more guilty.


Suddenly there was a bottle of supreme version of Ice Phoenix Holy Water in his hand out of thin air, and he handed it to the girl Bai Lei, and said: "Leilei has just gone through a big battle, she is a bit tired by comparison, how about the taste of Daddy's good stuff?" ?”

"It looks good!"

The girl Bai Lei was immediately attracted by the sparkling appearance of the Supreme Edition Ice Phoenix Holy Water, which looked like flowing diamonds, and said in amazement: "Daddy, what is this? Can I really drink it?"


Bai Xiaofei explained: "This is the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, the highest grade. After drinking it, it will heal injuries, but it will not hurt your body, and it can also awaken your natural abilities. Anyway, there are many benefits, and you will understand after drinking it. "


The girl Bai Lei nodded happily when she heard the words, then opened the lid without hesitation, raised her head and drank the whole bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water.

next moment.


Endless thunder and lightning burst out from the girl Bai Lei's body in an instant, as if a god descended from the earth, the bright light could almost brighten the eyes of blind people.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei's primordial eyes are powerful enough so that he won't feel any discomfort. Otherwise, even if Superwoman Kara is present, he might have to close his eyes to protect his own.

at the same time.

Bai Lei's aura is also growing rapidly.

Just like riding a rocket, in an instant, the level of subordinate gods soared all the way to the level of main gods.

Not only that.

Outside the isolated space.

At this moment, the thunder elements of the entire earth also began to riot wildly, and countless earths began to experience terrifying lightning and thunder phenomena, making it seem like the end of the world.

Fortunately, although these visions were scary, they did not cause any actual damage. At most, they destroyed some electronic equipment or something.

Super check department.

The staff were suddenly terrified.

They thought that the end of the world was coming early, but after some investigation and confirmation, they found that it was not the case at all.

The culprit turned out to be from somewhere within the super-investigation department, and in the entire super-investigation department, only Xiao Bailei had the ability to control lightning.


Everyone naturally suspected that everything outside was likely caused by Little Bai Lei. After all, her title as the Goddess of Thunder was not just blown out.

It's just that the range of thunder and lightning that Xiao Bailei could control and influence in the past was at most the local area of ​​a small city, why has it suddenly become world-class now?

Could it be related to his father Bai Xiaofei?

Think here.

Several important people immediately called Superwoman Kara and other superheroes over to ask about Bai Xiaofei's situation.

after all……

It's all so weird.

Now is a critical period, and of course they dare not take it lightly.

However, for Bai Xiaofei's understanding, there are not many superwoman Kara, so how can they give any reference opinions?

However, their thoughts were surprisingly consistent, that is, this person must not be offended, no matter it was because of Xiao Bai Lei or the other party's strength.

Being able to win an alliance is undoubtedly the best choice.

"All right!"

Martian Manhunter nodded.

Then he said to Superwoman Kara: "Usually you have the best relationship with Xiao Bai Lei, after that, you will be responsible for the contact with Bai Xiaofei!"


Kara was stunned: "Me? But... don't we still have a mission to find and crack the anti-matter wave threat?"

The meaning is simple, at this critical moment, she doesn't want to leave!

after all……

Supergirl Kara is one of the seven perfect people.

Even if she encountered any difficulties, with her identity and ability, she would definitely be able to help a lot. If she left suddenly, something unexpected might happen.

A lot of friends have had accidents and misfortunes, and Kara doesn't want to have more twists and turns because of her own reasons.


Martian Manhunter was determined.

He looked at Superwoman Kara seriously, and said, "There's nothing to worry about, Kara, I know what you're worried about, but I want to tell you that Bai Xiaofei is very special and crucial!"

"Although I can't see through his thoughts and obtain his memory, but based on my years of experience, vision, and intuition, this person should be of great help to our plan!"

"You are the perfect man of hope among us. I believe that you can bring hope to us and even the entire multiverse!"


"Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared at this time, and he is also Xiao Bailei's father. He is extremely powerful and terrifying. This is no accident!"

"Your task is to get in touch with it..."


Superwoman Kara was surprised.


And dare not check the reaction of the people over there.

in an isolated space.


After taking the Supreme Edition Ice Phoenix Holy Water, the girl Bai Lei immediately transformed into a plasma thunderbolt, suspended there out of thin air, and cheered excitedly and excitedly: "Daddy! Is this my awakened innate ability? It's a great feeling to directly transform into a thunderbolt!"


It also changed into various forms, constantly showing off its powerful abilities in front of Bai Xiaofei, just like a child who got a new toy, having a great time playing.

Bai Xiaofei was also very happy to see it.

He secretly said in his heart: "Incarnation of thunder and lightning? Isn't this elementalization? It seems that the power of thunder can directly communicate and influence the whole world. This is obviously a symbol that has touched the law and Tao!"

"If you enter the realm like this, if you put in more effort, you will be able to directly cross the threshold, break through to the realm of the god king, and evolve your own way."

"Not bad!"


Obviously, Bai Xiaofei is quite satisfied with Bai Lei's awakening and innate ability, his eyes are full of satisfaction and admiration.


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