The Storm God

Chapter 3313 Dawei Tianlong!

somewhere in the air.

Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei are heading towards the east of the mainland, flying rapidly along the red karma line of the Duke of Houston.



Bai Xiaofei sensed something.

Not only him, in fact, Xiao Bailei also sensed it.

After all, she is now a master of the God King Realm. Although it is still in the early stage, because the Tao she has mastered is thunder and lightning, and these are closely related to electromagnetic waves, so Bai Lei's perception is extremely powerful.

"Leilei, did you feel it too?"


Bai Lei nodded.

She naturally understood what her father meant, did she feel wrong?

But Bai Lei's affirmative answer directly corrected Bai Xiaofei's doubts, you didn't feel wrong, because I sensed it too.

that feeling...

That familiar wave...

That's right!

That special sense of space tearing is very likely to be the energy fluctuations generated by the different-dimensional space of Gemini Vibrating Gold Cloth!

That is.

Sure enough, the two of them did not look in the wrong direction. It is very likely that Nie Xiaoqian and others are in the east.


They seem to be fighting!


Bai Lei's expression tightened, and her breathing became a little short.

Bai Xiaofei's face was also startled, he nodded silently, then took Bai Lei's little hand, and said: "Speed ​​up!"


They were not sure about Nie Xiaoqian's whereabouts before.

And it has to follow the causal line of the Duke of Houston, so the speed is not fast. But it's different now, with the energy fluctuations in the different dimension space as the signal target, Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei can definitely rush over there at the fastest speed.

Why not use teleportation, or space teleportation?

Of course, it's not that Bai Xiaofei is unwilling, but the space coordinates there are extremely chaotic now, and it seems that a war is going on, and I don't know what the situation is.

This makes it inconvenient to use teleportation and other abilities. If you make a mistake, it will be like directly crossing into a crack in a different dimension...

That would be hard work.


Bai Xiaofei felt that he could fly.

The most important thing is that the distance between their positions at this moment is not very far. With the speed of Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, if they go all out, they will arrive in a few minutes.

It's only a matter of a few minutes, of course Bai Xiaofei would not choose the more risky and unexpected teleportation to hurry.


fox country.

Coastal fortification front.


The two sides have completely exchanged fire. The Aquarius Saint Seiya and the Taurus Saint Seiya were all dismissed and fell into a bitter fight.

Only Virgo is at the forefront, carrying the attacks of a large number of masters alone.

Behind him, there are countless destroyed Terminator fighters, as well as buildings such as turrets, which look very miserable and terrifying.


Aries and Gemini are scarred.

Nanshan on the opposite side was also out of breath, and the flying sword under his feet even had some scars, giving people a tattered feeling.

Before Nanshan, there were at least 50 or 60 top fighters, but now, there are only a dozen of them left.

Casualties are not insignificant.


All this was worthwhile, because they finally contained the two masters on the opposite side, and successfully let the lurking masters attack the coastline of the fox country.


This fight has been a trap from the start.

Nanshan and the others are just an introduction. The real killing move is actually those hidden top masters. The goal is to take advantage of the emptiness of Fox Country's defense force after Aries and other top fighters are dispatched.

Although Bai Cass had left Virgo as a backup to deal with unexpected situations for the sake of caution, but after all, they were outnumbered, and the fortifications on the coastline were eventually broken by the enemy, resulting in heavy casualties.

And this moment.

Whether it is Aries, Gemini, or Taurus and Aquarius, they are all pinned down by the enemy, and there is no way to escape.

If it continues like this, then they can only watch the enemy drive straight in and attack the territory of the fox country without any restraint.


Just then.

As the Lord of the Fox Kingdom, Emperor Qingqiu, Nie Xiaoqian led a large number of fox demons and clone army to appear behind the defensive line, blocking the enemy's further attack in time.


Bai Cass in Aries' body suddenly turned pale with shock.

He wants to say something.


But Nie Xiaoqian interrupted first: "No need to say more! At this moment, I am also a soldier. Today either they die or we die!"

