The Storm God

Chapter 3331 Desire virus!

And in some cities in the United States.

Some people with ulterior motives also saw the situation of Bai Xiaofei and the three through live TV, and then laughed loudly: "Amazing!"

"To be able to fight inextricably with the three members of the Justice League, and even gain the upper hand. These three are very powerful!"

"It seems that we have to make a move, otherwise those guys from the Justice League will arrive early and capture the three of them, then our loss will be serious!"

"All the masters above S rank in the Injustice League, dispatch!"


For a time, the wind was surging.

In the United States, in several cities that are relatively close to New York, some figures quickly left the room and rushed towards the battlefield on TV.


The most important thing among them is the beautiful shadow.


Diana thought twice.

After all, she couldn't resist the luck and hope in her heart, so she disguised herself, left the residence, and went to the supermarket where the war broke out.

Diana's idea is very simple, to confirm the authenticity.

If it is true, then of course there is no need to say much, and we will recognize each other directly. At that time, with Bai Xiaofei's strength, he will not be afraid even if the god of lies comes personally.

But if it's fake, then she will give up completely and run away quickly. In order not to be caught by Leopard Girl and the others.


at the same time.

The battle here is still going on.

The scene of Nie Xiaoqian and the angel of justice showing their own special abilities can be said to be the most gorgeous, bar none.


Because of this beauty, people forget Nie Xiaoqian's identity as a villain.

It's time to watch a play.

the other side.

The fierce battle between Bai Lei and the supernova ZAKER is the most intense and domineering. They are on the same level as fire and water, but neither can do anything to the other, and the fight is inseparable.

The two sides sparked with lightning along the way, destroying an unknown number of vehicles and buildings, and the number of people injured due to this is skyrocketing in alarming numbers.

And in such a situation.

A strange voice suddenly and silently sounded in the minds of some people, persuading people with bewitching power, as long as they sincerely make a wish in their hearts, their dreams will come true!

at first……

No one cared about the sound.

But some people couldn't help being curious, so some people subconsciously made a random wish, such as wishing to fly to the sky and see the battle scene more clearly.


His wish actually came true.

One second, this person was still on the ground, squinting his eyes, worried that he would not be able to see the wonderful scene of the battle in the sky, but in the next second, he appeared in the sky inexplicably.

follow closely……

This man is completely tragic.

One is that he can't fly, although he did see the scene of the fierce battle clearly, but he started to fall from the sky with great pain.

Not only that.

The aftermath of the battle, the terrifying concussion force, immediately caused that person to suffer huge injuries, so he was killed on the spot.


This person is definitely not the first.

The sky suddenly seemed to be filled with dumplings, and for no reason, many figures appeared, and then one after another descended from the sky, the scene was once extremely weird.


Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly the most leisurely.

Because the golden warrior Herb he was fighting with was already trapped in the mirror space, he had enough time to watch the show.


He never expected.

It was a good scene, but such a weird thing happened.

An undetected force entered inexplicably, causing countless innocent people to appear in the sky and then fall freely...

This is very abnormal!

The most important thing is that even though Bai Xiaofei is so powerful and terrifying, he didn't find anything unusual. It can be seen that the source of that power must not be underestimated.

Seeing that countless people were about to fall from the sky and fall to their deaths, Bai Xiaofei finally made a move. The terrifying power of thought was activated and turned into a soft invisible net, catching all these people not very high from the ground.

But it is a pity that there are still many people who still appear inexplicably.

Then fall again.


Even on the ground.

There was also a lot of confusion.

For example, some bystanders suddenly turned into monsters with huge size and terrifying power, smashing around them.


Some people become Burning Man out of nowhere.

Then he flew into the sky with great excitement, and participated in the battle between Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei, and then helped Supernova and Justice Angel to deal with them together.

follow closely.

These overconfident guys were either killed in an instant, or were seriously injured by the terrifying aftermath of the battle before they got close.


The scene became frantic and chaotic for a while.

All kinds of messy things started to spring up in the crowd like mushrooms after rain, and then triggered more incidents.

"Xiaoqian, Leilei!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and looked at everything around him, and his intuition told him that there must be something tricky in it, and it's better to be careful.


He quickly sent a voice transmission to his wife and children, don't love to fight, just let it go.

Anyway, today's goal has been achieved. I believe that with the broadcast of the TV, Diana, who was hiding in the crowd, should have seen some pictures to some extent.

Next, just wait.


Nie Xiaoqian made a powerful move.

Then back away.

the other side.


Bai Lei also quickly pulled away, and put down a sentence: "I will let you go today, and when I have a chance another day, I will teach you a lesson!"

Then he also came to Bai Xiaofei's side.

A look of bewilderment.


Bai Lei's big bright eyes seemed to be saying: "Daddy, what's wrong? Lei Lei is playing happily, why should she stop?"

"Something's not right!"

Bai Xiaofei pointed to the extremely chaotic scene below, frowned and said: "Look at them, they were fine before, but now they suddenly turned into monsters or superpowers, and the speed of spreading is like a virus..."

"I feel like someone is using us as a weapon, and we are not here to find people to fight, the main purpose is to show the means!"

"Leilei's Meow Meow Hammer has been used for so long, no matter how poor the technology of this era is, it must have recorded and played a lot of images."

"I believe Diana will definitely recognize your hammer after seeing it, and come to look for us with curiosity..."

"Everything else is not important!"


Nie Xiaoqian agrees.

However, the chaos on the scene was too great. Looking around, monsters and superpowers were almost everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

Are you really going to let it go?

As for Bai Lei?


The girl's eyes were full of excitement.

But she saw her big eyes staring straight at the monster figures on the ground, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, apparently thinking about whether to destroy them by hand!


Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while.

He was about to say something, but at this moment, several extremely strong power fluctuations suddenly came from several directions in the sky.

Some of them even have a very terrifying dark atmosphere, as well as the feeling of killing, blood, and violence, and they are obviously not good people.

Think again.

Bai Xiaofei understood what was going on.


He didn't take action.

Instead, he just waited silently for the arrival of several forces.


A few more figures appeared in the sky.

They are opposite each other, and they are clearly distinct, obviously not in one wave. The ones on the left stand directly with the supernova and the angel of justice.


They both appear to be members of the Justice League.

And those people on the right, all crooked, wearing strange and special uniforms, they don't look like a good bird at first glance.

These people kept a certain distance from Bai Xiaofei's family of three, and said with a smile: "Three, we are not members of the Injustice League, and today we specially invite the three of you to join..."


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