The Storm God

Chapter 3309 Difficulty in Qingqiu!

"Just do what Becas says!"

Qingqiu Emperor Nie Xiaoqian finally spoke.

Of course, she trusted Bai Cass' ability more than the fox demon general who sat down. After all, he is Bai Xiaofei's capable general.

Ordinary people are definitely not comparable to it.


The most important thing is.

Baikas's analysis was indeed very reasonable. The battle had just started, and he was about to use one of his aces.

It was a little too hasty.


General Fox Demon nodded sullenly.

But at this time, Bai Cass said again: "Dijun, not long ago, the Tianjian Satellite detected a special energy signal."

During the conversation.

Baikas also used his own ability to construct another holographic projection in the hall, which he has shown to everyone.

Pointing to a spot of light on the projection, he said: "This power seems familiar, but there are many differences, but it can span thousands of kilometers in an instant and land directly on the Houston Fortress of the Post Kingdom. Problem."

"According to the data we have so far, the only way to do this is with the help of divine artifacts, except for battle gods and magicians above the great sage."

"But I didn't detect the data feedback report of the artifact."

"in addition……"

Speaking of which.

With a thought of Bai Cass, the holographic projection screen changed again.

Everyone saw in the projection, a red spot of light flying towards the Fox Country at an astonishing speed.

Bai Cass analyzed: "After this person left, there was a horrible explosion reaction from the Houston Fortress, so I can boldly guess that this person should have a grudge against the Duke of Houston."

"According to his current travel speed, he can arrive here in about an hour or so. Maybe we can unite with him and deal with the Duke of Houston together."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend!"


There is one thing to say.

Bai Cass' ability is indeed very powerful.

Especially after the integration of the Pangu system in the dark plane, the ability has grown by leaps and bounds, but in this world, it is limited by the suppression of rules.

And the influence of the antimatter wave, Bai Cass' ability was severely weakened.


Even the Tianjian satellite can only operate in an extremely low environment, otherwise it will be destroyed by antimatter waves.

And some of the great powers in this world are also quite powerful.

As soon as a sword qi or a forbidden curse is blasted out, the Tianjian satellite may be shot down and destroyed directly, so unless it is a last resort, the Tianjian satellite will not leave Qingqiu too far, and only wander around and scout around its own country.

But even so.

The powerful detection ability of Tianjian Satellite is by no means comparable to that of ordinary magicians. Although precise photos cannot be taken, energy fluctuations and signal responses can still be faintly detected.

If not.

I'm afraid that when Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei first came to this world, Tianjian Satellite had already photographed them and recognized their identities.

Remember now...

It caused such a misunderstanding.


On the throne, Nie Xiaoqian was silent.

Although what Bacas said was reasonable, she still had to think about the safety of her own people from time to time.


After thinking twice.

Nie Xiaoqian finally rejected Bai Cass's proposal, because people in this world are too greedy, God knows if the other party will be the same as Houston?

Instead of taking risks, it's better to fight steadily, it's not like we don't have that ability!

"Don't worry about him for now!"

Nie Xiaoqian said indifferently: "Our top priority is to clean up those enemies who invaded us, and try not to provoke the rest, so as not to lure wolves into the house!"


White Cass responded.

Later, they began to talk about other combat strategies and countermeasures. However, unlike the one in Houston, once Nie Xiaoqian and the others negotiate a result, the order will be executed and operated instantly.

after all……

Most of Qingqiu's fortifications are powered by technology.

As the most powerful artificial intelligence, Baikas has the ability to control everything, such trivial things as conveying combat orders are just a thought.

The reaction is definitely more than a thousand times faster than Houston and others.


In terms of high-end combat power.

Qingqiu is still at a disadvantage here, after all, their establishment time is still too short, even with Bai Xiaofei's resources as support and subsidies, but after all, it is Bai Xiaofei's previous collection, which is far less powerful than his current one.

Moreover, some of the products are not convenient to display in this world.

Just like aliens.

to be honest.

Alien is really a good thing.

There is almost no end to evolution, and almost any creature can be fused by its parasites and display powerful and terrifying special abilities.


Bai Xiaofei is the only master of these terrifying biological weapons.

Even Baikas couldn't control them.

in addition.

There is another characteristic of the alien. If the emperor is not there, a new emperor will be born among the rest of the aliens.

This also means that once the aliens are released without the control of the emperor Bai Xiaofei, all the aliens will soon rebel and be abducted by the newly born emperor.


The alien army was directly shut down.

And those clone armies that are easier to control, such as the green fat man, the red giant, the fire dragon, the terminator...etc, have become excellent little brothers and cannon fodder.

However, these powers may be omnipotent in other worlds, but in this magical world, they seem a bit insufficient.

What's more, in the enemy's camp, there are still a large number of top warriors, magicians, and experts who are suspected to come from other worlds and dimensions.

Coupled with the fact that being outnumbered has become the public enemy of the world, and the end of the world is coming, the situation is even more unfavorable for Nie Xiaoqian and the others.


Under normal circumstances.

The power of Bai Cass alone is enough to suppress the entire world and dominate the world. It's not like now, all kinds of restrictions have been cut, it's almost depressing to death.


The most important reason is that Nie Xiaoqian is too kind.

If it was changed to Hong Hou, he would definitely have sacrificed nuclear weapons long ago. That little girl is very rebellious, she even dared to cheat Bai Xiaofei, let alone Nie Xiaoqian.

But it's also fortunate that Bai Cass is here, otherwise Nie Xiaoqian would not have established a kingdom and developed her own power.

With these fox demon subjects, Nie Xiaoqian is no longer willing to fight.


Those people out there are really disgusting.

If they insisted on killing them, they had no choice but to resist.

And responsible for the defense and the main battle, is Bai Cass, and the countless clone army under his command, as well as the Terminator fighters.

Like the people transformed by the fox demon, Nie Xiaoqian just asked them to be responsible for some special tasks to avoid casualties as much as possible.

after all……

They are really dead when they die.

Unlike those clone armies and mechanical warriors, they can be rebuilt when they are gone. As long as the resources are managed enough, there is no need to worry about having as much as you want.

In short.

Nie Xiaoqian was completely kind.

But those fox demon people don't necessarily think so. For example, some militants among them always think about fighting bloody battles, winning glory for the country, and repelling the enemy.

Fortunately, the manager of Qingqiu is Baikas, who has almost absolute monitoring, which prevents many tragedies from happening.

Otherwise, God knows how many people will die in vain if those fox demon people really start to act. After all, in this battle, the vanguard army is a high-end combat force headed by Nanshan.

Nanshan's strength is so strong that even Nie Xiaoqian doesn't dare to say that he is capable of surpassing the other party. They little monsters, if they go up, it's like delivering food.

Closer to home.

As time went by, the battle situation became more and more unfavorable for Qingqiu.


One of the defensive lines has been breached by Nanshan. Seeing this, Bai Cass immediately suggested: "Emperor, you must stop them, otherwise if you continue to let them advance, the casualties will be unbelievable!"


Nie Xiaoqian nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Do you have any suggestions for this?"

Bai Cass said: "Send out the saints!"



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