"Fight with them!"


In the roar.

A terrifying and powerful force soared into the sky.

Those masters who rushed to the front and were directly dazzled by the excitement were captured and confused by Nie Xiaoqian's power in an instant.


They all turned around, like wolves and tigers, directly killing and wounding their compatriots, and their attacks were merciless, fast and ruthless!

at the same time.

The large army of clones and mechanical soldiers behind Nie Xiaoqian did not have any reservations, just a wave of cover-type bombing attacks.

Just for a moment.

It caused a lot of casualties to those enemy troops who landed on the coastline.

If it weren't for the protection of a dozen top fighters, I'm afraid these people would have been wiped out by Nie Xiaoqian and others on the spot.

"What a terrifying power!"

"Is this the ability of the legendary demon fox that destroys the world? It's really terrifying to be able to confuse and control so many masters in an instant!"

"Everyone, be careful!"


It was a monk who spoke.

He has a burly and domineering body. The upper body of the red fruit is full of muscles. On the left chest, back, and shoulders, there are dragon and tiger tattoos.

Coupled with his hideous and terrifying face...

In short.

It's very unorthodox at first glance.

This person's name is Tang Long, and he is a master of Buddhism and martial arts. His strength is second only to Nanshan. He is considered to be the most outstanding group of masters under the Duke of Houston.

Previously, relying on his strength, he was able to successfully break through the defense of the Fox Country's coastline. Seeing Qingqiu Emperor Nie Xiaoqian make a move, Tang Long suddenly became excited.

It is worth mentioning that this Tang Long is simply a fake monk.

Although he has cultivated the supernatural powers of Buddhism and replaced his bald head, he doesn't pay attention to the rules and regulations, and he especially likes female sex. Seeing Nie Xiaoqian's beauty, beauty, peerless, Tang Long, who is an evil ghost in the world, is not excited reason?

Facing Nie Xiaoqian who was charging into battle, Tang Long was almost the first master to attack.

If it wasn't for his arrogance.


He just happened to be able to restrain Nie Xiaoqian's confusing illusion, and there was no taboo. Even Tang Long's Buddhist supernatural powers had a natural and powerful bonus effect on demon cultivators.

That is to say, to be confident.


Tang Long descended from the sky, and before anyone arrived, he moved the lion's roar, wrapped in endless power, and took the lead, deterring many fox masters.

"You all step aside!"

Nie Xiaoqian knew how powerful Tang Long was, and quickly told the fox generals around her to stay away from her, because this was not a battle they could intervene at all.

in addition……

The reason why Nie Xiaoqian became what she is today.

In addition to Nanshan's supernatural powers of sword repair and magic, the main reason is Tang Long's Buddhist sanskrit power, which erodes Nie Xiaoqian's demon power all the time.

Now that their enemies meet, Nie Xiaoqian naturally wants to repay each other well.

next moment.

In the fortifications along the coastline, a gigantic nine-tailed fox with fairy air suddenly appeared. It opened its teeth and danced its claws, and its nine slender and white tails, like a windmill, swayed and swayed, stirring up endless power.

Tang Long, who descended from the sky, immediately felt the terrifying pressure rushing towards his face. He followed him with a laugh, and said proudly: "A monstrous evildoer, who dares to use an axe for his tricks? Look at how powerful I am, Dawei Tianlong!"


In mid-air, Tang Long's handprints repeatedly pinched.

Finally, with a sudden swing of his arms, the dragon tattoo on his left shoulder and back immediately came to life, and then instantly transformed into a mighty and domineering golden dragon, rushing towards the nine-tailed fox on the ground with its teeth and claws open.

The golden dragon treasure is majestic, without anger and prestige, and has endless Buddha light and Buddha power on its body. It is not afraid of all demon cultivation spells and psychedelic supernatural powers.

Last time.

Nie Xiaoqian was defeated by Tang Long's move of Dawei Tianlong and the cooperation of Nanshan. But this time, Nie Xiaoqian will not make the same mistake again.

"Tail Beast Jade!"



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