The Storm God

Chapter 3316 Yuntian Extreme Blade!

Athena's Excitement, in Saints, referred to as A.E, is a trick in which the three golden saints concentrate their own ultimate small universe to attack at one point. Its destructive power is comparable to the Big Bang that created the universe in a small range. .

It is also because of its astonishing destructive power that it has been banned by Athena since the sub-myth era. It is said that the user will be deprived of the name of a saint forever, and his soul will be branded as inferior to a ghost, and he will never be able to stand up again.


These claims are somewhat exaggerated.

Moreover, although the tricks used by Baicas and others are similar to the power of A.E, the essence is completely different.


A terrifying golden light erupted.

It is like an angry dragon, rushing straight to the sky, and the first one to be attacked by it is Tang Long's Overturning Seal!

The power of the sky-shattering seal is not unlimited.

In fact, any magic weapon is the same, if it wants to exert its terrifying combat power, it must rely on an equally powerful master.

Although Tang Long was formidable, he obviously hadn't reached the level of Fan Tian Yin. All his previous performances were considered extraordinary.

He was blocked one after another, and the suppression failed. In fact, the burden Tang Long himself had to bear was quite huge.


Coupled with the A.E attacks of the three Zhenjin Saints, he was like a camel that was overwhelmed by the last straw, and finally couldn't hold on.


There was a bang.

Fan Tianyin was knocked back by the angry dragon.

And on the way of flying backwards, it quickly changed from large to small, and almost instantly returned to its original appearance, and then retracted into Tang Long's body as if aggrieved.

Tang Long himself was panting and sweating profusely, looking severely exhausted and exhausted, his eyes were full of anger and disbelief.


Compared to the three Zhenjin Saints, he is still considered good.

After using the trinity's shadow tactics A.E, Taurus, the core of the main power output, died on the spot.

The breath of Aquarius also dropped several ranks in an instant.


This unique skill is also a terrifying burden on them.

But they didn't regret it at all, at least their efforts were rewarded, Fan Tianyin was sent flying back, and Dijun was rescued.

Isn't the duty of a saint warrior to protect the goddess?

Taurus can be regarded as a well-deserved death.


Nie Xiaoqian's face was full of sadness.

At this moment, she is extremely worn out, her body is covered with injuries, her combat effectiveness has plummeted, and her level has dropped very seriously.

Fortunately, the enemy's losses were not small, otherwise it would still be the same, and this battle would be impossible to fight, and there was only one dead end.


Baikas issued the latest combat order.

In an instant, all the survivors, whether they were experts or not, or human beings, almost all gathered towards Nie Xiaoqian.

His meaning is obvious, to protect Nie Xiaoqian to the death!


But Nie Xiaoqian was very repulsed by this order. Because it means that countless people will die because of her!


But Cass said with a smile: "Persevere, we will have rescuers soon, believe me, you will be happy to see someone coming!"

The voice just fell.

Suddenly, there was a cold snort in the sky.


Nan Shan's figure appeared in front of the crowd, with an imposing and dignified appearance, especially the blue fairy sword in his hand, which suppressed everyone so much that they could hardly breathe.

"Even if there are rescuers, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to see them, because they will send you on your way soon, Yuntian Jiren!"

Without any hesitation or inkblotting.

Nanshan immediately made a move, and the end in his hand burst out a bright and terrifying huge blue light, sweeping towards Nie Xiaoqian and others as if to split the world.

Everything that intends to block along the way, no matter whether it is a person, a machine, or a magic weapon, etc., there is no one-round enemy.

Either it was instantly frozen into ice crystals, and then smashed into pieces by the sword energy, or it was directly annihilated into endless ice slag, disappearing without a trace.

Even a special creation as strong as the Vibrating Gold Saint Cloth didn't have much resistance in front of Yan of the End, and was frozen into ice crystals in an instant.


Directly pushed back by the terrifying sword energy of Ending Yan, he flew backwards.

But even so, Bai Cass and the others still did not hesitate or fear at all, and they all rushed forward, regardless of their own safety, trying to block Nanshan's blow.


All in vain.

It is like a derailed train, rampaging unscrupulously across the fields, no matter how many houses and buildings it encounters, it cannot stop its progress.

Nie Xiaoqian did not sit still.


The resistance and attack she has paid is still the strongest among them.

But does it matter?

Under Yan of the End's devastating sweeping attack, all living beings interpreted as an ant, and she was at best a slightly bigger ant.

With others, there is no essential difference at all.


"Ka Ka Ka!"

The earth-shattering bang continued.

The destructive storm set off by the end, everything it passed turned into ice crystal shards, like a frozen hell, desolate and cruel.

The fortifications of the Fox Country's coastline fell apart in an instant, completely disintegrating, and even the nearby mainland coast showed signs of destruction.

And the instigator of all this is the end of Nanshan.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nanshan's eyes were full of excitement and satisfaction, as well as endless desire for great strength.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "As expected of the legendary emperor soldier, the power is against the sky. This is why I haven't even exerted one ten-thousandth of the power, and there is such a terrifying power. If I become a god emperor in the future, how can I do it?" Isn't it more terrifying?"

"Compared to Tang Long's Overturning Seal, I feel that the potential of this End is even greater. Fortunately, it was not selected at the time..."

"After this task is completed, according to the regulations of the organization, I should be able to obtain the Golden Elixir of Breaking Realm needed to be promoted to God Emperor!"

"As for this demon fox, it can be caught alive. After all, it is still very good-looking. If it is domesticated and becomes a slave, it will be absolutely cool!"

"I'm afraid that someone at the top of the organization will be tempted. At that time, we may have to give up love. But for the sake of the future, let's cut it. After all, strength is king!"

Tang Long next to him also had a lot of thoughts.


Compared with the excitement of Nanshan.

Tang Long was undoubtedly a little more depressed, because after seeing the awesomeness of the end, he regretted it a little.

Why was it that when choosing the talisman at that time, he chose the Fantian Seal? If he had chosen Yan of the End at that time, he would be the one who made the first contribution at this moment and played the role of prestige.


It can only be said that everything is life!

Who made his own cultivation way to follow a fierce and domineering style? He usually uses himself as a weapon, and swords are not commonly used at all.

I heard that a certain boss of the organization has a powerful magic weapon called Fist God Gloves, which can increase the upper limit of the user's gene lock...

After this mission is over, I will make up my merits and see if I can exchange the Gloves of the God of Fist. Compared with weapons such as swords, those things are more suitable for me!

this moment.

They all thought that the victory of the battle was already their own.

So it's all a little relaxed.


Just when the blue light of the sword energy in the end was about to hit Nie Xiaoqian's body, a tiny figure suddenly appeared there.


There's no after that.

The attack of the powerful and terrifying Ending Yan was so lightly blocked by that tiny figure with a finger stretched out!

"This is impossible!"

Seeing this scene, Nanshan and Tang Long almost stared out their eyes.


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