The Storm God

Chapter 3326 Special state!


In the magical world, the antimatter wave suddenly arrived.

In front of it, the solar system was like a beach fortress piled up by children under the impact of a stormy sea. It was instantly burned and turned into nothingness.

some moment.

Somewhere in the multiverse.


"I didn't encounter any obstacles, what's going on?"

"Could it be an illusion?"


A certain big man was very puzzled.

According to his estimate, he should encounter a little trouble in this temptation, and by the way, check whether the other party will become a threat to him.


A wave of antimatter passes by.

Nothing was encountered, and the Earth-13 world was directly destroyed.

This made him very puzzled and puzzled.


the other side.

A black man with a bald head also had a look of bewilderment and astonishment.

He also felt the impact of the end of the emperor's army before, but considering the strangeness of the other party, he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he didn't go there.

It was just a period of observation with special means.


It was blocked there.

And when the shield disappears, the antimatter wave will come.

follow closely.

Earth-13, the magical world is completely destroyed.

I didn't encounter any obstacles or resistance on the way, just like an egg under a hammer, the destruction was overwhelming and unstoppable.

This made the black bald head very puzzled.


Compared to the other big shot, the black-bald man was obviously calmer.

If you can't figure it out, don't want to!


His attention was returned to the previous plan.

Because the change of the antimatter wave this time has seriously exceeded his expectations and plans. If the change is not made in time, the entire multiverse world will inevitably be destroyed, and there is no possibility of salvation.


The black bald head hurriedly rushed the superwoman Kara, the flash man Barry and others, and launched another operation, preparing to find the remaining perfect people.

They must find 7 perfect people before the antimatter wave wipes out all the multiverse worlds. Only in this way can they turn the tide.

The Flash, Supergirl and others also immediately started to act, and soon found one perfect person after another.


A huge conspiracy is also secretly brewing.

They don't know anything.


Supreme Planet.

Bai Xiaofei, Nie Xiaoqian, and Bai Lei, a family of three happily eating.

The rest of the fox clan, under the arrangement of the upgraded Baikas, have all been properly settled, so they don't need to worry about it at all.

During the dinner.

Nie Xiaoqian asked about Diana.

When Bai Lei heard this, she immediately became interested, and asked Bai Xiaofei: "Daddy, Daddy, since we have coordinates, when are we going to find Mother Diana? Lei Lei misses her!"

"Don't worry!"

Bai Xiaofei responded with a smile: "The Hongmeng system has just been integrated and upgraded, and there are still many functions that I am not fully familiar with and master. Let's go after we get a little familiar."

"After all, this is my world. It is completely different from the flow of time outside, so don't worry at all."

"Also, Diana's strength is very strong. The artifacts and equipment on her body are not weaker than the two of you. There shouldn't be any major problems in terms of safety."

"Taking advantage of this time, you can just practice and improve yourself."


In fact, Bai Xiaofei had already planned for this matter.

Even if the two of them didn't tell each other, he would definitely look for Diana. There is a saying that sharpening a knife does not cost cutting materials!


Bai Xiaofei was sharpening his knife.

The experience in the magical world made Bai Xiaofei realize that he is not omnipotent, and if there are intruders, they may block his perception.

And the only key to breaking the situation is the Hongmeng system that has just been integrated and upgraded.

As long as he has mastered its new functions, Bai Xiaofei is confident that when he encounters those shields, he will definitely be able to solve them instantly.

To this.

Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei also expressed their understanding.

After all, this time and space is quite special, belonging to the multiverse world, with almost infinite earths and worlds. If you can't accurately grasp the information of Diana's location, it will definitely be a needle in a haystack.

So you can't search blindly, you must have a goal and plan to start action.

And Bai Xiaofei obviously had a plan long ago.

even so.

So what are they worried about?

Instead of wasting energy and thinking about these messy things, it's better to use it to practice and improve yourself. After all, Diana is my family.

The search and rescue operation cannot rely on Bai Xiaofei alone.

They also want to do their part!


That's how the matter was settled.

In the one month or so on the supreme planet, apart from the daily provision of his wife and children, Bai Xiaofei spent almost the rest of the time researching and mastering various new abilities of the Hongmeng system.

Especially the study of the suspected Three Thousand Dao.


He really researched something.

The most important thing is, I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, the special power that Bai Xiaofei researched happens to be the ability to track and hide.

This undoubtedly enhanced Bai Xiaofei's ability to search and explore.

Not only that.

Because of the perception of this special power.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei and the space-time shuttle's space-time detective ability have been greatly improved, and the consumption has become smaller.

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei was even more certain that these three thousand strands of mysterious power were most likely the Three Thousand Ways, otherwise it would be impossible to even affect the space-time shuttle.

after all……

The space-time shuttle is a top-level artifact created by a supreme boss, a high-end gadget that directly touches the rules of the will of the Dao!

The only thing that can affect it, apart from its kind, is the Dao.


A month passed.

Bai Xiaofei's mastery of the Hongmeng system has reached nearly 60%, and his own ability has also been greatly improved because of this.

Especially the attainments in search and detection have made a qualitative leap.

this day.

Bai Xiaofei tried to activate the ability of time-space detective again, and wanted to determine the exact coordinates of Diana, but unexpectedly got an amazing news.

[The target is in the original world! 】


Bai Xiaofei was stunned at that moment.

Because, this is completely different from the result he searched last time!

What is the original world? Didn't it mean that Diana is in the DC multiverse world? How did it become like this now?

Did something unexpected happen in the middle?


Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei thought of a possibility.

He remembered that when Barry the Flash had heard about the Speed ​​Force and traveled through the multiverse world, he had encountered the shadow version of the Flash.

At that time, the shadow version of The Flash, although he had already produced a protective armor similar to patchwork of scales, he had not yet officially determined his hero code name.

In other words, at that time, Barry Allen (shadow version) was not called The Flash, and he might not even have a code name.

It wasn't until he saw Flash in the TV series that he heard about the name Flash, and thought it was very cool and suitable for him...

The most important thing is.

Xiao Shan seems to have opened up some channels, allowing many existences that are independent of this multiverse world to be added.

For example, the film version of Justice League, Green Lantern and so on.

simply say.

At that time, Xiao Shan was in a very chaotic and special state, neither belonging to the past nor the future, nor did he have the present...

It's a kind of weird time node similar to Schrödinger's cat.

It can be the past, the future, or even the present. What it is, the key lies in when Xiao Shan stops.

Will it...

Diana encountered a similar situation, and then returned directly to the shadow version of her own world for some special reason?


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