The Storm God

Chapter 3312 Paper fan field!


The navy was completely discouraged.

Facing the departure of Zhenjin Saint Seiya, they were powerless.

If you want to deal with them, you have to deploy cutting-edge combat power, but the current cutting-edge combat power is all on the air combat side, used to deal with the satellites and life restricted areas of the fox country.

Temporarily unable to open ah!


They can only retreat and wait for the air combat side to withdraw their hands before launching a counterattack.

As everyone knows.

At this moment, the air combat unit was also attacked by Zhenjin Saint Seiya, and they were the two most dangerous ones.

"Galaxy Starburst!"

The Gemini Vibrating Gold Saint Seiya is a unique skill when he comes up.

The masters of the air combat unit, who were caught off guard, were instantly stunned by the super explosion that appeared out of thin air like a real meteorite.

Except for a very few masters who took precautions and dodged at the critical moment, almost all the rest were blown up.


With their level, it is impossible to be killed in one move, but it is inevitable to suffer minor injuries, after all, this is the ultimate move of Zhenjin Saint Seiya.

Even if it is not a complete version of the stunt, at least 80% of the power is still there, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can parry.


The flying dragons of those flying units, as well as the flying boats produced by alchemy technology, almost lost more than half of them in the explosion of the galaxy starburst.

"Damn it!"

Nanshan suffered a small loss here.

Seeing the two golden figures rushing straight into the sky, his expression changed drastically, and he reminded everyone: "Everyone, be careful, the Fox Kingdom has already deployed their ace fighting power, so don't be careless!"

at the same time.

He himself was not idle.

The folding fan in his hand suddenly opened, and the landscape painting on it seemed to come alive in an instant. Immediately, a towering mountain appeared from the center, and then fell from the sky towards the oncoming Aries and Gemini.


Although this move is simple, it is extremely powerful.

after all……

That's a big mountain.

If it fell from the sky so suddenly, if it was not intercepted and allowed to fall, it would be the fox country's fortifications that would suffer in the end.

in short.

This is a conspiracy, so Aries and Gemini have to pick it up.

If you don't pick it up, the fortifications below will be unlucky, but if you do, it is very likely that you will fall into the rhythm of the enemy's attack.

"Stardust Rotation Skill!"


Aries finally made a move.

With one unique skill, he created a tornado hurricane like a real dragon, wrapped in endless power, facing the towering mountain falling from the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the two sides met, there was an earth-shattering bang.

The mountain is just a mountain, not made of any special magic weapon or precious materials, so facing the attack of Aries, it can only be ruthlessly destroyed.

He was like a huge watermelon, which was pierced by a tornado on the spot, and then smashed into countless wreckage pieces by the endless spinning force.

These fragments are large and small, falling down like a meteor shower. But fragments of this level are no longer a threat.

They can't even smash the shields of the fortifications, at most they are just ripples, and they are nothing to be afraid of.


The real ultimate move is not like this. It was a ray of sword light hidden behind the mountain, and the terrifying stunts erupted by other masters.

"Crystal wall!"

In a critical moment, Aries used another stunt.

The stunts of Nanshan and others were blocked three feet away in an instant, blocked by an invisible wall of air, and they could not be stored.


Some people's attacks were directly bounced back on the spot.

"This is impossible!"

Seeing this scene, Nanshan and the others were shocked.

This is a trick jointly performed by more than a dozen masters, but it was completely blocked by Aries alone!

How strong is he?


And this time.

The ultimate move of Gemini also came again.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Aries to buy time for himself, Gemini, who has completed the energy storage, directly released another stunt of his own——

Different dimension space!


Although this Gemini is not the original version, he is also very capable. With the Gemini Vibrating Gold Saint Cloth, he can display this very powerful stunt.

And with the explosion of the ultimate move, the entire battlefield area in the air was distorted and shifted instantly. Nanshan and the others were shocked to find that they had come to another strange special area.

There are distorted and chaotic stars and dark matter all around, and crisscross lines stretching into the endless depths.

They are like tiny swimming fish lost in it. They don't know where to go before, and where to retreat after. Wherever their eyes look, everything is empty.

in short.

These people were exiled.

Although it was temporary, at least at this moment, they were completely away from the battlefield, and were directly exiled to a special dimensional space by the Gemini Vibrating Gold Saint Seiya.

There were only a few people who reacted quickly and ran away quickly when they saw the situation was not good. They barely escaped the catastrophe. After witnessing all this with their own eyes, their eyes were full of horror.

Among them, Nanshan is naturally included.


Seeing the comrade who was still by his side just now, he disappeared in an instant, and he had to admit that he was also frightened.

Fortunately, I ran fast at that time, otherwise I was afraid that I would also be hit.

Fortunately, Nanshan's heart was also filled with infinite anger. Thinking that my majestic sword fairy was forced to such a state by a group of low-level humans...

What a shame!


At this moment, he was completely angry.

Looking at Aries and Gemini who had already flown into the sky and confronted him and the others, Nanshan clenched his fists tightly, his gaze full of murderous intent.

His momentum began to skyrocket.

The clothes on the whole body are automatic in the absence of wind, and the flying sword under the feet bursts out with terrifying sword light and buzzing, as if responding to the master's anger.

As for the folding fan in Nanshan's hand, he had already thrown it out.


some moment.

The paper fan shattered completely.

The landscape painting depicted on it was instantly withdrawn to pieces.

follow closely……


A beast roar came.

In the fragmented painting, a terrifying giant beast flew out.

In addition, there are crushed stones, birds, running water... and other things, one by one, appearing from the fragments of the painting, almost instantly, transforming that piece of emptiness into a landscape transformed by a paper fan scene.

In other words.

This can also be regarded as a special domain skill. Based on the paper fan, the cast of spells can manifest the painted objects, reproduce the landscape, and form a domain of its own!

The moment when the field was formed.

Everyone couldn't tell whether this was reality, or whether they and others were drawn into the painting. There is only one feeling for everyone——

His own strength seemed to be suppressed by something.


It is very worrying!

After all, this is a battlefield, and if the power is suppressed at a critical moment, no matter how serious you are, you will know that something is wrong.

If I were an ordinary person, I'm afraid my mentality would have collapsed by now.


Aries and Gemini are not ordinary people, one of them is an intelligent life form, and the other is proficient in the power of space, so they quickly recognized the illusion of Nanshan's move.

They were not fooled by the illusion of the domain, and they saw through the mystery in it almost instantly, and the suppressed power was nothing more than a psychedelic effect to deceive people's hearts.

in short.

Everyone is still on the battlefield just now, but the paper fan has a huge enough scene, making people mistakenly think it is the same as in the painting.

Coupled with special power, demagogy, and blind perception, this makes people feel that they have been pulled into the painting and their power is limited.

But in fact, it was just shrouded by a huge scene.

If you want to break the game, it's easy!


Gemini made a direct move of the Milky Way Starburst, and the terrifying impact of the explosion destroyed this fairyland-like scene in an instant, leaving no scum left.

The scene disappears, the domain disappears.

Everyone returned to the normal environment just now, but Nanshan's face became even more ugly and gloomy.

after all……

The field illusion of the paper fan is one of his killer moves.

Since his debut, I don't know how many opponents he has killed, but it turned out to be unrealistic, but now he is in the hands of two saints, it is simply unreasonable!


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