The Storm God

Chapter 3306 Colorless crystal!


Bai Lei also saw those things.

Although not too scared, I was still shocked by the sight in front of me: "Those... aren't your creations? How could..."

"It should have been brought back for research during the battle!"

Bai Xiaofei was not very surprised by this. Although this is a magical world, it cannot be judged by common sense. After all, in "The Flash", Sisko has never contacted the Great Sage of Wells in this world.

Magicians can understand the world of the multiverse, which obviously does not conform to the general setting of the magic world. Obviously, this world is not ignorant of technology.

From the memories of the head of the cavalry, Bai Xiaofei also learned that not all of this world is dominated by magic.

For example, some countries like alchemy, which is the so-called science.

There are many good things in Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space, and they are not invincible. Although they are very strong, there will still be deaths.

It is understandable that the enemy got some corpses and brought them back for study.


The technological products in this basement are obviously not creations of this world, they seem to have been obtained from other worlds for research.

Here are some problems.


Although they didn't fully achieve the results of Bai Xiaofei's creations, they combined the alchemy techniques of this world and used Bai Xiaofei's creations as the blueprint to create some special magic tools, even monsters.

For example, Bai Xiaofei discovered a cloned red giant with a high degree of completion from these petri dishes.

It's just that this red giant is obviously different from the original version. It has strange lines on its body, like a magic circle, and a strange magic power flows on its body.

Although the magic version of the red giant is not as powerful as the original version, it has a certain amount of magic attack and magic defense, making it even more difficult to deal with.

If the Duke of Houston created a large number of such magic warriors to deal with the Emperor Qingqiu of the Fox Kingdom, the pressure on the latter would undoubtedly increase exponentially.

There are also those Terminator, who have also been transformed into magic puppets, relying on magic crystals as energy sources, supplemented by magic circles as programs, and the design is also very delicate and powerful.

If these are used as cannon fodder to start a war, even if Nie Xiaoqian owns part of Bai Xiaofei's assets, she might not be able to hold it for too long.

after all……

Most of the items in the dimensional space are Bai Xiaofei's private collection. Although because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship, Nie Xiaoqian and others can also use it, but it is limited to a very small part.

Take Alien Army, for example.

Other than Bai Xiaofei, no one else has the right to command them.

Bai Cass is better, after all, he has super wisdom, even if Bai Xiaofei is not around, he can help Nie Xiaoqian and others tide over the difficulties.

But now whether it is with Nie Xiaoqian or Diana, Bai Xiaofei still doesn't know, so looking at the overall situation, the situation of Fox Country is still very dangerous.

After all, it was just a small island.

But the enemies they have to face are almost masters from all over the world, and even include the so-called generals who are suspected of being reincarnated.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became anxious.

He completely ignored all the research projects in the basement, opened the Eye of Primordial Mengmeng, and directly began to search for the key secrets.

If there is no secret, then he will raze this place to the ground.

If there is……


That's just for armament expansion.

Didn't Houston and others use their own clone army as a blueprint to design and transform magic warriors and weapons?

Even so, snatching his treasure by himself is considered a courtesy, right?

There is nothing wrong with this!


Bai Xiaofei discovered the abnormality.

And the anomaly lies in the entire underground secret room, where all the machines are driven by energy. It was a special spar that even Bai Xiaofei had never seen before.

The spar is transparent in color as a whole, the size of a fist, and is inlaid in a certain mechanical center deep in the ground. There are a lot of magic barriers and protection measures around it to ensure that it will not be easily taken away by others.

But unfortunately, this time it encountered not ordinary people.

With Bai Xiaofei's ability, he doesn't need to do anything at all, just the Primordial Eye can instantly see all the flaws and loopholes in it.


Bai Xiaofei got the transparent spar very easily.

And as the transparent spar, which was used as an energy source, was taken away by Bai Xiaofei, all the machines in the entire underground secret room immediately lost power and stopped immediately.

Some special creatures in the petri dish also lost their life supply and began to die quickly.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

At this moment, only the transparent spar is in his eyes. At the same time, the analysis ability of the space-time shuttle was activated, and its origin was quickly analyzed thoroughly.

turn out to be……

This is a colorless crystal from the original world, with incomparably pure energy, which can be used in almost any aspect and way.

For example, the Ark reactor designed by Tony is convenient, fast and efficient. Even this thing can be directly used by magicians as magic power to activate it.

By contrast.

The Ark Reactor is a bit unsatisfactory. At least it is difficult for ordinary people to use its energy. To use it as their own power, they must rely on certain technological means.

And this colorless crystal is not used.


Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately: "Is it the product of crystal civilization in the original world? It is somewhat similar to the Kryptonian crystal in the world of Superman in Heaven..."


He directly threw the colorless crystal to Bai Lei as a toy, then wiped out everything here with his hand, and left the Houston Fortress with Bai Lei.

Bai Lei looked at the collapsed fortress, her eyes were full of excitement: "Daddy, where shall we go next?"

"Go east!"

Bai Xiaofei looked in the direction of the east, and said calmly: "Your Xiaoqian's mother is probably on an island in the east right now, facing the danger of being besieged, we must rush there to help her!"


Upon hearing this, Bai Lei nodded immediately.

Then he asked again: "Daddy, do you have the coordinates of the location?"


Bai Xiaofei sighed and shook his head.

Then he smiled and said: "But that's not important, the key is that I just need to find the location of Houston and the others."

When he was at the Fortress of Houston just now, Bai Xiaofei discovered many personal belongings of the Duke of Houston.

For example, used weapons and equipment, or clothing, or even its hair and so on. Using these, Bai Xiaofei can gain insight into the context of karma and fate, and thus easily find out its location.

And all of this, to the Eye of Primordial Mist, is simply child's play.

Doesn't Houston want to fight Fox Country?


As long as he and his army can be found, Bai Xiaofei will be able to find the fox country and Nie Xiaoqian's trace by following the clues.

Closer to home.

After the ability was activated, everything in Bai Xiaofei's line of sight instantly became different. In the black and white world, there are countless causal contexts, like countless threads, intertwined together to form a complex web.

As for Houston's causal context, under Bai Xiaofei's spellcasting and location search, it showed a conspicuous red color.

One end is in the ruins of Fortress Houston, while the other end extends outward, spreading directly to somewhere in the east.

As long as Bai Xiaofei follows this line of cause and effect, he will definitely find Houston himself. Unless during this period, he was killed and the cause and effect were broken.

However, this possibility is almost slim.

"Leilei, let's go!"



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