The Storm God

Chapter 3329 Chapter 3344 Copycat Alliance!


The sudden appearance of the red figure immediately caught Bai Xiaofei's attention.

He looked at the other party, and saw that the other party was wearing a fiery red tights and a red cloak that looked very good.

The overall shape is somewhat similar to Superman, but not as handsome as Superman, giving people a very fake look.


Even in terms of strength, it is more than one chip away.

However, the other party still felt that he was quite invincible, so he crashed through the building and came to the jewelry store, with his arms folded, looking very confident and proud.

He raised his chin to the three of Bai Xiaofei and said, "I am Star of Hope Red Superman, three criminals, my arrival has already demonstrated your failure, you should hurry up and vote obediently..."


He didn't finish his sentence.

The whole person was thrown flying by Bai Lei with a hammer.

Red Superman's body, like a cannonball, flew out sideways, knocking down countless walls, and finally fell in the middle of a certain road outside the shopping mall in a state of embarrassment, and was hit by a click.


There's no after that.

Red Superman is a counterfeit product, how could he withstand the attack of the enhanced version of the Meow Meow hammer? As early as the moment he was hit, he had already passed out completely.

If Bai Lei hadn't been merciful, he might have been reduced to scum with a single hammer.

"It's so weak!"

Bai Lei retracted the Meow Hammer.

Then he glanced at his mouth in disdain, and said speechlessly: "This kind of trash dares to come out to pretend to be a superman, and he is not afraid of being beaten to death..."


The people around were stunned.

They thought they would be saved if the Red Superman came, and these three robbers would definitely be dealt with badly...


Before the crowd had time to cheer.

Among the three robbers, the Red Superman was instantly felled by the youngest and weakest one with a single blow.


It's hard for everyone to accept!

You know, that's Red Superman, he's so powerful, he's holding a train in his hand, and a plane on his shoulder, just like a joke.

But such a powerful superman was laid down in the blink of an eye.

Can you believe this?


Bai Xiaofei was not surprised by this.

Let alone Red Superman, a counterfeit product, even if the original Superman came, he would have to suffer a bit if he met the current Bai Lei.

After all, Xiaoyetou has proved the Dao God King.

Zixiao Shenlei find out.

not to mention……

Superman's physical defense is good, but unfortunately the magic resistance is a bit low.

Facing Bai Lei's Meow Meow Hammer, they were completely overwhelmed. Coupled with the huge gap in strength between the two, it was impossible not to rush to the street!

He gestured at the waiter with a gun, signaling to the waiter not to be dazed, and quickly put on jewelry to avoid losing his temper.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone came back to their senses in an instant.

Then one by one hastened to speed up, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

After all, these three guys are not ordinary people. Even the red superman can be knocked down with one blow. What else can't they do?

With such terrifying strength, even if the CID and FBI came, it would be useless.

I am a part-time employee, so I don't need to take risks for that little salary, so I should cooperate obediently.

Anyway, these jewels are not their own.

And the other side.

The security guards of the shopping mall, the patrolmen, also quickly arrived at the periphery of the jewelry store, but after the Red Superman incident just now, none of them dared to step forward easily.

Without any hesitation, some people immediately took out their walkie-talkies, reported the situation here to their superiors, and asked for stronger support.


The matter here was stabbed to the New York City Police Department.

Afterwards, a large number of armed police drove up in armored vehicles, charged with guns and live ammunition, and immediately surrounded the entire shopping mall.

It's a pity that someone is faster than them.

The journalists, who wanted the news desperately, entered the shopping mall long before the police arrived, and followed up and reported on the robbery.

The three of Bai Xiaofei saw that the plan was going so smoothly, so they were naturally willing to cooperate. They threatened some hostages in the jewelry store and ordered the police to film some news reporters in, and they wanted to pass on a message to the audience.

For the safety of the hostages, the New York police could only obey obediently.

Don't say it.

Journalists in this day and age are still pretty tough.

Thinking that the ratings might be blown up, everyone was trying to get into it. They were not afraid of going there, and they might lose their own lives.

Really crazy.


On the screens of many TV stations, the figures of Bai Xiaofei and the three appeared, and their ruthless words - let Wonder Woman come out!

To this.

Countless people speculated that these robbers probably had a grudge against Wonder Woman, otherwise it would not have been possible to issue such a challenge.

this moment.

People only hope that the mysterious Wonder Woman can stand up quickly to resolve this disaster, because the robbers said that every minute that the time limit is exceeded, they will inflict varying degrees of damage on the hostages.

That is.

Whether the hostages are safe or not depends entirely on Wonder Woman.

If she had shown up earlier, the hostages would have been rescued earlier, but if Wonder Woman hadn't shown up, the hostages controlled by the robbers would have had a miserable ending.

"what to do?"

An Antiquities Identification Center somewhere in New York City.

A tall, elegant woman watched the live broadcast on TV, frowning slightly, full of anxiety.

And this person is none other than Wonder Woman Diana.

This moment.

It's not that she doesn't want to save people.

But it can't be saved at all, because her strength is passing away all the time. Today, apart from her combat skills and experience, Diana has become almost no different from ordinary people.

The most important thing is.

The scene where Bai Lei beat Feihong Superman with Meow Meow Hammer was not photographed by journalists, so Diana had no way of recognizing the identities of Bai Xiaofei and the other three.

And at this moment.


Diana suddenly saw that on the TV screen, three special figures suddenly descended from the sky and appeared directly in front of the robbers.

They are the supernova in the Justice League - ZAKER, the golden warrior - Helbo, and the angel of justice - Hebron.

Although the three are not the strongest in the Justice League, they are the most famous, have the highest attendance, and have the most outstanding influence. Generally, there is no problem that they cannot solve.

The appearance of the three Justice League members immediately aroused the cheers of countless people.


Even Diana thought so.

With the three of them around, the robbery should be over soon.


Things didn't work out that way.

After the three members of the Justice League appeared, before they could say a word, countless people were shocked to see that the youngest woman flew towards the supernova ZAKER.

The two sides immediately fought in darkness.

The poor jewelry store that had been devastated for a long time was completely reduced to ruins in an instant, and the entire super shopping mall was also destroyed in an instant.

Seeing this, Herb and Hebron were naturally not to be outdone, and approached Bai Xiaofei and Nie Xiaoqian respectively, and the six superpowers immediately fought into a ball.

And the battlefield is also changing crazily.

For a while it is a super shopping mall, for a while it is a street full of traffic, and for a while it is a high altitude with blue sky and white clouds...

The frequent transitions and fierce battles made the cameraman dizzy and almost vomited on the spot.


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