The Storm God

Chapter 3315 The end!


At this moment, everyone in Fox Country was shocked.

Nie Xiaoqian showed her demon fox body, which meant that she had exerted all her strength, even performed supernormally, but she still couldn't bear the suppression of Fantian Yin.

If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.


Many people rushed up.

They wanted to share the pressure for Nie Xiaoqian, and rushed to the bottom of Fantian Seal one by one without hesitation, wanting to resist the suppression together with Nie Xiaoqian.


The strength of these people is too bad.

Their joining will not help at all. Some people were even strangled to ashes by the terrifying power of the Heaven Shattering Seal before they got close.

after all……

This is a legendary magic weapon!

Even if it is a copycat, it is definitely not something that ordinary fox monsters can compete with. On the contrary, those purely mechanical mecha fighters were not restrained by the Shaman Seal.

And in terms of pure strength, mechanical warriors also have unique advantages, as long as the number is sufficient, they can also exert enormous power.


Tang Long and the others were not decorations.

Naturally, they wouldn't just sit and watch so many people running over to help Nie Xiaoqian. With such a good opportunity, how could they be worthy of their villain's austerity if they didn't take advantage of the fire and add insult to injury.

this moment.

Almost all the masters on the scene have changed their attack targets.

At least these people headed by Tang Long are no longer focusing on fortifications. They are all killing people, whether it is robots, clones, or fox demons.

But they would not let anyone rush over to help Nie Xiaoqian.

Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair. No matter how many people rush forward, they will never be able to keep up with the speed of the massacre of these criminals.


"You guys are too deceitful!"

"Give me all to die!"


Nie Xiaoqian was completely angry.

Her nine tails no longer chase those masters. Instead, it was taken back directly to protect those who rushed over and wanted to help themselves.

As an emperor, she certainly couldn't just watch her people being slaughtered and remain indifferent.

And the more Nie Xiaoqian was like this, the more passive she became.

With this distraction to protect other people, Nie Xiaoqian's power to counteract the Heaven-shattering Seal was immediately reduced a lot.



The huge nine-tailed demon fox was directly suppressed by the terrifying Wupeng's Overturning Seal and knelt on the ground on one knee. Her knees, shoulders, paws, back, and even her nine tails were quickly stained with bright red.

It looks coquettish and ferocious, incomparably bleak.

at the same time.

In the sky.

Jianxiu Nanshan also took out his trump card killer.

It was a special flying sword, the blue one looked very beautiful, but it possessed extremely terrifying power and freezing air.

As soon as it appeared, the temperature in the entire world dropped by dozens of degrees, as if it had transformed into a frozen hell in an instant.

Whether it's the attack of Aries, or the unique move of Gemini, in front of this flying sword, it has become a display.


It freezes everything.

Water feature wall? Stardust rotation function? Galaxy Starburst? Different dimension space?

Feel sorry!

All these tricks don't work.

That blue flying sword seems to have the ability to freeze everything, any tricks and abilities, in front of it, can only be surrendered.

Really even the space is no exception!


This flying sword is by no means a mortal thing, it may contain some kind of great power, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such power, even the power of space can be frozen.


Nanshan stands proudly.

Looking proudly at Aries and Gemini who were frozen into two lumps of ice and could not move at all, he explained to himself: "This flying sword is called the end, which means the end of everything. Forged from fragments of the rules of power, it is a veritable emperor soldier."

"Although I can only exert one ten-thousandth of its power, it is enough to deal with you ants. It is an honor for you to die in its hands!"

"You should be on your way!"


After finishing speaking, it is Nanshan who will swing his sword and thoroughly understand Aries and Gemini.

But at this moment.


Nanshan's perception suddenly noticed that there were two unusually powerful energy reactions flying towards this place from the west without any concealment.

The most important thing is that these two energy reactions are very strange. One of them, in particular, was extremely terrifying.

Rao is as strong as Nanshan, but he can't help but feel trembling and frightened.


"And it's still a terrifying existence far above me!"

"But how is that possible?"


Nanshan was shocked.

You know, the current him is holding the end.

The overall strength is so strong that even if it is placed in the reincarnation space, it can definitely have the cultivation of the God King Realm, or even the first level of the God King Realm.

This level, not to mention in this world, even in the reincarnation space can be regarded as a master.


Now he has met someone stronger than himself.

This is incredible!

"Could it be..."

Nanshan suddenly thought of a possibility, and secretly said: "Is it the terrifying existence in the legend that can destroy the entire multiverse world?"

"But it's not right either!"

"This magical world is just one of many multiverses. How could it attract the attention of such a character? And it is logical that we should be in his interest!"

"But besides that person, who else has such terrifying strength?"

"Those righteous people who intend to save the world?"


Nanshan couldn't understand it.

However, Bai Cass in the frozen Aries body was immediately pleasantly surprised after sensing those two energy fluctuations.

"This breath is..."

"Little Bai Lei?"

Bai Cass couldn't believe it.

After all, before parting, Xiao Bailei's strength was still average. But now the energy fluctuations he sensed can even be compared with Nie Xiaoqian.

This is incredible.

So much so that Bai Cass almost suspected that he had made a mistake.


After careful distinction.

Bai Cass can be sure that although this energy aura is different from what he is familiar with, its essence is not. It is definitely Xiao Bai Lei!

As for why it is so strong?


Needless to say?

It must be like Nie Xiaoqian, who has made rapid progress with her own adventures, but it is really unexpected that she can directly reach such an astonishing level.

in addition……

What happened to the energy fluctuation with Xiao Bai Lei?

With my ability, I can't sense its characteristics and identity information at all. Could it be some big boss that Xiao Bai Lei met?

If that's the case, that's great!

At least……

There are two more generals!

Even if that strange boss is stronger than Nie Xiaoqian, he can definitely play a huge role. After all, the enemy's masters have almost been consumed.

On the whole, we are still very hopeful.


The most important thing is to save Nie Xiaoqian!

So far.

White cast suddenly had an idea.

He immediately gave up control of Aries, and directly transferred his consciousness to Virgo on the ground.

Followed directly to start violent tricks——

Heaven Dance Magic Wheel!


Overloaded, the stunt burst out with the maximum power X10 times, and immediately caused a terrifying vision between heaven and earth to descend.

The originally chaotic battlefield, full of gunpowder smoke and death, turned into endless Dunhuang murals in an instant.

It seemed that everyone present was pulled into a special space in an instant, and at the same time, a terrifying and vast force swept across the audience.

Except for Nanshan, Tang Long and other top experts who had no special feelings, the rest of the weaker players were instantly recruited.

Either they were deprived of their five senses in an instant and became a useless person, or the murals were smashed to pieces on the spot, sunk and shattered, and there was no whole body left.

Or he was seriously injured and vomited blood, unable to fight any more.

And Virgo Saint Seiya...

Die on the spot!

It was instantly wiped out, leaving only a vibrating golden holy cloth left in place, and under the control of Bai Cass, it can still maintain its human form.

follow closely.

Taurus and Aquarius appeared behind him one after another.

The three vibration gold saint fighters put together a very strange posture, and the target direction of the attack was the Overturning Seal that was still suppressing Nie Xiaoqian.

"The wonder of Athena!"



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