The Storm God

Chapter 3330 Dragon Ball combat power!

In the sky.

Bai Xiaofei and the golden warrior - He Erbo confronted each other in the air, bursting with momentum. Everything around them can't get close to them even within a hundred meters.

"Who are you?"

Herb asked in a deep voice.

Bai Xiaofei's strength amazed him, and he was even a little apprehensive and afraid secretly, because in the fight just now, Herb was always at a disadvantage.

To know.

The combat system he practiced came from the world of "Dragon Ball".

Strength is everything!

And he...

But a warrior with Super Saiyan blood.

Even without transforming, under normal conditions, the combat power is enough to destroy the world, but it still can't do anything to the opponent.

This is outrageous!


Bai Xiaofei sneered, and asked instead: "I should be the one asking you this sentence, right? Your fighting style, if you guessed correctly, should come from "Dragon Ball", right?"


Herbert was suddenly surprised: "You actually knew?"

Bai Xiaofei curled his lips and said: "What is this? I definitely know much more than I imagined. For example, this is definitely not your strongest state!"

"If you don't want to lose right away, you can transform as soon as I'm in a good mood!"

"Otherwise you will have no chance!"


Bai Xiaofei reminded him kindly.

With his current state, he can naturally see through the details of Herb's strength. Anyway, it was causing trouble, so it happened that the members of these reincarnation organizations could come to stand up.


Herb felt slighted.

He was very angry and furious, so he fulfilled Bai Xiaofei's wish, immediately roared, and began to transform, instantly turning into a blonde and blue-eyed Super Saiyan state.

The golden flames burned like fire waves, steaming around the body surface, the berserk power was filled with billowing anger, and even the clouds in the sky were blown away.

At this moment, Helbo, calculated according to the combat power in Dragon Ball, must have at least about 5 billion, which can be called very powerful and terrifying.

But it's a pity.

This level, in front of Bai Xiaofei, is still not enough.

According to the rough calculation results given by the Hongmeng system, the combat power of the God King Realm, if converted into the pure combat power of Dragon Ball, is about 1 billion to 9.9 billion.

The combat power of Super Saiyan 1 ranges from 150 million to 9.9 billion.

in other words.

Super Saiyan 1 is basically equivalent to God King Realm.

By analogy in the future, Super Saiyan 2 is basically equivalent to God Emperor Realm, with a combat power between 10 billion and 99.9 billion.

Super Saiyan 3 is basically equivalent to the realm of the gods, with a combat power of more than 100 billion.

It is conservatively estimated that the combat power of the God Emperor Realm is at least 1 trillion or more.

Compare Super 4, or Super Blue.

And Bai Xiaofei.

It is the high level of God Emperor Realm.

The pure combat power is definitely above 1 trillion. Although Helbo is of Super Saiyan blood, he is only at the Super 1 level now.

The 9.9 billion combat power was exhausted.

Compared with Bai Xiaofei, the two sides are not at the same level at all, and even a fraction of Bai Xiaofei's combat power is far from enough.


It is no exaggeration to say.

Bai Xiaofei was completely abusing food, and the reason why he didn't knock down Helbo all at once was entirely because he wanted to see the ability of a Super Saiyan.

But it's a pity.

After some duels, Bai Xiaofei found out that Helbo's true level is actually very good, far inferior to those characters in "Dragon Ball" when they fight fiercely and domineeringly.

Bai Xiaofei speculates that whether it is the bloodline of the Super Saiyan or the ability to transform, it is possible that Helbo obtained it through the reincarnation space, not in the world of "Dragon Ball", otherwise its real combat power is definitely not true. It will be so watery.


He completely lost interest.

Then, taking advantage of Herb's chance of being in a trance, he directly hit the mirror space, trapping the desperate Herb inside.


the other side.

Nie Xiaoqian's opponent is the angel of justice - Hebron.


Although he is called an angel, Hebron is not actually an angel. It's just that this guy got an angel's equipment from somewhere, and it looks like that.

As for Hebron's level of combat effectiveness, that's actually the case.

About the same as Herb.

Over 1 degree.

That's about 4 billion.

As for Nie Xiaoqian, she has not yet broken through to the God King Realm, she is only at the peak level. Converted into Dragon Ball combat power, it is almost 6 billion.

6 billion versus 4 billion...


It can be said that it is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.

After the two sides fought dozens of rounds in New York City, Hebron was completely at a disadvantage, and was chased and beaten by Nie Xiaoqian almost the entire time.

What an angel's glory, he was beaten into a drenched chicken right away!

the last one.

It's the duel between Bai Lei and supernova ZAKER.

Supernova ZAKER's power system is somewhat special, it looks a bit like a simplified version of a sentinel, and its combat power is also around 5 billion.

As for Bai Lei, she was only at the beginning of the Divine King Realm, and her combat power was only about 2 billion.


That refers to the pure own combat power.

If you add the enhanced version of Meow Meow Hammer, Zixiao Shenlei, and the superposition of elemental abilities, then the combat power will have to be directly doubled.

It's about 5 billion or so.

The fight between the two, whether in strength or fighting style, was evenly matched, quite similar, and at the same time the most intense and persistent.


This will suffer from the surrounding cities and buildings.

Wherever the battle between the two sides went, everything seemed to have encountered a tornado and a hurricane. It was miserable and pitiful!


Both seemed to be able to avoid crowded areas.

Even the battles are mostly based on the sky. Otherwise, after such unscrupulous battles, let alone New York, I am afraid that the entire United States and even the earth will be greatly affected, and even on the verge of destruction.

after all……

In the world of "Dragon Ball", a combat power of just tens of thousands is enough to destroy a star, let alone a battle of over 100 million.

Regardless of the fighting situation on the scene.

Somewhere in New York.

Diana, who was always in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast, did not recognize Bai Xiaofei and Nie Xiaoqian, but she directly recognized the Meow Hammer in Bai Lei's hand.

Diana immediately looked incredible and unbelievable, and at the same time muttered to herself: "Is that the Meow Hammer?! Did my wish really come true? Xiao Fei and the others really came to find me?"


"And what about their appearance?"

"Could it be a hoax?"


Diana hesitated.

But more is fear and fear, fear of disappointment, fear of betrayal. Because the God of Lies has used her wish to take away Diana's power.

At this moment, Diana really didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly.


Her now.

There is nothing left to lose except your own life and health. So even though Diana's hammer was Meow Meow's hammer, she still didn't dare to affirm and confirm it rashly. Diana was afraid that all this was another deception by the God of Lies.

Just like when the opponent used his wish to take away his power, if the opponent succeeds again this time, it might be what was taken away.


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