The Storm God

Chapter 3308 The war begins!

"It's not too late!"

Nanshan immediately said: "Since the situation has changed, we should make corresponding changes quickly. I suggest that we start attacking Fox Country immediately!"




Everyone was dumbfounded.

This combat meeting has just ended, and everyone is required to prepare for the war?

This is simply a joke!

"No but!"

Nanshan said with a serious face: "Fox Country is cunning, what if attacking Fortress Houston is one of their plans? We must respond immediately, otherwise we will be in trouble if we lose the opportunity!"

"As for the battle, you can leave it to us."

"You guys will follow immediately!"

"Any comments?"


Everyone was suddenly speechless.

Nanshan has already talked about this, what else can they say? Besides, there is a problem with thinking, and maybe it will be liquidated on the spot.

So everyone stopped talking and nodded one after another.


The Duke of Houston has also made a decision.

He immediately ordered: "Even so, launch the attack immediately. Brother Nanshan, you are the most skilled and fastest. The mission of the vanguard is entrusted to you for the time being. The rest of the troops, I will urge them to follow up immediately." !"


Nanshan nodded.

After finishing speaking, he left the camp directly regardless of the reaction of the people.

Not for a while.

A large number of people followed Nanshan and left the coast.

They are not driving the ships of this world, but huge, ferocious and terrifying sea monsters.

The monster carried Nanshan and other top experts on its back and headed straight for the curved western coastline.

They are fast.

Shortly after……


The two sides launched a fierce battle.

Even though the sea is separated, people in the distance can faintly hear the terrifying loud noise coming from the opposite side, and see the various rays of light rising into the sky.

Among them, there are many glory similar to the eruption of the forbidden curse.

In the tent.

The Duke of Houston was yelling: "Bastard! Brother Nanshan and the others have already started fighting against the defense line of Fox Country, but you haven't even finished gathering the soldiers yet!"

"grown ups!"

A general said with a bitter face: "It's not that we don't do things well, it's all too sudden, and everyone hasn't formed a good formation yet. Under the sudden call, people are naturally entangled and hesitant, so the speed slowed down. !"


Of course the Duke of Houston is also clear about the general's explanation.

But does it matter?


In his heart, the most important thing is the outcome of the battle, not these trivial matters. Thinking of this, the Duke of Houston suddenly broke out:

"Proceed with the order, and after a quarter of an hour, if anyone's troops haven't prepared yet, then there is no need to prepare any more, and they don't need to participate in everything in the future!"

"Just say what I said, who dares to have an opinion, kill!"


At this moment, the Duke of Houston's arrogance leaked out.

The orderly sent the order quickly.


Everyone started to panic.

What does the Duke of Houston's order mean? Everyone knows it very well. Don't obey the order? Okay, then I won't play with you guys.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, it will have nothing to do with them.

How can this work?

To know.

For this battle, most people are putting all their eggs in one basket.

This suddenly prevents them from participating, who can stand it. So under the oppression of such an environment, those guys who couldn't bear the consequences of being kicked out could only respond one after another, quickly formed a battle formation, and then went to sea to help Nanshan and others.


There are also some ironies among them.

For example, the Marquis Don Quixote of a certain empire did not take the order of the Duke of Houston seriously at all, after all, they were from the empire.

It is already very face-saving to regard the Duke of Houston as the leader of the alliance, but now he is standing on their heads and shitting...

Of course he won't!


Soon Don Quixote knew what the consequences of refusal were.

In less than five minutes, some generals under his command rebelled collectively, and each of them seemed to be under a curse, beheading them mercilessly on the spot.

follow closely.

A new leader was elected, and he immediately issued an order to form a large army at all costs to go to sea to help Nanshan and others.

In short.

At this moment, the power of the Duke of Houston is undoubtedly displayed!

In addition to the naval forces, even the air combat forces have been affected and affected. Those generals were afraid of being robbed of their credit, so they didn't need to be urged at all, they started to worry themselves.


Not long.

A large number of flying dragons, chimeras, and alchemy aircraft took off one after another, and followed the naval forces to join the battle.

The war of the United Army against the Fox Country has officially begun.


And the other side.

On the coastline of the Fox Country, rows of Terminator fighters were holding hot weapons and frantically attacking all approaching enemies.

Behind them, there are unidentified turrets. There are laser weapons, Tomahawk missiles, and magic cannons on the turret...

In short.

The firepower is quite ferocious!

And above the defense line, there are a large number of flying dragons, fighter planes, and soldiers flying in the air with approved special armor.

All kinds of firepower weapons and fighters on both sides intertwined and collided with each other, and immediately erupted with extremely ferocious and terrifying destructive power.

The nearby sea area, and even the sky, were almost completely covered by artillery fire.

In the whole world, there is nothing but gunpowder smoke and blood, as well as death and destruction. This is the land of Shura!

And behind the defensive line, in a certain mechanical palace not far away, a woman with the appearance of a half-human half-fox is sitting on the throne at the moment, staring coldly at the holographic projection in the hall.

This person is none other than Nie Xiaoqian, Emperor Qingqiu of the Fox Kingdom.

In the hall of the palace, apart from Nie Xiaoqian whose image and temperament have completely changed, there are also some familiar or unfamiliar faces.

On the left are several special existences who are wearing golden holy clothes and whose faces cannot be seen. On the right hand side, there are more than a dozen handsome men and women.

The handsome men and beautiful women are all unfamiliar faces, with a strong aura. Compared with the character on the left who can't feel any breath at all, it can be said that the difference is very clear and the difference is huge.

One of the beauties stood up first and said, "Dijun, the current battle situation is very unfavorable to us. I suggest immediately taking photos of the flying troops to deal a devastating blow to those vanguard naval troops!"


A man in golden armor on the left stood up and retorted: "The flying unit is our trump card. It's too early to make a move now. After all, it's just a vanguard of the enemy. I think we should wait!"

His voice is very special, it doesn't sound like a creature should have at all. In fact, he wasn't even a creature himself.


No one dared to underestimate him.

Because, apart from Qingqiu emperor Nie Xiaoqian, this person has the highest status and the greatest power in Qingqiu, and is also the most recent existence of the emperor.

none of them!

That's right!

He is the physical embodiment of Baicas.

At that time, the dimensional space was broken, and Nie Xiaoqian gathered Baikas together with some items. Later, with the help of Baikas, he formed the current power and country.

If it weren't for the help of Bai Cass, Nie Xiaoqian would not be able to do this by herself. After all, she is just a fox demon. Although she has high authority, she is not proficient in mechanical and electronic abilities.

But Becas is different.

He is Bai Xiaofei's right-hand man, most of the items in the dimensional space, and Bai Cass almost has the authority and ability to control them.

With the help of Baikas, Nie Xiaoqian can easily form an armed force and power group that can compete with the whole world.


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