The Storm God

Chapter 3311 Fight at the top!

The so-called storm system is a weapon defense system developed by Bacass using the power of technology and magic, which can simulate and even strengthen natural disasters such as storms and tornadoes in nature.

Once used, the entire fox country can be shrouded in terrifying storm tornadoes and thunder and lightning, blocking all invading enemies.

in short.

It is to artificially create a dangerous area.


Bai Cass immediately shook his head and vetoed: "Although the power of the storm system is good, it is only limited to ordinary experts. Top experts like Nanshan will not have much effect at all."

"Even a sword light from the opponent can smash the storm tornado. Using the storm system is useless except for wasting energy!"

"Then what do you think we should do?" The man became anxious immediately: "This is not good, that is not good, is it possible that you will be beaten for doing this?"

"of course not!"

Bai Cass' voice was as calm as ever: "For the current plan, the enemy has cutting-edge combat power as a cover, and any method is useless."

"The only thing that can stop them is King to King Yitu!"

"you mean?"


Seeing the man in a daze, Bai Cass nodded and said: "What I mean is, it's time to deploy our top combat power, otherwise we will always be at a disadvantage if the enemy continues to lead us by the nose like this!"

"Only by defeating and crushing their cutting-edge combat power can we have a chance of survival, otherwise, no amount of means can withstand the destruction of the top-level combat power!"

"I suggest, directly dispatch the Zhenjin Saint Seiya!"


Everyone fell silent for a moment.

Zhenjin Saint Seiya, that is definitely the trump card combat power of the Fox Kingdom.

Among the many levels of technology and cultivation, although Saint Seiya is not the most powerful, it is indeed recognized as the most difficult to fight, not one of them.

Especially the Zhenjin Saint Seiya among them, that is definitely the existence at the top of the pyramid.

Each has a terrifying combat power of one against one hundred.


There are too few of them.

And those who can perfectly display the power of its Vibrating Gold Cloth are even rarer. Therefore, it is absolutely wrong for Fox Country to send them out unless it is absolutely necessary.

But at this moment, Bai Cass proposed.

this means……

The battle on the scene has reached a fever pitch, and it is a critical moment of life and death. It is impossible to think of vibrating the golden saint fighter.


As soon as this remark came out, even Nie Xiaoqian on the throne fell silent. However, she quickly responded again: "You mean, do you also leave the station?"


White Cass responded.

Although he is not a real biological life form, he also has a vibrating gold body that is completely built for himself. Just upload his consciousness, and he can fight the enemy in a holy garment like a phantom, and his combat power must not be underestimated. .

The enemy army is numerous.

And the number of top combat power on the Fox Country's side is really scarce.

As a last resort...

Baikas can only come to the battlefield in person.


In the end, Nie Xiaoqian agreed to Bai Cass' request, but she specifically warned: "Be careful in everything, and if the situation is not good, return it immediately!"

after all……

Bai Cass is Bai Xiaofei's confidant.

Naturally, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't just watch Bai Cass die here, and Bai Cass also understood Nie Xiaoqian's worry, and just smiled and said:

"Dijun, don't worry, I will be fine, even if my body is destroyed, I still have system backup!"


Nie Xiaoqian stared at him seriously.

Bacas had no choice but to shake his head with a smile, and said: "Okay, I will be careful, and the same is true on your side. If the enemy has any tricks, don't hesitate to start the space travel system immediately and escape. here!"

The space traversal system is a god-level technological product created by Bacass by combining the magic of this world, alchemy technology, and many black technologies of his own.

Its function is almost the same as Zhenbo Sisko's ability, except that others are controllable, while this system is random.


Not as a last resort.

Baikas did not suggest activating the space traversal system, because even he, the creator, had no idea where he would be teleported.

But if it's really a matter of death, then I won't be able to control so much.


Nie Xiaoqian nodded to express her understanding.

Afterwards, Baicas withdrew from the main hall, and with him, there were also several generals around him, all of them were Zhenjin Saint Seiya.






The five vibrating gold holy garments created by Bai Xiaofei before have all found new owners suitable for them at this moment, and put them on for battle, appearing on the battlefield.

The one that Bai Cass is most familiar with is undoubtedly the first vibrating golden holy cloth Aries created by Bai Xiaofei, so he wears Aries.


Compared with the past, the current Aries has obvious changes and enhancements. Obviously, Baikas improved it later.

The original owner of Gemini was Obito Uchiha, but now it is worn on a male fox demon. Although it cannot fully exert the power of Gemini's vibrating golden holy clothes, it can reach about 80% of the level.

The fierce battle in the sky, Bai Cass means, is to be dealt with by him and Gemini together. The remaining Taurus and Aquarius are responsible for solving the naval forces.





One order.

Everyone immediately began to fight.

And the first to strike was the Aquarius Vibrating Gold Saint Seiya. He put his hands together into fists and raised them above his head, which was the ultimate move - the forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn!


"Ka Ka Ka!"


After a dazzling cold light.

The gunpowder on the entire coast suddenly froze. However, the seawater, which was still turbulent and churning just now, was directly frozen into thick solid ice.

As for those magical ships floating on the sea, water attribute monsters, etc., as long as the distance is relatively close and the response is relatively slow, all of them are instantly frozen in the solid ice and become freshly baked ice amber. .



An earth-shattering howl of terror resounded suddenly.

Taurus also made a move.


His ultimate move has also changed a lot from before. With the use of his ability, countless wild bulls made of magic power suddenly condensed in the void.

Each of these bison looked like they had been injected with chicken blood, their eyes were red, and with the swing of the arms displayed by the Taurus, they rushed to the opposite side of the frozen sea in an instant.


In an instant, tens of thousands of cattle galloped, destroying the dead.

Those frozen cruise ships, as well as the monsters, could only watch the countless magic bison rushing towards them, but they could do nothing.

follow closely.

The herd disappeared.

Disappeared together with them were many ships on the ice, as well as water monsters. There were only countless shattered and frozen flesh and blood remains on the ice, proving that they did exist.


Even those enemies who were not frozen were impacted and affected, and they were instantly defeated and extremely embarrassed.

Sweep away at a glance.

The enemy's attacking formation, which was still very neat just now, turned into a four-dimensional image like a dog chewing on it, and was immediately hit by covering artillery fire from the coastal defense front!

The earth-shattering big explosion came, and the blossoming miniature mushroom clouds rose and fell one after another, like bamboo shoots springing up after the rain, constantly popping up.


As soon as the two Zhenjin Saints made a move, the naval force on the Duke of Houston's side suddenly became miserable. Not to mention the entire army was wiped out, at least nearly one-third of its size had to be wiped out.

This is the terrifying power of the top combat power!

In the face of absolute strength, the so-called quantity, especially the one with too many different levels, is almost completely meaningless.

It's just a slap and a spike!


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