The Storm God

Chapter 3317 Sorry for making you suffer!

"Who are you……"

Seeing the figure in front of her, Nie Xiaoqian's huge fox body was shocked suddenly, her expression changed drastically, and she dared not answer: "...Xiao Fei!?"

When he opened his mouth, tears were already streaming down his face.

There is one thing to say.

Nie Xiaoqian had imagined countless scenes when she met Bai Xiaofei again, but she never expected that it would be like this.


Could it be a dream?

"it's me!"

And Bai Xiaofei's affirmative answer instantly calmed Nie Xiaoqian's uneasy heart, but the tears in her eyes became more violent.

"I'm sorry I made you suffer!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Nie Xiaoqian, who was covered in injuries and miserable, as well as the whole scene, which was extremely messy and hell-like.

In an instant, he blamed himself and felt extremely guilty.


At this time, another small figure also directly transformed into a beam of thunder, appearing in front of Nie Xiaoqian from the horizon.

It was Bai Lei who had grown into a young girl.

Seeing her mother again, Bai Lei's mood can be imagined. She was so excited that she couldn't be more excited. As soon as she became a human body, she threw herself into Nie Xiaoqian's arms.


This scene is a little funny.

After all, in Nie Xiaoqian's current state, she looks like a nine-tailed demon fox with an extremely huge body. But Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei were as insignificant as ants in front of her.

This one of Bai Lei's lunges straight, just...

Very uncomfortable!


None of this matters.

Bai Lei, who saw her mother again, doesn't care about the mess now, she just wants to hug her mother, what's wrong?

Who dares to have an opinion!


However, Nie Xiaoqian was very shocked and unbelievable by Bai Lei's changes, and even dared not recognize Bai Lei.

After all, Bai Lei's growth was too fast for a mother like her. It's time to get lost. She was still a little loli, but after seeing each other for more than a year, she turned into a big girl...

Who can stand this?


Bai Lei naturally knew Nie Xiaoqian's surprise and confusion, so she hurriedly told Nie Xiaoqian what she had experienced in the past few years in a concise manner.

He didn't care about the countless stunned audience around him.


Bai Cass, who controlled Zhenjin's body, came in front of Bai Xiaofei, and said with guilt and self-blame: "I'm sorry, I failed to protect Dijun during your absence, uh, Dijun is Mrs. Xiaoqian... ..."

no way.

Whether it is Aries, or Virgo and other Vibrating Gold Saint Cloths, they are all frozen into ice crystals by Nanshan's Ending Yan ability at this moment, making them unusable.

It is also the virtualization ability of Zhenjin's body, which can escape a catastrophe, and allow Bai Cass to control him and run to Bai Xiaofei to plead guilty.


However, Bai Xiaofei shook his head, looked at Baicas in the vibrating gold body with his own appearance, and said with a smile: "You did a good job, I should be the one who should say sorry, if I wasn't too weak back then, You won't be separated from me..."


Baicus just wanted to say something more.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei directly interrupted: "Okay, don't say anything unnecessary, let's solve the current situation first!"

"Is the dark plane system still there?"

"Here I am!"

Bai Cass immediately replied: "Not only the CD-ROM Ancient Dark System, but most of the other items, as well as the magic weapon materials, are currently in the Dijun and Mrs. E Xiaoqian's place, but due to some factors, most of them are not available……"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "When I came to this world, I already felt that the power of antimatter waves cannot be underestimated."


His eyes swept away.

He stared directly at the things frozen by the ability of the end, but saw that the ground was densely covered with ice crystals.

Among the ice crystals, there are vibrating golden holy clothes, masters of the fox clan, countless special magical creations, and new types of robots that have never been seen before.

Those who can remain intact and survive under the ability of the end, are definitely not ordinary existences.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei focused his eyes, there was a tyrannical force in the void that descended suddenly, followed by those ice crystals, as if they had been scorched by the scorching sun, they quickly melted into bursts of hot air, and disappeared without a trace.

And the people and things trapped inside have also regained their freedom.

Bai Cass relocated to the Gemini seat immediately, and returned the vibrating gold body to Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

The vibrating gold body is one of Bai Xiaofei's avatar creations.

If there were no special circumstances, Bai Cass would not manipulate him to act and fight. It was impossible before, but now that Bai Xiaofei is here, of course the property must be returned to the original owner.

And only Bai Xiaofei can play it perfectly.

Not only that.

Bai Cass also summoned Aries and other Vibrating Gold Saint Cloths to Bai Xiaofei, as if waiting for the flop to be used.

after all……

Now is the enemy.

However, with Bai Cass' current ability, he still couldn't detect Bai Xiaofei's true level and strength. He thought that Bai Xiaofei was similar to before, and needed the help of the Zhenjin Saint Cloth to display his terrifying combat power.

As everyone knows.

For the current Bai Xiaofei, both the Zhenjin Saint Cloth and the Zhenjin Body are somewhat outdated.

Even if the current Bai Xiaofei showed one ten-thousandth of his strength, he would explode all these in an instant. After all, he is a serious boss of the God Emperor Realm.

The him in the past is definitely not the same as the Bai Xiaofei now.

Not to mention what Bacas was thinking.

the other side.

Nanshan, Tang Long and the others were directly stunned by the appearance of Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei, especially when they saw that the two of them completely ignored themselves, recognized their relatives there as if no one else was there, and talked freely...

They were so lucky not to be blown up.


"What is the origin of this guy? I can't imagine that the terrifying energy I sensed before is actually a husband and wife relationship with this nine-tailed demon fox!"

"That kid should not be underestimated!"


The two were about to say something.

As a result, at this time, Bai Xiaofei glanced over, and those people and things frozen by the Yan of Ending were all unsealed one after another.

This scene immediately frightened Nanshan.


That's the freeze caused by the end!

Even though my current strength is low and I can't exert its true power, the level and terror of the emperor's soldiers are there, and it is definitely not something that anyone can untie.

Who is this man?

Why does he have such terrifying strength? What is his true realm? God Emperor Realm?

Damn it! !

The originally stable battle situation, did not expect such an accident to happen!

Now how to do?


Although I am now at the peak of the God-King Realm, holding the Ending Yan, and my real combat power is comparable to the powerhouse of the God-King Realm, but that person...

I can't tell how powerful it is, if it is a more terrifying boss, if I take the risk to fight against it, it will be proficiency and death.

Or just turn around and run?


What about the task?

In short, at this moment, Nanshan was under a lot of pressure, and he was in a cold sweat.

But Tang Long's mind is relatively simple.

He frowned, and while carefully paying attention to the situation on the scene, he secretly took medicine to restore his consumption.

In this way, no matter whether it is to fight or flee later, it will be more calm.

at the same time.

Without the hindrance of the fortifications on the Fox Country's coastline, the Duke of Houston and others on the sea rushed over one after another and arrived near the battlefield.

A group of masters, including the Duke of Houston, also flew in front of Nanshan and Tang Long, wondering: "What's going on? Why did you stop?"


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