The Storm God

Chapter 3310 Heavenly Sword Falls!

Fox country coastline.

Cannon fire and gunpowder smoke are everywhere, and countless terminators and mechanical turrets are constantly firing and shooting, attacking the incoming enemies.


Although their firepower is fierce, they are like child's play in front of Nanshan and others. Only some powerful pulsed laser weapons can make them a little more serious.

The rest of the attacks couldn't even break through the shields of Nanshan and the others.

And vice versa.

A sword light from Nan Shan and the others.

Every time they attack, it will be like smashing Huashan Mountain, causing huge pressure and destruction to the fortifications of Fox Country.

Fortunately, the protective measures of energy shields were taken.


More than a dozen sword lights came over.

The coastal defense front here is probably about to be completely disintegrated.

But this is not a long-term solution. As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. The defense of the coastline somewhere was broken by one of the monks holding a spiral spear weapon.

Fortunately, just as he was about to drive straight in and attack wantonly, some special fighters were suddenly teleported over.

I saw that they were all wearing special armor, and they looked very incomprehensible. In terms of shape, they were somewhat similar to knights in the Western Middle Ages.

If Bai Xiaofei was here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that these fighters are not living people at all, but puppets.


These puppets are almost human-like in appearance, and can even use human martial arts, magic, and even some supernatural powers.

Coupled with the assistance of the special enhanced version of the Saint Cloth, the combat effectiveness can be described as quite impressive.

And with their appearance, the entire battlefield instantly became chaotic. Even though Nan Shan and the others were powerful, they were a little confused by these people and almost failed to stabilize their attack formation.

"Damn it!"

"What the hell are these things, why are they so difficult?"

"And there are so many of them!"


The vanguard officers were startled.

Although they don't pay attention to one or two puppet saints at all, they can't stand too many of them.

As the saying goes: "Many ants kill elephants!"

That's not a joke at all, and the abilities, combat skills, and supernatural powers of these puppet saints are all completely different, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly.

If you don't pay attention, once you are besieged, even a master of their level will be in danger of life.


Each of these puppet saints has a heinous self-destruct function.

And its self-detonation power is far above the nuclear explosion.

Maybe one or two, people like Nanshan won't take these things to heart, but what if hundreds or thousands can hug you together, form a closed space, and collectively blew themselves up?

That power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Even if they are not dead, they will be seriously injured.

To know.

This is the battlefield!

If that happens, it is estimated that death is not far away.

Even the top experts like Nanshan are like this, and the rest of the fighters who are not as good as them needless to say, it is almost as many as they come and die.

The worst thing is that people will die with you, and you can exchange ten or even more.

It's more cost-effective to say.

In short.

With the emergence of Saint Seiya.

The situation of the entire naval battle, and even the air battle, changed astonishingly in an instant, completely reversed the unfavorable situation of the Fox Country, and defeated the Duke of Houston and others' large forces, and suffered heavy casualties.


The losses on Fox Country's side were not small.

After all, these saint fighters were not created for nothing, they were all stock created by Bai Xiaofei when he was free.

Use one and use one less.

Although in this world, Bai Cass and Nie Xiaoqian have learned to do some things like cats and tigers, but in terms of power, they are definitely not comparable to Bai Xiaofei.

Those defective products, or dolls and puppets of poor quality, might be fine for dealing with ordinary enemy fighters.

It's not enough for guys like Shang Nanshan.

Air combat is better.


The enemy's flying dragon troops are too flexible.

Although the dolls and puppets are good in strength, they are not flexible enough, especially when fighting against them in the sky, they use their own strengths to attack the enemy's strengths.

Therefore, the main strategy of Baikas is to use the space-based weapon of Tianjian satellite-ultra-microwave as a means of killing.

Countless ultra-microwaves fell directly from the sky, forming a special forbidden zone of life in the sky, almost who came and who died.

Even if it is powerful and has a divine weapon to protect it, it will definitely not be able to hold it for too long. Coupled with the limitations of other combat methods, it can be said that it has an advantage.

no way.

Technology is so awesome sometimes.

People are often wiped out by the whole army before they know what's going on, and they are completely beaten into idiots. And even if they knew about it, there might not be any way to stop and confront it.

Although magic is miraculous and inconceivable, it is also an alternative technology in the final analysis. They rely on magic power to activate, which greatly limits its development.

At least……

The magic technology in this world is not very extreme.

Although there are also magic crystal cannons, forbidden spells and so on, there are still too few tricks that can attack the Tianjian satellite in low earth orbit.

And as long as the Tianjian satellite is not threatened, it can continue to attack. The Tianjian, which has the air superiority, is simply incomprehensible!


The masters here in Houston are not vegetarians either.

Soon they realized the seriousness of the problem, so they immediately changed their combat policy and withdrew all naval forces.

at the same time……

The air battle continued.

But mostly harassment.

Then, taking the opportunity, let the top masters hidden in it launch the forbidden magic spell, or the strongest ultimate move, to directly attack the Tianjian satellite.


If the restricted area of ​​life is not broken, they will not be able to continue fighting at all.

Among them, the monk Nanshan is undoubtedly the strongest one. His folding fan seems to contain some special magical powers. In the landscape painting on it, he directly summoned a terrifying roc with a wingspan of nearly 500 meters.

This roc didn't know what to do, and he couldn't see it was a fanniao.

It easily broke through the planet's gravitational shackles, leaped into the low-earth orbit, and then launched a fierce attack on the Tianjian satellite like an eagle talking about chickens.

Even though Baikas discovered the danger, launched a defense in time, and took pictures of the expulsion team on the Tianjian satellite to block Dapeng, but failed to keep the Tianjian satellite.

no way!

This Dapeng's strength is too strong!

All attacks and defenses are like ants scratching an itch in front of it, completely useless. On the contrary, its claw machine, even its feather shooting, is full of terrifying power, and it easily blows up all the obstacles along the way.

Tianjian Satellite is no exception.


Looking up from the ground.

It can be clearly seen that groups of bright and dazzling fireballs suddenly erupted in the sky, which is the scene shown when the Tianjian satellite was destroyed and exploded.

And relying on the defense of the restricted area of ​​life formed by the Tianjian satellite, as well as communication, mechanical control, etc., were also completely disintegrated because of this.

Fortunately, Baikas itself is a huge and incomparable signal tower. He activated the backup system the moment the Tianjian satellite fell.

Instead, use itself as a terminal device for signal transmission, continue to control all mechanical troops, and attack and block the enemy.


The fall of the Tianjian satellite still caused him a lot of pressure.

After all, in terms of air combat, Baikas is still at a disadvantage. Firstly, there are few top combat forces, and secondly, there are few air combat units, and they are not as flexible as the opponent.

If air superiority is completely lost, the entire battle situation will put enormous pressure on them. After learning of this situation, someone immediately proposed to activate the storm system to deal with the disadvantages of air combat.


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