The Storm God

Chapter 3321 Surrender is useless!

to be honest.

Tang Long really didn't want to be a sparring partner.

Such a shameful thing, whoever wants to do it, anyway, don't bring me with you!


Looking at Bai Xiaofei...

He is a little cowardly!

no way!

The situation is stronger than people, what can he do?

If you don't dare, you will die!


It's scary to die!

If it were you, what would you do?

No matter what others think, anyway, he is completely convinced.

Seeing Bai Lei excitedly swinging the Meow Hammer at herself, surrounded by endless thunder and lightning, she blasted towards herself...

Tang Long subconsciously launched a defense.


He became a sparring partner.

After being attacked by Bai Lei's violent storms, he didn't dare to fight back in the slightest.

It's hard to the extreme!


Why don't you fight back, you ask?

What a joke!

Didn't you see Bai Xiaofei staring at him from the sidelines?

The meaning of that look couldn't be more obvious, okay? If Bai Lei feels even the slightest bit unhappy, her life will be worse than death!

What can Tang Long do?

Of course, it is to cooperate with Bai Lei as much as possible to make the other party feel comfortable and happy.

Otherwise, are you really looking for abuse for yourself?

That's what idiots do!

And the other side.


After Nanshan's aura climbed to the peak, with the help of the power of the Emperor's Army's End, he finally succeeded in breaking through the shackles of the colorful prison.


It is surprising.

After gaining freedom, Nanshan did not attack Bai Xiaofei, or went to help Tang Long out of the predicament.

He turned around and chose to run away!


Without any hesitation!

Nanshan, the strongest fighter among the Duke of Houston and others, didn't even have the courage to fight, so he just ran away!

This scene.

Not only the people in Fox Country, but also the Duke of Houston and other survivors, as well as Tang Long, were all stunned and confused.

Tang Long even took the time to shout: "Damn it, Nanshan, even if you want to run away, don't forget me, we've been trusted before!"


Nanshan ignored him.

Gathering all his strength, he fled the battlefield at a faster speed. It has been an eye-opener for countless people, and witnessed the shamelessness and despicability of this guy.

Nan Shan felt at ease, and thought to himself: "Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, we fly separately, not to mention that we are not blood brothers, why should I take risks for you?"

"Is it true that people in the reincarnation space are doing charity?"

"Only the strong can survive!"


Nanshan was calm and sober.

He was well aware of Bai Xiaofei's horror, and he might not be the opponent's opponent, so he directly chose to run away. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better than losing his life.


Although the other party blocked the signal of the reincarnation watch.

But Nanshan didn't believe that Bai Xiaofei's ability could cover the entire world and universe, as long as he could escape the opponent's pursuit...

At that time, if you travel to other universes and worlds, once the signal is restored, won't you be able to return to the reincarnation space immediately?

At that time, no matter how awesome you are, you have the ability to catch up to the reincarnation space and kill me?


Come if you dare.

I guarantee that you will be turned into a dead dog in minutes!

after all……

Nanshan has a background.

Otherwise, with his mere peak level of the God King Realm, how could he possibly obtain the Emperor Armament that only the God Emperor Realm can master!

It was nothing more than a reward given to Nanshan by certain bigwigs in the family and power groups, seeing that he had good potential.

And the more such a background, the more often it means fear of death. Nanshan also fully proved this point with his own actions.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Xiaofei sneered.


Facing the curious gazes of countless people, he waved his hand, and following everyone, they saw that Nanshan, who had run far away, had returned to the position just now.

It was as if Nanshan had never left there.


He was clearly still running away.

In the blink of an eye, Nanshan moved far, far away from its original position.

But just when Nanshan fled to a certain range, he suddenly flashed back to the original starting point, like a cycle, going round and round without end.

The most important thing is that Nanshan, who is the person involved, seems to know nothing about it. Everyone can even clearly see the smugness and happiness on Nanshan's face, as if he could really escape. Normal day of birth.

As everyone knows...

At this moment, he was basically trapped in a strange cycle, repeating the process of running away endlessly.

Even if Nan Shan ran to his death, he might not be able to escape Bai Xiaofei's grasp at all.

Think here.

Whether it was the people from Fox Country or the survivors from the Duke of Houston's side, they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Knowing this moment, they can be considered to have a deep understanding of Bai Xiaofei's power and fear. Such a method has simply refreshed everyone's three views and cognitions.

Is death scary?


For some, it's really scary.

But even such a person, after seeing Nanshan's situation, had to admit that death was really nothing compared to him.

Even if they had a choice, they would rather choose to die than to be completely manipulated by others like Nanshan, without knowing it.

Because that would be worse than death!


Tang Long was stunned.

Seeing that Nanshan, who abandoned himself, ended up in such a tragic and terrifying end, he even felt a little rejoiced.

Fortunately, I did not resist, but chose to actively cooperate.


I'm afraid I will be the same as Nanshan, right?

Fortunately at the same time.

Tang Long was even a little happy.

Maybe it was based on the psychology of revenge. Anyway, Tang Long felt very happy when he saw Nanshan suffer. Who told him to abandon him?

deserve it!

This is what happens when you betray your brother!

The more miserable the more relieved!


The way he looked at Bai Xiaofei became more complicated and entangled.

Because Tang Long understood completely at this moment, not to mention himself, even a guy as powerful as Nanshan was like an ant in front of others, playing around casually, why should he fight with others?

Instead of finding guilt for yourself, it is better to surrender voluntarily, confess and be lenient, and strive for lenient treatment. Maybe if one is lucky, he can save his life.

Even if you can't save your life, just strive for a happy death, that's fine!

How can it be better than Nanshan's?

Think here.

Tang Long couldn't bear it any longer.

He left Bai Lei directly, and then flew in front of Bai Xiaofei, kneeling in front of Bai Xiaofei just like that, shouting loudly: "God, I surrender, I am willing to cooperate, I can do whatever you ask me to do!"


This sudden scene immediately stunned everyone present.


You are a master of top combat power!

Is this a confession?

Depend on!

Is it too immoral?

It's in vain that we were so afraid of you before, but we didn't expect you to be such a person!

Not to mention others, even Bai Xiaofei felt a little surprised.

He has primordial eyes, so he can tell whether Tang Long really surrendered or fake surrender, but the more so, the more surprised and speechless he is.

It stands to reason.

Standing on the perspective of the overall situation.

Tang Long surrendered so voluntarily, no matter what, he should be given a chance.


The opponent had hurt Nie Xiaoqian before.

This is a little difficult.

after all.

I have to take revenge on my wife, otherwise would I still be a man?

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei's expression turned cold, killing intent appeared in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Now I know that I regret surrendering? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

"You hurt my wife, no matter what your background and reasons are, you are unforgivably guilty, and surrendering is useless. I must seek justice for Xiaoqian!"

"Ah? This..."

When Tang Long heard this, he immediately became desperate.


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