The Storm God

Chapter 3328 Extraordinary means!

in flight.

Bai Xiaofei quickly learned a lot of information.


In the United States in 1984, the world that should have been peaceful has inexplicably added many abilities, and Wonder Woman is just one of them.

This is very abnormal.


Many of them belong to the same organization—Reincarnation.

According to rumors, the boss of the reincarnation organization, named Almighty God, can do anything, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

At least.

In the dark matter information that Bai Xiaofei came into contact with, there is no relevant record.

However, the emergence of many ability users has a very obvious growth trajectory, and they all have one obvious thing in common.

Simply put.

They are all hangers, or losers, who suddenly awakened a powerful force, and then began to counterattack, or act lawlessly and recklessly.

There are good ones and bad ones.

In general.

There are still more bad ones.

After all, good people are subject to too many restrictions, bad people can do whatever they want, and not everyone can easily control the sudden powerful power.

And among all these clues, there is also a very obvious and special key prop, a citrine called the wishing stone!

Many people gain great power by making wishes to it.


Leopard girl who has been very active recently!

"Leopard Girl!"

When he saw Leopard Girl's information, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, because when he was watching "Wonder Woman" in the real world, he had guessed the story direction of Heroine 2 and the villain Boss with many Heroine fans.

And Leopard Girl is one of them.


Bai Xiaofei's understanding at that time was limited to limited comic materials.

How the movie version will be adapted is a matter for the director and screenwriter, anyway, Bai Xiaofei doesn't know anything about it.

He never expected that Leopard Girl would appear in America in 1984. Does that mean that Diana has already fought against him?


Leopard Girl is still active today.

As for Wonder Woman, Diana has always been around New York, intervening in cases caused by ordinary people, but never intervening in superpower incidents...

why is that?

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that there must be something tricky in it!

With Diana's character, it is impossible to be indifferent to those super criminals, which can be seen from her repeated rescue of ordinary people.

But such a Diana never intervenes in the criminal actions of super criminals, which is unreasonable.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei had two guesses.

One is that this Wonder Woman is a fake at all; the second is that for some special reason, Diana was unable to take action against those super criminals.

Which one it is, it needs Bai Xiaofei to decipher it.


The arrogant flying speed is extremely fast.


He drove Bai Xiaofei's family of three to the vicinity of the New York metropolis, and then landed in a spacious place.

Hao Heng turned back into the appearance of a big Hummer, carried Bai Xiaofei and the three of them forward, and at the same time scanned the surroundings with the radar.

As for Bai Xiaofei?

All right!

He certainly won't be idle.

As early as when he had landed in New York arrogantly, Bai Xiaofei had already opened up his mental power, scanning and screening New York overwhelmingly.

But it's a pity.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's terrifying ability, he couldn't find any information or traces about Diana, which is very abnormal.

To this.

Both Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei were a little depressed.

Bai Xiaofei turned to comfort the two of them and said, "It's okay, since we can't find her by normal means, then we will use some abnormal means!"


Nie Xiaoqian rolled her eyes and immediately understood what he meant.


Bai Lei is also very smart.

Hearing this, his eyes lit up immediately, full of excitement and excitement.


The little girl started to think differently again.

No, after seeing Bai Xiaofei's nod of confirmation, Bai Lei cheered immediately: "Hahaha, that's really great, so that Lei Lei can flex her muscles and have a good time!"

To this.

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head helplessly.

Although Bai Lei has grown up a lot, in the final analysis, she still has the mentality of a little girl and is more playful. I don't know if this is because of the Red Queen or Thor.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were full of pampering.

Seeing Bai Lei's excited expression, she said with a smile: "Leilei, let me explain in advance. You can do it, but you can't hurt the lives of innocent people. After all, you know the temper of your mother Diana... "


Bai Lei nodded repeatedly.

He said happily: "Daddy, don't worry, as long as it's not some villains, or some super annoying guys, Lei Lei will not hurt their lives, at most they will make them suffer!"

"After all, it's all about acting."

"If it's too fake, it will be easy to be seen through. If that's the case, maybe Diana's mother won't come."

"Anyway, Lei Lei knows it well!"


The little girl patted her chest and promised.


Hao Heng drove the three of them to a supermarket in the center of New York City. It's the one where Wonder Woman showed up last time to rescue people and catch robbers.

He ordered Hao Heng to stop by the side of the road and wait for his call.


The three of Bai Xiaofei entered the shopping mall.

Of course, they couldn't walk in directly in the form of the deity, but Qiao Zhuang dressed up to avoid trouble in the future.

Bai Xiaofei dressed up as a burly Caucasian man with majestic eyes, not angry but majestic. Nie Xiaoqian is a female man pretending to be a fighting nation, heroic and aggressive.

As for Bai Lei?


The little girl turned into the heroine in Twilight.

I don't know where she saw it.

In short.

The three of them collectively changed drastically.



The three of Bai Xiaofei came to the jewelry store that was robbed by robbers before.

After going in.

Without saying a word, the three of them immediately showed their weapons.

"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of gunfire erupted.

The entire jewelry store, including many merchants outside, as well as tourists, was frightened immediately, and the alarm bells rang in the entire shopping mall.

And the security guards in the shopping mall, the patrolmen, also rushed over here immediately.

Inside a jewelry store.

The manager looked bitter, thinking what kind of bad luck he had, he was robbed only a few days ago, and he had just finished decorating the store, yet he was robbed again!

Could it be that Feng Shui is bad?


This manager actually knows some oriental Feng Shui techniques...

"Hand over all the previous jewelry!"

Regardless of what the manager thought, Bai Xiaofei pointed a gun at the opponent's head, with a vicious look on his face, and ordered: "If you don't cooperate, I'll blow your head off with one shot, don't challenge my endurance!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The manager was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

While nodding hastily, he quickly ordered the clerk who was also frightened to put all the valuable jewelry in the jewelry store into the bag Nie Xiaoqian had prepared.

As for Bai Lei...




The little girl doesn't care about jewelry or not.

The only thing she likes is destroying things everywhere. In the blink of an eye, Bai Lei smashed all the newly decorated counters in this jewelry store to pieces.

at the same time.


In the sky of the supermarket, a sound burst suddenly came.

follow closely……


A fiery red figure suddenly descended from the sky. Like a bolide, he crashed directly through the building of the shopping mall and appeared in the jewelry store.


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