The Storm God

Chapter 3314 Horror!

on the ground.

A huge nine-tailed demon fox roared upwards.

And in her mouth, there was a crazily condensed, super-big energy cluster that was unknown. The power of the energy group, even if they are far apart, everyone can feel the power and terror in it.

The gathering process of the energy cluster is very short.

Almost instantly.



It exploded.

But instead of being emitted entirely, a condensed and tiny ray of light is shot out from the front of the energy cluster.

Like a laser beam.

Shoot straight for nine days!


The mighty Tianlong descending from the sky seemed to feel threatened.

It bared its fangs and claws, roared like a dragon, then twisted its body, trying to avoid the shot of Tailed Beast Jade, but the latter was like a body attached to bones, unable to get rid of it at all.

Look from a distance.

This golden dragon seemed to be crushed by a laser and ran around, it was in an extreme embarrassment.


"I can't think of the strength of this demon fox. I haven't seen her for a while, but she has become so terrifying. I should have killed her in the first place!"

"But it's not too late today, look at my Arhat Shattering Seal!"


Tang Long roared angrily.

In an instant, a shining, domineering golden seal suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it grew up against the wind. In a blink of an eye, it turned into an incomparably majestic mountain, smashing towards Nie Xiaoqian on the ground.

Of course Nie Xiaoqian will not sit still.

Tailed Beast Jade rushed forward brazenly.



The laser beam from the Tailed Beast Jade bombarded the huge Heaven-shattering Seal, just like a small water gun hitting a diamond, it had no effect at all.

Not only that.

Without the hindrance of the Tailed Beast Jade laser, the Dawei Tianlong also got a chance. A dragon swung its tail and came straight to Nie Xiaoqian.

"Go away!"

Nie Xiaoqian was furious.

One of the nine graceful and slender fox tails flicked violently. On the spot, the golden body of Dawei Tianlong was drawn aside.

The huge dragon's body collided with the surrounding defensive buildings, and bursts of bangs suddenly erupted, destroying an unknown number of turrets.

But at this moment, Nie Xiaoqian can no longer control so much.

It is imperative to solve the Fantian Yin first.


This big seal is pressed down.

Don't say that she herself is going to be unlucky, the entire fortification will be destroyed in one fell swoop. After all, this thing is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that there is no limit at all, it is really terrifying.

This was the first time Nie Xiaoqian saw Tang Long use such a terrifying magic weapon.

It can be seen that last time, he didn't use his full strength at all.


Closer to home.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't hesitate at all.

This time, she directly threw the entire Tailed Beast Jade out, as if throwing a bomb, hoping that the explosive power of the Tailed Beast Jade could temporarily resist the sinking of the Heaven Shaking Seal.


Tailed Beast Jade slammed into it.


The earth-shattering explosion appeared in an instant, and the terrifying mushroom cloud was about to form, but was directly suppressed by Fan Tianyin.

Just like a mushroom that was just about to germinate was flattened by a brick, the terrifying power of the explosion directly turned into a terrifying horizontal impact.

Fortunately, this all happened in mid-air.

Therefore, the impact on the ground is very small, and the main reason is that the void bears more than 70% of the power.

But even so, it's definitely not easy on the ground.

Especially on the coastline defense front, the energy shield was already very weak, and it would collapse completely in no time after being subjected to such a terrifying concussion.

Without the protection of the defense cover, the entire fortification was almost completely exposed to Houston and the others.


They were totally excited.


Of course, Houston and the others would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately started a fierce attack, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to completely destroy Fox Country's fortifications.

House leak happens to rain.

At this time, Dawei Tianlong, who was knocked to the ground by Nie Xiaoqian's tail before, also began to rampage and destroy the fortifications.

With its terrifying combat power, troops like the clone army and the Terminator can't be stopped at all, and it's just to deliver food.

Just for a moment.

Fox Country suffered heavy casualties.

at last……

It was thanks to a few generals of fox monsters who shot with all their strength that they could barely block the rampage of Dawei Tianlong, but this was only for a while.

After all, the strengths of the two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

It is not easy to do this step. As long as Tang Long puts a little more effort into it, all this can be completely broken.

Emergency moment.

A special figure suddenly appeared.

It was like a superman, it flew directly, and then punched and kicked Dawei Tianlong, and with its blood and brute force, it directly beat Dawei Tianlong out of the fox country's fortifications .

And this person is the vibrating gold body that Bai Xiaofei built before.

Namely: Superman Bai Yu.


The person controlling him at this moment is of course not Bai Xiaofei.

It's Baicas, the strongest artificial intelligence.


Not only did he control Aries, but in critical moments, he also multi-tasked, using the mind control device, and also controlled Bai Xiaofei's vibrating gold body.

Although the power of Zhenjin's body is far from being as powerful as Bai Xiaofei himself can control, it is definitely enough to deal with a mighty Tianlong who has no intelligence.

He doesn't have any fancy fighting skills, all he has is a body full of terrifying power, the standard one force will drop ten times!


For Tang Long's Luohan Fantian Seal, Bai Cass had no good solution, because it was seriously beyond his ability.

Not only that.

Tang Long was not alone.

By his side, there are also other powerful accomplices.

It's just that at this moment, they didn't focus all their attention on Nie Xiaoqian, but aimed to attack the fortifications of Fox Country and create better conditions for the follow-up large troops.

Each of these people seemed to be in an uninhabited land. Every time they made a move, they would cause huge damage to the fortifications of the fox country, as well as casualties.

It's not that Fox Country didn't fight back.


It's useless.

Just like a group of ants desperately resisting the stampede of human beings, most of them are futile and die tragically on the spot.

Only a few fox demon generals, and Zhenjin saint fighters, can still carry a wave. But because they are outnumbered, the pressure they face is quite huge.

Almost all of them, like Nie Xiaoqian, were suppressed to death by the enemy.

There is no possibility of escape.

Seeing so.


Nie Xiaoqian was completely angry.

Instead of maintaining her human form, she directly transformed into a snow-white and holy nine-tailed demon fox, and her size instantly increased by more than a hundred times.

The nine tails grow in the wind, like nine top fighters, heading straight to the nine directions of the battlefield, intending to block the nine strongest.

And herself.

Then he stood up directly, with his claws raised high.

Nie Xiaoqian actually used her own body to forcibly resist the heavy pressure of the Arhat Turning Heaven Seal, vainly trying to use her own strength to stop it.


She underestimated the power of the Heaven Shaking Seal.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Nie Xiaoqian's body bent down quite a bit visible to the naked eye, obviously suppressed by the terrifying power of the Shaking Heaven Seal.

If only that's the case.

The key seal is still getting bigger, and every time it gets bigger, its weight will multiply geometrically, and Nie Xiaoqian's body will tremble and bend more and more.

so on.

I'm afraid it won't be long before she will be completely crushed to death by Fan Tianyin.


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