The Storm God

Chapter 3302 Infinite crisis!

"Since you're only one step away, let's work harder for you. After all, she is also my daughter, Bai Xiaofei, and she must not be worse than others!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes narrowed.

next moment.


A ray of completed Lightning Law Godhead was directly sent by Bai Xiaofei into the body of Bai Lei who had transformed into Thunder.

at the same time.

Bai Lei's incarnation of Thunder changed instantly.

The plasma, which was originally blue and white, turned into a vast purple ocean in an instant, and every ray of thunder and lightning was full of incomparably noble temperament and terrifying majesty!

This is Zixiao Shenlei!

It is the divine power that Bai Xiaofei comprehended in the rules of Hongmeng Dao's will, plus his own background.


Bai Xiaofei completely passed it on to his daughter.

Although Bai Lei is young and her strength is not very high, her determined innate ability is directly related to the way of thunder and lightning, so she has a high degree of compatibility with this Zixiao Shenlei.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's sentiments and experience, the integration will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, and it took a while to integrate it into himself.


The power and potential of Zixiao Shenlei are too huge and terrifying.

With Bai Lei's current level of strength, at most she has grasped a little bit of it. If she wants to fully grasp it, there is still a long way to go in the future.

But even so, the help to Bai Lei was extremely great.

Originally, after she reached the realm of the main god level, she began to be weak in the follow-up, and could no longer impact the peace of the Tao, but with the help of Zixiao Shenlei, Bai Lei made rapid progress again, breaking the peace in one fell swoop, and stepped into the realm of the god king.

And Bai Lei's way also traveled far wider and farther than other god kings!

As long as there are no accidents in the future, Bai Lei's entry speed will definitely be faster and smoother than other god kings. As her way, most of it comes from Bai Xiaofei's giving.

in short.

The way of others is built by oneself through hard work, brick by brick. But Bai Lei's Zixiao Shenlei Avenue was laid out by Bai Xiaofei directly for her.

While others were still working hard to find bricks and materials, and building roads and roads, Bai Lei was already happily running on the avenue.

The gap among them can be imagined.

at the same time.

With the birth of Bai Lei, the new God King of Thunder, the entire Earth-38, and the thunder and lightning all over the world began to cheer and roar.

It's different from the previous rage.

this time.

They seemed very happy and escaped without a doubt, each of different types of thunder and lightning relaxed freely in the billowing dark clouds and void, but did not cause any harm to others.

But even so, it still shocked meteorologists, scientists and others all over the world, and they were all stunned on the spot.

until a moment later.

Bai Lei stabilized the realm of the God King Realm, and also mastered some abilities of the Dao of Thunder, and sensed visions from all over the world, so she stuck out her tongue and ended her play and experiment.


Bai Lei turned into a human again, and then threw herself into Bai Xiaofei's arms: "Thank you for your help, otherwise Lei Lei would not have reached such a powerful state so quickly!"


He even kissed Bai Xiaofei hard on the face a few times.

Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly, and said: "Isn't this what you should do, I'm your father, and it's only natural for a father to help his daughter?"

"Besides, daddy has lost you for so many years and still hasn't made up for you, so what's this little gift for?"


Bai Lei laughed even more happily, and said with a haha, "Enen! I knew that Daddy treats me the best, eh~"


Kissed Bai Xiaofei hard again.

The two got bored for a while, then the girl Bai Lei tilted her head and said, "Father, Sister Kara and the others seem to be in some serious trouble now, since they have taken good care of me these few days, can you help them?" ?”

Bai Lei is very sensible.

She also knows the truth that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.


She began to take the initiative as a lobbyist.

Because Bai Lei could tell that Bai Xiaofei didn't intend to stay here any longer at all, but Bai Lei felt a little bit sorry for this.

So I decided to ask my father, that is, Bai Xiaofei to help out.

It can be regarded as repaying the favor of Superwoman and others.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard that.

Looking at the serious daughter, he smiled and said, "Is this what you mean? It's not impossible, but you have to tell me the difficulties they encounter first, so that I can help them better... "


When Bai Lei heard this, she was overjoyed.

Then, he briefly explained to Bai Xiaofei the difficulties encountered by Superwoman Kara and the others, and finally said: "In short, the culprit of everything should be that guy called the Anti-Monitor!"

Speaking of which.

Bai Lei had an angry and unhappy expression on her face.

Because the anti-matter waves produced by the anti-monitor have already destroyed the earth of an unknown number of parallel worlds.

As a five-good young man in the new century, Bai Lei certainly doesn't like anti-monitors.


Bai Xiaofei frowned as he listened.


Depend on!

It really is that pervert!

That is to say, the current Earth-38, even the Earth-1 where Flash Barry Allen lives, and other infinite Earths are all facing catastrophe?


These can be troublesome!

According to the plot, the anti-surveillance is almost invincible now, even the surveillance cannot fight against it.

The only hope is the seven perfect men.

This is the trend of the times, and it is also dictated by fate. That is to say, the destruction of the once multi-infinite world is inevitable, otherwise the subsequent restart cannot be promoted at all.

Even Bai Xiaofei didn't change this.

And before all the multiple worlds are destroyed, Bai Xiaofei must find Diana and Xiaoqian as soon as possible, otherwise they will surely die!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became a little anxious.

He didn't know the specific time period here before, but now it seems that the situation is very bad, and there is not much time left for him.


He must leave immediately.

As for repaying the kindness of Superwoman Kara and others for Bai Lei?


This is easy.

Bai Xiaofei is familiar with the plot.

He can definitely tell Superwoman Kara and others some important clues, so that they can avoid many detours, so as to defeat the Anti-Monitor more smoothly.

This should be enough, right?

At the very least, this information is absolutely invaluable to Superwoman Kara and the others. As for believing it or not, it doesn't matter about Bai Xiaofei.

Anyway, I repaid the favor.

"Just do it!"

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei immediately stood up.

After waving her hand to remove the isolation barrier, Bai Lei, with her temperament greatly changed, came directly in front of Superwoman Kara and the others.

"Sister Kara!"

Bai Lei hugged Cara cheerfully, and said happily, "I just told Dad about your plight, and Dad has already decided to help you!"

"My father is very powerful. With his help, I believe that your difficulties will be resolved soon!"


Superwoman Kara was taken aback when she heard this.

Immediately, like everyone else, he looked at Bai Xiaofei curiously.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, so he went straight to the point: "My ability is a bit special, and I can foresee certain parts of the future. As a thank you for your help and care for Bai Lei, I can tell you some important information..."


There is one thing to say, although Bai Xiaofei is very awesome, but he said that he can foresee the future, Superwoman Kara and the others obviously don't believe it.

If you really had the ability, would you still lose your wife and daughter?


Even if they think so, they won't say it outright. After all, people also have good intentions, and the necessary courtesy is still necessary.


What Bai Xiaofei uttered immediately shocked them all: "Oliver the Green Arrow is still alive, he is the most important key figure in your entire team's fight against the Anti-Monitor, and his final outcome It is to turn into a fire of hope and rekindle the flames of the multiverse!"


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