The Storm God

Chapter 3323 Treacherous!

The unparalleled sword light burst out suddenly.

The sword light rolled and shot straight at Jiuxiao, and a big hole was pierced in the sky in an instant. Looking up from the ground, you can see countless stars in the universe starry sky with naked eyes.

And among them...

The most dazzling is undoubtedly the sword glow of the end of the fairy sword.

It was as if that was the most eye-catching existence in the universe. Compared with it, all the stars seemed so dim.

Not only that.

The terrifying and powerful power, the extreme aura that seemed to freeze everything, and the awe-inspiring and ruthless aloof sword intent made countless people tremble.

Not just this earth.


Even the big shots in other multiverse worlds were shocked at this moment. Like monitors, anti-monitors...

In short.

When Bai Xiaofei's hand held the Emperor Soldier's End, it was as if someone had dropped a heavy bomb in a calm lake.

The entire DC multiverse world was instantly shocked.

Countless people or organizations, or power groups, have sounded the alarm signal, the harsh warning, lingering, and the influence spreads rapidly.

This sudden wave of stimulation is as threatening as the anti-matter wave created by the anti-monitor!


And just when countless people were having headaches and couldn't figure out what was going on, Bai Xiaofei suddenly spoke.

Just a faint order.

At the end of the Emperor's Armament in his hand, it completely returned to its previous plain and low-key appearance, but when everyone looked carefully, they found that it seemed a little different from before.

Before the end of the emperor's army, the whole is blue and sharp, as if it is about to freeze the entire universe, and it emits terrifying ultra-low temperature and freezing air all the time.


Now it is very ordinary!

Even the appearance of the sword body is far less dazzling than before.

When Bai Xiaofei waved his hands and danced, only one or two blue halos flashed from time to time appeared, giving the impression that he was very low-key.

It was as if it was not an imperial weapon, but just an ordinary weapon.

Hardly any redeeming qualities.

I don't know...

This is what The End really looks like.

And its power is by no means frozen air, but the power of endless collapse and extreme annihilation, as well as the power of division that cuts off the connection between all substances!

Only with such ability can he be worthy of such a domineering name as Yan of the End.

Everything before was just an illusion.

The so-called tool spirit...


It's just the manager who was forcibly instilled in the end of the emperor's army, the dove occupying the magpie's nest. The purpose is to facilitate the use of garbage like Nanshan, and to be able to teleport and exert a little bit of the power of the emperor's army.

It's like a person who obviously doesn't know how to use a mecha, but in order to help him, someone plugged a super artificial intelligence into the cockpit of the mecha.

The driver is practically a decoration.

The real control of the mech is actually the artificial intelligence inside. It doesn't make much difference whether there is a driver or not.

Others can't see through the mystery, but Bai Xiaofei can't.

after all……

His Primordial Eye is not a vegetarian.

Bai Xiaofei saw through the tricks in Yan of the End almost instantly, so he wiped out the so-called Artifact Spirit without hesitation!

And without the bondage of the weapon spirit, the emperor's soldier is the real emperor at the end of the day. Even if he loses the former weapon spirit, he still has unparalleled power.


There is no weapon spirit in the end.

It's like a person with an empty body but no soul.

Even if this body is very solid, durable, and extremely powerful, it is still incomplete, and it may not have any problem against ordinary magical weapons.

But if it is against an emperor soldier of the same level, or even a weaker emperor soldier, the gap will be quite obvious.

But fortunately so.


With Bai Xiaofei's current ability, he may not be able to subdue a top-level imperial soldier like Ending Zhiyan, but if it's just an empty shell, it will be completely different.

Even, Bai Xiaofei can inject a complete soul into it!

That is to borrow a dead body to resurrect the soul!


There are certain dangers in doing so.

If you are lucky, at most the soul injection fails, and your efforts are wasted; but if you are unlucky, it may break the end.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei would never do this now.

One is his strength, which has not yet reached that level, and the other is that he only has such a real imperial weapon in his hand, so naturally he will not be fooled, and he will directly use it for modification experiments.

Even if he wanted to do it, he would have to wait until he had enough strength and a spare substitute, otherwise he would really screw up, and he would be the one who would suffer at that time.

Although the end is not complete, it is just a castrated version of the emperor with an empty body and no soul, but for Bai Xiaofei, the help is still very huge.

with it.

At least in a cosmic battle, Bai Xiaofei can let go of his hands and feet. With a single swing of the sword, thousands of stars will be wiped out. It's really cool!

Change to before.

Bai Xiaofei wants to achieve this level, I don't know how much strength he will spend.

But now, with the help of the castrated version of Emperor Soldier's End, Bai Xiaofei only needs to use very little strength to achieve this level.

Its power is terrifying and terrifying, which can be seen from this!

Compared with the effect of Nanshan when it was used before, it is like a sky and earth. Nanshan is completely discrediting the emperor soldiers!

Not just Nanshan.

So is Tang Long!

You know, although his Fantian Seal is a fake emperor soldier, it is indeed genuine, and there is no trace of a castrated version.

It stands to reason that if it is fully utilized, its power should be similar to that of the end, but in fact, Tang Long is even more inexperienced!

The reason for this is that one is because Tang Long's strength is too weak, and the other is that he has not fully understood the method of using the Heaven-shattering Seal...

The most important thing is that Tang Long has not fully melted it into one body with himself, as if he obviously has a gun in his hand, but he just doesn't shoot it, but uses it as a brick to hit people...

For such a treasure to fall into the hands of Nanshan and Tang Long, it is really a pearl covered in dust, a waste of everything. Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei just wanted to say that the power organization these two guys belong to is really awesome!

at the same time……

This also reflects a very important message.

Whether it's Nanshan or Tang Long, in the organization named [Seven Kills Palace] in the reincarnation space, their status is really not low!

Otherwise, he would not be rewarded with such an awesome baby.

after all……

The two of them are only God King Realm.

It is far from the minimum use standard of the Imperial Armament, and there is at least a God Emperor Realm in the middle. This is like giving a three-year-old child a nuclear bomb as a marble to play with. It is almost endless!

However, in the end, it was all cheaper for Bai Xiaofei.

Not only the Yan of the End and the Overturning Seal, but also many other treasures are also very valuable. Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't need it, it is definitely enough for Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei to use.

In short.

This time Bai Xiaofei made a fortune!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei smiled immediately.

He put away the Yan of the End and the Overturning Seal, and then looked at Nanshan who was still in an illusion.


Bai Xiaofei wanted to kill him completely and avenge Nie Xiaoqian, but considering Duo Nanshan's special status, he might be able to use it, so he hesitated.


Bai Xiaofei still didn't make a move directly.

He planned to arrest him and torture him first, and after he learned more reliable information from the other party, it would not be too late to kill him.

To this.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't have any objections either.

What she cares about most now is not these at all, but Bai Xiaofei and Bai Lei. After all, for Nie Xiaoqian, she has lost contact with the two of them for almost two years.

Now that we finally meet again, we are naturally very happy.

The rest doesn't matter at all!


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