The Storm God

Chapter 3327 The name of the heroine!



Thinking of things becoming more and more beyond imagination, and even completely out of control, Bai Xiaofei suddenly became a little anxious.


He hurriedly called Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei, explained the matter to them briefly, and finally said, "I've decided to leave now!"



Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Late is changing. The sudden change of Diana's location means that she may have encountered some special accident, so we must rush to that world as soon as possible to prevent Diana from being in danger!"


Nie Xiaoqian nodded and said, "I'm going to pack my things now and leave with you!"

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said, "I called you here mainly to tell you that this is my small world, you don't need to leave."

"As long as I get to the world where Diana is, I can release you at that time, and you don't have to travel with me."


Bai Lei immediately showed a disappointed expression.

She also wanted to experience what it was like to travel through time and space, but Bai Xiaofei did this to her, of course the little girl was a little upset.


Bai Lei is also very understanding.

Knowing that Bai Xiaofei did this for safety reasons.

Otherwise, in case of any accident on the way, my family will be reunited with great difficulty, and I'm afraid they will have to separate again.

So after only a moment of unhappiness, Bai Lei returned to her usual smiling face, and said to Bai Xiaofei intimately: "Daddy, be careful yourself!"


Bai Xiaofei pampered his daughter's head and said with a smile: "Daddy is so powerful, how could he be in danger? You stay here well, and when Daddy gets there, he can summon you."



The explanation is over.

Bai Xiaofei started to prepare.

First, communicate the rules formed by the consciousness of Hongmeng Avenue, search and determine Diana's world, and then pay the corresponding price.


The channel is open.

Bai Xiaofei went there resolutely and embarked on a journey through time.


Endless stream of light flashed by.

With a flash in front of his eyes, after passing through the light, Bai Xiaofei finally landed in a world with a strange surrounding environment.


Looking at the obviously outdated buildings and vehicles around him, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and said to himself, "This style... seems to be the style of the 80s."

Consciousness unfolds.

The terrifying force instantly spread across almost the entire state and county, with a panoramic view of all the scenes, and the detected situation also confirmed Bai Xiaofei's conjecture - this is indeed the country of America, and it was the country of the 80s.


Bai Xiaofei was a little confused.

America in the 80s? what 's wrong? Shouldn't Diana be in a future Justice League era?

Could it be that some kind of accident occurred in the middle?

no way.

When Bai Xiaofei traveled through time, there were only two film and television works about Wonder Woman, one was "Wonder Woman" and the other was "Justice League".


There are no other related works.

This also led to Bai Xiaofei not knowing much about the timeline. This sudden arrival in the United States in the 1980s made him feel very confused.

Subconsciously, I wondered if something went wrong.


Bai Xiaofei also searched with Time and Space Detective.

The results show that this is indeed Diana's original world, and there is no mistake in the target location...

This made Bai Xiaofei very speechless.

what happened?

He was completely bewildered.

"never mind!"

"Let's summon Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei first!"

"Let's figure out a solution together."


Bai Xiaofei compromised.

Afterwards, he entered the supreme planet, got Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei out, and briefly introduced the current situation.

"America in the 80s?"

Nie Xiaoqian was also very puzzled by this.

As for Bai Lei?


This girl is a little heartless, no matter what age she is, she is very curious about this world anyway.

Especially when seeing those outdated cars and buildings, there is a strong sense of disdain, that kind of superior appearance, like a queen.

"Let's go to New York first!"

Nie Xiaoqian gave a suggestion.

After all, New York is an important city in the United States. According to Diana's timeline, it will be there in the future.

Since I have no clue, I simply went to this city to see the situation first.

What if something is discovered?


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then, he summoned a transforming car.

The appearance of this car is a bit like a big Hummer, but it is more spacious and domineering. The space inside is like a small house, very luxurious and luxurious.

His name is Haoheng...


Said very domineeringly.

His fighting power and appearance after transformation are also very in line with his name. Even if Optimus Prime and Megatron are added together, they may not be so arrogant and cool.

And now...

Haoheng is the travel mount of Bai Xiaofei and Nie Xiaoqian's family of three, and he has no complaints, and he is very happy.

after all.

This is another world.

Except for some special elders, among the younger generation of Transformers, Haoheng was the first one who was able to go out for free to accompany Bai Xiaofei on official duties.

He considers it an honor!

Haoheng's speed is very fast, and he runs very steadily. Sitting in the car, he hardly feels any bumps and discomfort.

about an hour.

He took Bai Xiaofei and others to a small town outside Washington.

Bai Lei was overwhelmed with curiosity, and wanted to go around the small town to buy something, Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded in agreement.

Nie Xiaoqian took Bai Lei to go shopping.

Meanwhile, Bai Xiaofei hacked into the mall's network system in an inconspicuous corner, searching for all special and unusual events.


He quickly got several special search results.

All over the country, women with very special and weird clothes appeared, punishing evil and promoting good, and doing good deeds without leaving their names...

She didn't kill any criminals, she just brought them to justice.

As for the origin of this woman, no one knows, and no one has seen it with their own eyes. Everyone just has a vague understanding of her clothes.


This woman's nickname is remembered by the world——

Wonder Woman!


Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately.

There are really rumors of Diana, and even the name of Wonder Woman has been spread. This, this is completely inconsistent with the future plot of Justice League!


Looking at the situation, some kind of special accident happened on the cliff!

What the hell is going on with all this?


"The last time it happened was a few days ago. A jewelry store in a shopping mall in New York was robbed by robbers. Wonder Woman appeared to save the crisis?"

"Diana is in New York!"


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was suddenly excited.

Just at this time, Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei also came back after shopping. So he quickly told the two of his discoveries.


Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei were overjoyed when they heard the words, and said immediately, "If that's the case, then what are you waiting for, let's go! Go to New York immediately!"


The family of three got into the car immediately.

Hao Heng ran at high speed, and then transformed into a luxury private jet on a certain road in the suburbs, flying straight to New York at supersonic speed.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei used the Hongmeng system to start contacting and analyzing the dark matter of this world, trying to gain more information from it.


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