The Storm God

Chapter 3305 Emperor Qingqiu!


Bai Xiaofei would not give the cavalry leader a chance to talk nonsense, seeing that this guy became so righteous and awe-inspiring as soon as the issue of the world-destroying demon fox was involved...

Bai Xiaofei was immediately annoyed.

Since you don't want to say it, let's search for the memory yourself!

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's mental strength.

Like a scourge, it was extremely violent and directly broke into the sea of ​​consciousness of the head of the cavalry, and then went straight to the topic, frantically searching for memories about the Mieshi Demon Fox.

But it's a pity.

After all, this cavalry leader is a small person. He knows very little about the Mieshi Demon Fox, and most of it is just hearsay.


Even so, for Bai Xiaofei, these are enough.

At the very least, through this information, Bai Xiaofei has been able to roughly understand what happened to Nie Xiaoqian in this world.


years ago.

The Rising Sun Empire suddenly fell into flames, which caused a great commotion for a while.

What is even more shocking is that the fire from the sky is not a meteor, but a woman, a beauty who is unparalleled in the world!

Now, not only the Rising Sun Empire, but even other countries are also curious, so they all went to the Rising Sun Empire, wanting to have a look at this stunning honor from heaven.

As the actual leader of Post Kingdom, the Duke of Houston naturally also went.


A certain general under his command said on the spot that the stunning beauty was transformed by a monster and would bring unimaginable disaster to the world.

Moreover, he also used secret techniques to directly make Tian Jiangjue Se appear as a demon.

The whole scene was in chaos in an instant.

The demon fox growled.

Everyone will take it out.

Experts from almost all over the world fought fiercely at the scene for various reasons, turning the grand event at that time into a battlefield.

Sadly, almost all the royal family of the Rising Sun Empire died in that grand event, no matter whether it was a long-planned conspiracy, accident or coincidence.


All these crimes were placed on the head of Tianxiang Juise.

Afterwards, the theory of the world-destroying fox demon spread like wildfire, and soon spread all over the world. Not long after, the Empire of the Rising Sun began to fall apart.

This further confirmed the rumor that Nie Xiaoqian destroyed the demon fox.


She instantly became the world's most wanted man.

That day, the general did not know what special secret technique was used to keep Nie Xiaoqian in a half-human, half-demon state, unable to maintain a complete human form.

Later, Nie Xiaoqian was also annoyed.

Relying on a large number of younger brothers gathered in Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space, as well as various super-technical means, he has formed his own power in this magical world.

The world calls it the Fox Country.


In addition to the cloned green fat man, red giant, terminator and other younger brothers created by Bai Xiaofei, Nie Xiaoqian also taught the method of cultivation and supported and trained several local aboriginal-born fox masters.

And Nie Xiaoqian became the first emperor of the Fox Kingdom.

Its self-proclaimed country name is: Qingqiu.

Namely, Emperor Qingqiu.


This is the name of Fox Country itself.

In other countries of the world, they collectively call it the World-Mie Fox Demon.

Because with the rise of Nie Xiaoqian, in the past few years, there have been no less than two dozen countries, large and small, that have been destroyed because of her.

And because of this.

The world-destroying fox demon has become a taboo for all countries and people except the fox country.

In addition, the sages and mages all over the world have predicted that in the near future, the world will usher in a bloody doomsday and come to a complete end...

Nie Xiaoqian's title of world-destroying fox demon is even more inseparable, and she is feared and feared by the world.

These are not the most important.

The most important thing is that a month ago, the Duke of Houston led his generals, gathered many experts in the world, formed an army of saviors, and went to the territory where the fox country is located, preparing to eliminate demons and save the world!


Information ends here.

Bai Xiaofei was so angry that he wanted to curse, these bastards really showed all kinds of Western ignorance to the fullest.


The most hateful thing is undoubtedly that general.

It seems that there are not many means to possess a cultivator, but it can still seriously injure Nie Xiaoqian, and make it impossible for her to recover her perfect human form...

What is the origin of that bastard?

Reincarnation space?


These damned guys are really lingering.

They can be found almost everywhere!

"get out!"

Bai Xiaofei casually let go of the leader of the cavalry, for this kind of ant-like existence, he was not interested in caring about the opponent's life or death.


What Bai Xiaofei really cared about was undoubtedly Nie Xiaoqian's safety.

However, before leaving Fox Country, he felt that he had to go to the Duke of Houston to see what secrets were hidden inside, which could actually shield himself and Bai Lei from perception.

If this problem is not clarified, the follow-up will be even more troublesome.

The Houston fortress is very large, whether it is the patrol outside or the defense inside, it is very tight, and the heavy guards are almost impenetrable.


This is for ordinary people.

If big guys like Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei really want to break in, these mortals, or magicians, no matter how many they are, it's useless!


If there is no deep hatred, Bai Xiaofei will not kill people easily.

In order to reduce trouble, at this moment, he launched a super-large-scale hypnotic illusion, and as a huge magic circle covering the entire Houston Fortress took shape, everyone inside and outside immediately lay down.

There are no exceptions, including the great magician who is called a sage, because compared to a big guy like Bai Xiaofei, their strength is at most a little bit bigger ants.


Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei walked into the Houston Fortress as if they were in no one's land, without encountering any obstacles along the way.

Because all the people had fallen to the ground and fell into a drowsy sleep, falling into the dream that Bai Xiaofei wove for them. Unless Bai Xiaofei dispelled the illusion, they would not wake up even if they slept until death.

"There seems to be a hidden energy reaction deep in the fortress, and this reaction is completely different from other magical fluctuations..."

Bai Xiaofei searched the situation of the entire Houston Fortress with his telekinesis, and at the same time led Bai Lei towards the underground secret room in the fortress.


The two came to a passage.

This passage looks ordinary, but in fact the surrounding walls, even the floor materials are made of a very special alchemy material.

Ordinary warriors and magicians, when they come here, their fighting and devilish energy will be completely absorbed by these materials.

in short.

Here, it is equivalent to an alternative field of forbidden magic and forbidden fighting. No matter how powerful fighters and magicians come here, they will become ordinary people.

And inside the passage, there are also various insidious and deadly traps, if there is no special protection, it is almost impossible to die if you enter it.


That's for the average person.

Big bosses like Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, the so-called forbidden magic and forbidden fighting are useless at all. The two of them could easily dismantle this place into ruins just by relying on physical strength.

The two of them completely ignored the restrictions of special materials and the obstacles of many organs, just striding forward, walking invincibly.


At the end of the chamber of secrets.

Bai Xiaofei discovered a black-tech device with a sense of future technology, and it was precisely because of its existence that a special shielding force field was produced to protect the entire Houston Fortress.

And in this secret room, there are also a large number of petri dishes, which contain all kinds of monster tissues, limbs, and even complete bodies.

At a glance, it looks like a living biological laboratory, full of strong futuristic technology style, not like a magical world at all.

Among them, most of the monsters are familiar to Bai Xiaofei, such as the green fat man, the red giant, the destroying king dragon, the fire dragon...

Etc., etc.

Almost all of them are the army of clones restrained by Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space.

On some experimental platforms, there are even the remains of the Terminator, which are being disassembled and studied by several mechanical arms.


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