The Storm God

Chapter 3307 Nanshan monk!


The Eastern Hemisphere of the wizarding world.

In the coastal area close to the sea, there is a large group of troops stationed here, ready to rush to the Fox Country on the other side to launch a fatal blow at any time.

In the command tent.

The generals headed by the Duke of Houston are holding a battle meeting.

The people who are eligible to appear at the meeting are not elites and leaders from various countries in the magical world, or famous figures who are in the limelight for a while.


The most powerful among them is the Duke of Houston.

Even though he just came from a small kingdom, the masters around him are indeed world-class in strength, and even some empires dare not offend.

Coupled with the terrifying strength displayed by the Duke of Houston and others at the grand gathering of the Rising Sun Empire that day, they naturally became the leaders of the alliance.

To this.

Everyone is not dissatisfied.

At the meeting, the Duke of Houston delivered a speech, the topic of which was the strategic policy for this attack on Fox Country, whether naval warfare or air combat is better.

As soon as this question came up, everyone immediately started a heated discussion.

According to the analysis of the current situation, naval battles are undoubtedly the most dangerous. Although they can lead more soldiers to charge against the Fox Country, the sacrifices to be made are extremely huge.

Although the number of flying dragons is small in air combat, it is impossible to invest more troops, but it has the advantages of flexible combat and less sacrifice.

In the end which strategy is the most appropriate, people have been debating for a while. Someone even suggested, why don't the two come together?

"It's okay."

"However, who is in charge of naval warfare and who is in charge of air combat?"

"Is it you, or me?"


People are not stupid.

The death rate in naval battles is so high, naturally no one wants their failure to be reduced to cannon fodder, and they may even have to be involved in it.

Although air battles are also dangerous, compared with sea battles, the probability is much smaller, so everyone started to fight.

after all……

This is an extraordinary feat!

The kind that can last forever, whoever doesn't snatch it is definitely a fool.

Everyone fought back and forth, and finally the ball was thrown to the Duke of Houston. I hope that the boss of the alliance can give a fair arrangement.


Once public outrage is aroused, I am afraid that he, the leader, will not be easy to do.

The Duke of Houston didn't care about this, and laughed out loud when he heard the words: "Since none of you are willing to engage in naval battles, then let me do it myself!"

"As for the candidates for the air battle, it is absolutely fine for you to discuss among yourself."

"The last remaining people, some are responsible for the backup, and the other part will follow us to participate in the naval battle."

"So, do you have any opinions?"


As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone suddenly had nothing to say.

After all, the Duke of Houston has already carried the most difficult naval battle by himself, so what else can they be dissatisfied with?

If you can't win it in air combat, it's because you don't have the ability.

Can't blame anyone!


One person speaks out.

A chorus of approving cries followed.

that's all……

The battle meeting had its results.

Early the next morning, everyone was divided into three waves, and some of them took the lead in launching an air battle against Fox Country, carrying out carpet bombing.

The other group of people took the magic boat and launched an air battle with the defense force of the fox country, no matter what, they wanted to break through the opponent's defense line.

The remaining part stays where it is, and if something goes wrong, it can quickly support the troops of both sides leaving the station.

Although this arrangement is not very powerful, at least there are no loopholes. As for air battles and naval battles, how to proceed is a matter for the respective generals.

For the sake of secrecy, both parties conducted it separately and secretly.

after all……

The demon foxes in the Fox Kingdom are best at charm.

In case there are enemy spies lurking nearby, the enemy will get over the battle plan if they fail to do so, they have to be careful.

Regardless of how the generals on the other side arrange their own air combat plans.


Naval War Command.

After the Duke of Houston summoned all his confidants, he immediately showed a sinister smile, and then said to everyone: "The world says that the navy of the Fox Kingdom is extremely powerful, but they don't know that the air combat force is their trump card!"

"Since those idiots want to fight, let them fight as much as they can. As for those who are born, I will arrange them all to go to the front line tomorrow morning!"

"Be careful not to make it too obvious."


This is clearly using others as shields and cannon fodder.


Everyone nodded.

Each face is full of excitement and excitement.

One of them, an oriental man wearing a white robe, with long hair and a fairy-like appearance, holding a paper fan, smiled sinisterly and said:

"Master Houston, most of Fox Country's coastal defenses are equipped with technology-side equipment. The attack will be almost done tomorrow, and the final blasting work will be left to me!"

"My Beast Flying Dragon King has been hungry for several days, just in time for those fox demons and mutated creatures to have a full meal!"


The Duke of Houston immediately nodded in agreement.

Who made this person the number one hero under his command? If it weren't for this mysterious oriental man, the Duke of Houston would not have achieved what he is today.


As long as his request is not too excessive, the Duke of Houston will generally not refuse. What's more, the Flying Dragon King is still the ace trump card for attacking cities and lands, and it couldn't be more suitable to break through the coastal defense line of Fox Country.

His request was approved, so logically this man should be happy, but his expression became abnormally gloomy.


Seeing this, the Duke of Houston was a little surprised and surprised, so he asked curiously: "Brother Nanshan, what's wrong? Why is your face..."

"An accident happened at Fort Houston!"

The oriental man known as Brother Nanshan had a sullen face and squinted his eyes and said, "Just now, the imprint I left on the colorless crystal was erased by someone, which means that Fortress Houston must have encountered a powerful enemy." invasion!"


Fort Houston is the home of the Duke of Houston, which is of great significance.

When he heard that his base camp had been invaded by someone, and even the protective device installed by Brother Nanshan had been removed, the Duke of Houston was shocked.

Followed by soaring anger.

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know!"

Nanshan shook his head, frowned, and said, "However, to break through the defensive barrier and protection measures I set up, the opponent must have a strong background, and their strength must be at least similar to mine!"

"Could it be our enemy?"

A general next to him guessed.


Nanshan suddenly vetoed it: "The entire Post Kingdom, all those who were hostile to us, have all been cleared out, and Houston Fortress is almost located in the center of the kingdom, and foreign forces want to attack. easy……"

"The only possibility is a master with super power, such as a god-level magician with space teleportation or teleportation ability, or a strong battle god."

"But almost all the masters in the world have already been gathered here, and it is impossible for anyone to attack the Houston Fortress..."

"Could it be an external force?"


Think here.

The Duke of Houston and others suddenly realized.

Someone even said: "By the way, I remembered that someone said before that the great sage Wells had contacted people from other universes. Could it be those people?"


Nan Shan nodded, but then shook his head and said, "But those are not important now, the Houston Fortress has been destroyed, and our immediate priority is to take down the Fox Country as soon as possible, otherwise we may be attacked on both sides!"

"That's right!" The Duke of Houston's complexion changed, and he asked quickly, "Brother Nanshan, what advice do you have for this?"


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