The Storm God

Chapter 3320 Instant enemy!

"It's you!"

Nanshan stared at Bai Xiaofei immediately, and said in shock: "You, what did you do? Why can't I leave? Who are you?"

Not only him.

Tang Long and the others were also shocked.

after all……

The guy who can shock the reincarnation watch is a terrifying existence that they have never imagined before. They didn't expect the person in front of them to have such ability.

It is terrible!


Bai Xiaofei sneered: "Me? I am your enemy!"

While speaking.

The ability is also activated instantly.

The space is completely blocked, and the barriers of time and space are infinitely strengthened.

The ability signal of the reincarnation watch was directly blocked by the Pangu dark system, interfered, and completely lost its effect, making Nanshan and others completely lose contact with the reincarnation space!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is not a vegetarian.

I got so many reincarnation watches before, and I have almost researched its abilities, plus the fusion of space-time shuttle...

The spatial confinement activated by Bai Xiaofei's own ability can naturally interfere with, or even completely block the operation of the reincarnation watch.

These guys have done such an unreasonable thing to their wives, anyone can leave, but they can't let it go!

Bai Xiaofei wants them to pay for what they did!


I didn't see any movement from him.


There was a great change in the world.

The colorful streamer fell from the sky steeply, like a cage, directly imprisoning all the reincarnated people with reincarnation watches, such as Nanshan and Tang Long, in it.

As for the other so-called top masters, they didn't end up well either. A series of purple divine thunders were generated from the void, and then came crashing down.

Before many people had time to react, they were directly struck by Zixiao God's lightning, and they were completely turned into ashes, and the dead could not die any more.


Bai Lei was fighting against the enemy, and they were fighting hard.

Suddenly seeing his enemy being blasted into scum by Zixiao Shenlei, he immediately put on a stern face, and said unhappily: "Daddy, you are actually my head!"

In short.

Bai Xiaofei made a move.

The effect was immediate, and in a blink of an eye, most of the enemy's cutting-edge troops, except for Nanshan and others, were almost wiped out.

Even the high-level combat power is like this, so there is no need to say more about those ordinary troops.

A cloudy wind suddenly blows from the sea, as if blowing from hell, the breeze blows by, and everything is quiet.

All the soldiers of the navy unit turned into walking corpses almost instantly, their souls had been blown out by the dark wind, and they were completely dead.

The whole scene was like a purgatory on earth.

The silence is eerie and terrifying!


The masters on the Fox side all looked at the scene in shock and fear, and couldn't help but gasped.

Such a terrifying ability is really something they have never seen in their lives!


Those who have this ability are their own people.

Rather than an enemy!


The consequences are really unimaginable!

Afterwards, the people who reacted were all excited. Even a considerable number of people wept with joy and burst into tears.

Because of Bai Xiaofei's shot, they immediately saw the hope of victory.

"So strong!"

"It actually blocked space, time and space in just an instant, and even used several extremely powerful law powers..."

"Master's realm is really beyond imagination!"


Baikas was also shocked.

Even after merging with the Pan Gu dark system, he couldn't accurately calculate Bai Xiaofei's current state and strength for a while.

According to his conservative estimation, the master's current level must be at least on the same level as the space-time arrogance in the super seminary world.

The entire universe is almost completely controlled by him alone!

in short.

It is almost equivalent to the incarnation of the universe!

Awesome to the extreme!


And Nanshan and other reincarnators saw the scene of death and purgatory caused by Bai Xiaofei's calmness, and instantly reversed the entire situation of the battle.

Their faces immediately became even uglier.


Several of them fought hard.

But after they couldn't even inflict any scars on the colorful cage in which they were imprisoned, they deeply realized that they had really kicked the iron plate this time.


Where is this damn iron plate?

It is clearly a super alloy!


Tang Long and the others were terrified.

They pinned all their hopes on Nanshan, after all, the end of his imperial army was the most powerful existence among them.

If anyone had the ability to break out of the encirclement, it could only be Nanshan.


Naturally, Nanshan will not sit still.

Bai Xiaofei has already made a move, how could he show weakness? Since it is an enemy, it's over if you do it, no matter what the other party's background is!

does it matter

The most important thing now is to find a way to escape!

He also made a move!


The whole body exploded with momentum.

The whole person is like a super Saiyan, with strength rolling all over his body, forming a circle of flame-like golden arrogance.

Compared with just now, Nanshan's breath is stronger now.


He seems to use some kind of secret method.

Let your own strength and realm improve a lot for a short time. And the end of the emperor soldier in Nanshan's hands also exploded with even more terrifying power and aura as his strength improved.

The sword whined softly.

The blue light flickered.

In the void, a vast and deep force automatically began to gather towards Nanshan. And started a confrontation with the colorful cage that imprisoned him.

The two sides are fighting, tearing and impacting each other.

The spatial position trembles and distorts!


Just for a moment.

The seven-colored cage that Bai Xiaofei created was torn apart by many cracks during Nanshan's hard struggle and counterattack.


"Nice job!"

"come on!"

Seeing this, Tang Long and the others immediately became excited.

Everyone cheered for it.


Bai Xiaofei sneered in disdain, and said indifferently: "Noisy!"

next moment……


Except for Tang Long and Nanshan.

The rest of the colorful cages that trapped the reincarnation seemed to come to life in an instant, and then immediately tightened towards the center!

The colorful cage, which was originally in the shape of a cage, seemed to be a solid sphere. And the people trapped in the middle are their only obstacle!


These obstacles are not enough to see.

No matter how they resist, or sacrifice their magic weapons, but in the face of the pressure of the tight colorful cage, it is useless!

that's all.

Almost instantly.

The seven-colored cage was like a shattered one, directly squeezing the reincarnated people inside into a ball of meat paste, completely exploding their fleshy bodies.

And those people's primordial spirits and souls didn't end up well either, one by one they were turned into solid spheres of colorful objects, bound there tightly, they could not live or die...

Up and down the entire battlefield, only two top masters, Nanshan and Tang Long, remained, and the rest were all dropped by Bai Xiaofei in seconds.


Bai Lei flew in front of Bai Xiaofei.

He put his hands on his chest, and said with dissatisfaction on his face: "I just got addicted to the game, and when I get a little touch, you will take my head. I'm not happy!"

"Don't worry!"

Bai Xiaofei fondled Bai Lei's head, and said with a smile: "Isn't there one left for you? Don't worry, Daddy is thinking of you!"

Between words.

The colorful cage that trapped Tang Long was released immediately and disappeared.

It means, you are my daughter's sparring partner.

Get to work!


Tang Long was suddenly stunned.


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