The Storm God

Chapter 3304 Destroying the Demon Fox!

Regardless of what's going on on Earth-38.


Bai Xiaofei and his daughter Bai Lei traveled through the space tunnel and landed directly in a world whose world style is completely different from the modern city.

"This breath is..."


As soon as he arrived, Bai Xiaofei realized the difference in this world, this world was actually full of magic.

In fact.

Bai Lei felt it too.

After all, she is now a strong person in the God King Realm, so she can naturally sense that the world is full of extremely active thunder and lightning elements.

it's here.

All of Bai Lei's abilities can be amplified and strengthened.


"What kind of world is this?"

"It feels so comfortable!"


Bai Lei smiled sweetly.

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes and said, "It should be a magical world, otherwise it wouldn't be filled with such strong magical elements."


Bai Lei nodded.

Then he asked: "Did dad sense mother's breath? Leilei didn't sense it anyway. There are several places in this world with very strong shielding ability. Could mother be there?"


Bai Xiaofei frowned and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the magical world of Earth-13, but theoretically speaking, it's impossible for this world to have such a powerful enough existence to block our perception..."

"Perhaps just like Earth-38, some special evil organizations and gangs have appeared here. Let's not care about that much, let's go to the nearest shielded location to have a look!"


Bai Lei nodded again.

Immediately, she was about to fly, but was stopped by Bai Xiaofei.

"what are you up to?"


Bai Lei looked at Bai Xiaofei puzzled: "The nearest shielding location is at least a few thousand kilometers away from us, how can we get there if we don't fly?"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

Only then did he suddenly remember that although Bai Lei is a master of the God King Realm, she doesn't know teleportation or teleportation.

He shook his head with a wry smile.

Bai Xiaofei said: "Don't be so troublesome, with Daddy here, how could it make you work so hard, just wait!"

The voice just fell.

In front of the two of them, a circular space crack was torn apart by Bai Xiaofei, and on the opposite side of the crack, there was an old castle.


Bai Lei was immediately amazed: "Father, this ability is great. You must give it to me when you have time. With it, it will be much more convenient to travel in the future!"

"no problem!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, they took Bai Lei together through the cracks in space, and arrived in front of the huge and magnificent castle.


It's just that the two of them had just arrived, and they were quickly surrounded by a group of medieval cavalry soldiers. The leader, riding a tall horse, holding a long gun, pointed at Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, and shouted angrily: "Who are you, how dare you break into this place?" Entering Fortress Houston, seeing your strange clothes, you must be spies sent by the enemy!"


The soldiers around immediately shouted angrily.

Then they all drew out their swords one by one, aimed at Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, as if they were about to fight if they disagreed.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

These guys are like ants, but they dare to show their weapons to themselves and their daughter?

Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?


The mental pressure is released.

A wave of sweep spread, and hundreds of soldiers around them froze for an instant, as if they were walking dead, and immediately froze on the spot, motionless.

Only the leader of the cavalry, because of Bai Xiaofei's mercy, could still maintain his rationality and sobriety, but he was also shocked enough that he was almost terrified.

"Magic, magician!"

His face was full of horror and despair.

But Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, as soon as he thought about it, the leader of the cavalry was directly photographed. Bai Xiaofei looked down from above and asked, "I'll ask, you'll answer, understand?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The head of the cavalry was frightened, and he nodded wildly when he heard the words, for fear that if he answered wrongly, he would be lost forever, and he was very afraid of death.


With his cooperation.

Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei then figured out the general situation of this Houston Fortress, it turned out that it was the residence of a Duke of the kingdom.

This world is composed of nine kingdoms, three empires, and hundreds of other small countries and tribes.

There are constant scuffles among these countries, and the overall development is just like the history of Western countries, where they divide and reunite, and the commotion is very jubilant.

The location of Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei is the territory of the Post Kingdom, and the Duke of Houston is the most feared official in the Post Kingdom.

This duke, who used the emperor to order the princes, did all kinds of bad things, and the whole kingdom was almost his own.


His identity and image are exactly the same as the ministers in "Zhan Tong".

The only one that can compete with it is the Wizards Guild headed by the great sage Harrison Wells, because they are loyal members of the royal family.


Not long ago, the Duke of Houston recruited some special masters from nowhere. Under their siege, the great sage and others retreated steadily.


Even Great Sage Wells was captured.

Later, I don't know what method those people used to control the Great Sage, and then designed to stew the rest of the remaining resistance forces...

Do not misunderstand!

It's really a pot of stew.

One of the master's magical weapons was something like a cauldron. These people directly threw all the arrested rebels into the cauldron to refine them into human pills.

so far.

The kingdom of Post almost existed in name only.

All the royal family, as well as power, including the army, and ministers, are all controlled and held by the Duke of Houston.

Not only that.

The Duke of Houston didn't know where the confidence came from, but he wanted to launch a war against another kingdom, the empire.


The world pattern is completely chaotic because of the Duke of Houston.

And this Houston fortress was the original fiefdom and residence of the Duke of Houston. It was rumored that there was a shocking secret in it, so it was heavily guarded all year round, and no one needed to get close.

The two outsiders, Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, didn't know anything about this, so naturally they were immediately surrounded by nearby patrol soldiers as soon as they appeared.

After learning the information, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "A pot of stew... If it's not bad, it should be a magic weapon of a cultivator, right?"

"It seems that this world has also been invaded."

"What is their purpose?"


He pondered for a while.

Bai Xiaofei turned his gaze, stared at the head of the cavalry, and asked, "Have you ever heard of the names Diana and Nie Xiaoqian?"

"Nie Xiaoqian?"

The leader of the cavalry was stunned when he heard the words, staring at Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei with wide eyes, full of astonishment and shock, he said: "You... how do you know the name of Mieshi Demon Fox? Could it be that you are with her?! "


Bai Xiaofei's pupils shrank, and he said in a deep voice, "You heard about Nie Xiaoqian? The World-Mieuring Demon Fox? Who defined her? Where is she now?!"

"Say it!"

Bai Lei exclaimed even more angrily: "Hmph! What a demon fox, that's Leilei's mother, she's obviously a fairy fox, you really have no eyes!"

When the cavalry leader heard this, his jaw almost dropped.


His eyes were full of fear and astonishment, and he tremblingly said: "Oh my God! You are actually the family of Mieshi Yaohu, I will not die..."


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