The Storm God

Chapter 3319 The Pangu dark system starts!

"This is troublesome!"

Nanshan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and he couldn't help clenching the Yandi Soldier of the End in his hand, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Tang Long is almost the same.


The Duke of Houston is different.

This guy is a typical idiot with mediocre strength. He couldn't see the seriousness of the situation at all. He thought it was some kind of trap used by the enemy.

His face was angry and twisted.

Then he immediately yelled at Nanshan and the others, "Damn it! What are you guys still doing, hurry up and kill them!"

"Are you all idiots?!"

"Kill them!"


Relying on his special status, at this moment, the Duke of Houston can be said to have shown his stupidity and incompetence to the fullest.


No matter how he roared and roared.

Nanshan and the others were unmoved at all, except for a black line and a frown, they didn't pay attention to him at all.

After all, they're not that fool in Houston.

The scene is so weird, who dares to act rashly? Didn't you see that even the strongest Nanshan and Tang Long didn't make a move?

Whoever dares to take the lead at this time will die a miserable death on the cliff.

at the same time.


The three of Bai Xiaofei finally separated.

Bai Xiaofei patted Nie Xiaoqian's shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Xiaoqian, take Leilei to rest and leave it to me..."

The voice just fell.

Bai Lei quit immediately.

Her little head was shaking like a rattle, and she refused on the spot: "No! Daddy, these villains dare to bully Mom, Lei Lei wants to avenge Mom!"


It doesn't matter whether Bai Xiaofei agrees or not.

Bai Lei immediately transformed into a bright and dazzling thunder, rushed towards the Duke of Houston and the others on the opposite side, and at the same time shouted angrily: "Bastards, you are too hateful, you dare to bully my mother, I, Lei Lei, will represent the moon to destroy you!"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

Nie Xiaoqian looked worried.

After all, Nanshan, Tang Long and others are super masters, even they can't withstand the opponent's attack. Lei Lei is still a child, she...

She was about to say something.

At this time.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and comforted, "Xiaoqian, don't worry about Leilei, her current strength is still higher than yours!"


Nie Xiaoqian was shocked.

Bai Xiaofei continued: "Anyway, you can't say a sentence or two clearly, you'd better stay on the side and have a good rest and recover, it's no problem to leave it to us."

Between the two of them talking.

On the other side, Lei Lei has already been handed over by the masters from the Duke of Houston. Although it wasn't Nanshan and Tang Long who made the shots, they were all masters of decision making.

But Bai Lei mastered the thunder and lightning, and held the magic weapon Meow Meow Hammer, and with one to ten, she did not lose the wind in the slightest, she was unparalleled in bravery.

This scene stunned Nanshan and the others.

Nie Xiaoqian was also shocked.


She just laughed.

Seeing how powerful my daughter is, I really don't need to worry about myself.

Nie Xiaoqian followed Bai Xiaofei's suggestion and retreated to the back of the battlefield, while resting, healed the wounded Fox people.

Before retreating, Nie Xiaoqian returned all the weapons in the dimensional space that she had collected to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei scanned one side with his divine sense, and found that there were still a lot of things inside, about two-thirds of it.

Special items such as the Pangu dark system, dark alloy armor, and wooden clones are also included. There are only some not very important things, which may be in the hands of Diana, who has not been found yet.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

Afterwards, while observing the battle between Bai Lei and the masters of the enemy army, he began to toss around these lost and recovered precious items.


Bai Xiaofei reactivated the Pangu dark system.

With the support of the Pangu dark system, many dark alloy armors and weapon systems inside are equal to being blessed and increased.

Including Bai Cass' ability.

after all……

Bai Cass is the core of the Pangu dark system. Before Bai Xiaofei was not there, this core can only work independently of the system and work according to the original mode.

And now.

Baicus is truly at his peak.

Even if the Pangu dark system is greatly affected due to the influence of the antimatter wave, it can greatly enhance the power of all technological means.

Just like Bai Xiaofei's golden body.

With the blessing of the power of the system, its combat power has increased several times in an instant. Even the fortifications of Fox Country seem to have been reborn.

The mechanical troops, turrets, and terminators are all the same as if they were different individuals. Although the overall power has not improved much, the reaction, accuracy, and calculation power are much stronger than before.


The most obvious improvement is undoubtedly Baikas.

Now, by himself, he can control all the holy clothes as he likes, whether it is the vibrating gold holy clothes, or the dark clothes made of dark alloy, each of them is like a doll under his command, and he can pull it casually. Form a special team.

Moreover, the combat power that these holy clothes can exert is definitely not inferior to the state when someone wore them before, and even worse.

after all.

The essence of these holy clothes and dark clothes is still the core of technology, and systems such as magic and inscriptions are just auxiliary.

And Baikas, as the strongest intelligent life form, with the blessing of Pan Gu's dark system, has amazing computing power, and even can create things out of thin air to a certain extent...

This kind of ability is simply against the sky!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

With the support of Baikas's extreme computing power and the supply of massive energy, the coastal fortifications of the Fox Country, which were on the verge of collapse just now and suffered heavy losses, began to be repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye.

Not only that.

On the periphery of the fortifications, there are also a large number of mechanical creatures that have never been seen before, which are being generated out of thin air like 3D printing.

And those things, just looking at them are extremely scary and unclear.



Super mutated monster monsters!

Huge humanoid battle mechs, combined Vajras, grotesque special plants that look like creatures and machines...

Etc., etc.

In short.

At this moment, outside the coastal fortifications of Fox Country, special things that the world has never seen one after another are being created out of thin air like mushrooms after rain.

See this scene.

The fox clan in the fox country were naturally shocked and elated.

Because these are their own fighting forces, the stronger and more terrifying these things are, the happier they are.

on the contrary.

On the opposite side, the Duke of Houston and others, Nanshan and other super masters, at this moment, their faces were ashen, and their faces were deep in thought.

Not to mention how powerful those things that emerge out of thin air are, the ability to create things out of thin air alone is already very telling.

Such ability is almost like a god.

How can you beat this bitch?


almost instantly.

Nanshan made a decision.

He winked at Tang Long, who nodded knowingly.

Follow a group of people to activate the ability, summon the teleportation ability of the reincarnation space, and let yourself wait for others to teleport back.


But at this moment.

Nanshan and the others were shocked to find out that their reincarnation wristwatch didn't respond at all for some reason.

No matter how they sent ideas, or even clicked with their hands, it just didn't respond, as if it had crashed, completely leaving them here.

at the same time.

A sneer sound also came from the other side.

"Want to go?"

"Hehe, the person who hit me wanted to leave without saying a word. Do you really think my place is a park?"

"None of you want to leave today!"


The person who spoke was Bai Xiaofei.


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