The Storm God

Chapter 3324 Transfer Qingqiu!


The next moment, Bai Xiaofei released his control over Nanshan.

Seeing the end of his emperor soldier, Bai Xiaofei actually held it in his hand, and it seemed to have completely changed, and its power was even stronger than before...

Nanshan was dumbfounded at the time.

I rely on!

What's the situation?

That is……

Where is the end?

Why does it feel completely different from before? Also, why can't I feel it at all? Some can only express the fear of their own heart and soul!

What the hell happened just now?


Confused, Nanshan could only look at Houston.

But at this moment, he no longer cared about any missions or missions, and naturally he would not use any respectful title for Houston, just call him by his first name.


Even so, the Duke of Houston didn't dare to say anything.

Because, even if Nanshan did not have the magic weapon, his strength was far superior to his own. If the opponent really wanted to kill him, there would be so many ways to explode.

So he could only pretend not to know. Seeing Nanshan's bewildered face, he looked at himself again. The Duke of Houston quickly explained to him what happened just now, and finally said: "In short, now the magic soldier is someone else. Okay, what are we doing?"


Nanshan was completely stunned.

As for what the Duke of Houston said later, he didn't hear a single word.

It was as if the soul had been taken out of the whole person, and he was stunned there, his eyes were blank, and the depths of his eyes were full of disbelief, fear and despair!

That's an imperial soldier!

In the reincarnation space, the sequence magic weapon located at the top of the pyramid!

Now it was easily snatched away by others, and he also recognized the master. It seems to be stronger and more terrifying than when it was in his own hands...

why is that? !

damn it!

Who the hell is that guy?


Nanshan opened his mouth, just about to say something.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly fell on him. Then, Nanshan was speechless immediately!

It's not that he became dumb, but all the problems, as well as emotions such as despair, were all suppressed by Bai Xiaofei's look.

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't say a single word, his eyes conveyed a lot of information, such as...

If you dare to say one more word, I will seal you up, throw you into a pigsty full of boars, and feed them ten catties of strong drug C...

that moment.

Nanshan understood the information in an instant.

Then I was too scared to speak, it was someone's method, it was too cold and frightening, Nanshan didn't want to bear that!

He would rather die directly!


The Duke of Houston and others are no exception.

Although their strength is low, their eyesight is not weak at all. Seeing that Nanshan and other top experts are so cowardly, they know that there is no possibility of a comeback.


Almost all the surviving people chose to surrender immediately. Even some who reacted faster turned into traitors immediately and began to sell their teammates.

Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk to those guys.

However, as the culprits, the Duke of Houston and Nanshan must be arrested and interrogated and punished.

next moment.

With a thought in Bai Xiaofei's mind, an inexplicable force instantly filled the void, acting on Nanshan and Houston.

follow closely……

The strength of the two of them dropped all the way, directly to the level of ordinary people, and then they were caught and sent to a temporary prison by the fox monsters who had been waiting for a long time.

As for the endgame at the scene?

All right!

To be honest, there wasn't much to clean up.

After all, most of the fox country here are mechanical creatures, dead or broken, just a pile of mechanical parts and scrap iron.

Don't worry about these things at all, just throw them there.

The only thing they need to deal with is those fox warriors who died in battle. Even if they were destroyed to scum, their remains should be collected symbolically so that future generations can pay homage to them.

As for the enemy's casualties?

Then Bai Xiaofei doesn't care even more, as much as he loves and dies, it doesn't matter how miserable you are, it's none of my business? If he didn't directly kill all these captives, it would be Bai Xiaofei showing mercy!

Except for the heinous accomplices and a special guy from a certain department, Bai Xiaofei didn't take the rest of the captives seriously and released them directly.

Whether they go home directly, or collect the remains of their compatriots who died in the purgatory battlefield of Shura, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care at all.


He sensed the shock that erupted when he recognized the master before the end of the emperor's army, which had already attracted the attention of many people, especially the coveting of a certain big shot.

Then, the antimatter wave in this world immediately became much faster.

in short.

It was originally expected to take ten days and a half months to arrive, and then the antimatter wave that completely destroyed this universe world was brought forward because of Bai Xiaofei's relationship.

In about ten hours or so, it will come to this world, and then everything in this world will be wiped out!


Bai Xiaofei's top priority now is not to deal with the captives, but to quickly find a way to take away Nie Xiaoqian's Qingqiu Fox Country as a whole.

Otherwise, only death and destruction will greet them.


With Bai Xiaofei's ability.

It is really not difficult to do this.

But the problem is that he has just met Nie Xiaoqian, and Nie Xiaoqian and the fox monster clan she created have just experienced a big battle.

Necessary rest, rectification, and tidying up are unavoidable.

Such as torture Nanshan, punish the Duke of Houston and others, these things are not in a hurry, after leaving this world, there are plenty of opportunities.

To this.

Nie Xiaoqian looked indifferent.

Her greatest interest now is to hug her husband and daughter, enjoy the warmth of her family, and the joy of victory.

Others, all free to talk about!

As for Bai Lei...


She needless to say.

The little girl is completely tired of being in Nie Xiaoqian's mother's arms, and she is almost turning into a koala, so she doesn't care about those messy things.

Bai Xiaofei, the head of the family, naturally wouldn't spoil his wife's and children's interest, and leave everything to Bai Cass to take care of it.

He was immersed in the gentleness, playing with his wife and children in various ways, trying to make up for and compensate for the guilt in his heart as much as possible.


After more than ten hours.

Baikas detected a sudden antimatter wave in the universe, so he had to sound the alarm.

Because, in less than two hours, the antimatter wave will reach the solar system and destroy everything including the earth.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei and the others had to sort everything out and leave this world within two hours, otherwise, once the antimatter wave arrived, things would be completely messed up.


After more than ten hours of preparation, the affairs of Qingqiu Fox Country have almost been dealt with, and their respective tasks have basically been completed.

From now on, all that is needed is for Bai Xiaofei to move the entire Qingqiu away from this world, and move it to his own small world with his astonishing means.

And this, to Bai Xiaofei, was nothing at all.

A phase shift + time and space shifting down, everyone in the entire Qingqiu fox country, even including Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei, hadn't realized what was going on, and suddenly found that everything around them had changed.

That is, in the blink of an eye, the entire Qingqiu fox country has come to a completely strange but extremely beautiful world.


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