The Storm God

Chapter 3332 The spaceship is gone!

"The Injustice?"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became even more speechless.

It's okay to have a copycat Justice League, why even the Injustice League came out? What the hell is going on?

Almost subconsciously.

Bai Xiaofei used the technique of detection on the members of the Injustice Alliance...


He was surprised to find out.

The source of power in these so-called members of the Injustice League is eighty-nine percent similar to those members of the Justice League just now!


Some people are completely of the same origin!


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of a possibility: the Injustice League of this troublemaker, and the Justice League, are clearly the same group!

What invitation?

This is simply digging a hole for them to jump into!

As for why? Bai Xiaofei didn't think of it yet, but his intuition told himself that it must be related to the sudden mutation of those innocent onlookers!

Bai Xiaofei was thinking.


Bai Lei has already spoken: "Join you? Are you very good? Why do you think you are qualified to invite us?"


"Even if your strength is not bad, after joining, should you listen to us or should you listen to us?"

"We don't like to listen to other people anyway."


The little girl was obviously teasing someone.

However, the guy in the black and red uniform was not angry about it. He still smiled and said, "It's okay, because our organization is very free and open, and no one orders anyone to talk about it."

"What we pay attention to is to follow our own wishes. When we really have to take action, or when we need to contribute, we will ask for everyone's opinions."

"It's best to be willing, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to."


He began to preach the belief of the Injustice League on the spot.

have to say.

This guy's eloquence is really good.

But it's a pity that Bai Lei doesn't believe him at all, and it's useless to let the other party talk about her organization.


When Bai Lei heard the last word, she impatiently plucked her ears, and said, "Freedom comes first, right? Then I can tell you clearly, this girl is not interested!"

"You can go!"


Said, and made a face at the other party, as if afraid that the stimulation was not enough.

The other party could indeed bear it. With Bai Lei's attitude, an ordinary person would have gotten angry long ago, but he didn't. Instead, he turned his eyes and looked at Bai Xiaofei.

The meaning is obvious, what you say as a child doesn't count, I want to talk to your adults.

Immediately, Bai Lei was so angry that she almost threw a hammer at the other party.

The other party looked confident.


Bai Xiaofei immediately said, "Look what I'm doing? Didn't my daughter just say that she's not interested! Get the hell out!"

"Otherwise, my daughter's temper will come up, but no matter what your origin is, just beat me up first, and then you will be the ones who are unlucky!"


That person was dumbfounded at the time.


What's the situation?

You are a parent, how can you listen to a child?

This unscientific!


He opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

But at this time, Hebron and ZAKER on the side of the Justice League suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Hey, where did you get Herb, let him go!"

They had seen each other for so long, and Herb was nowhere to be seen, so he became a little anxious.

I didn't say it just now, because I was afraid that the other party would join the Injustice Alliance. At that time, there would be a lot of accomplices around, so it would be useless to ask.

But it's different now.

The other party has clearly rejected it, which means that the other party is not that bad.

So Hebron and the others subconsciously thought that as long as they waited for others to work hard, they might be able to win over the three of them.


The premise is that the other party has to release Herb.

However, how could Bai Xiaofei let them get what they wanted, after all these people are all members of the reincarnation organization.

Can catch one is one!

Let people go?

Go dreaming!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately sneered, looked at Hebron and the others mockingly, and said, "Want Herb? Yes, then trade it with Wonder Woman!"


"I want an intact Wonder Woman. If she is even slightly damaged, Helbo will suffer thousands of times the damage!"

"If you find someone, send them to the North Pole."


After finishing speaking, Bai Xiaofei waved his hands and began to draw a circle, regardless of Hebron's and others' reaction, followed by a crimson space gate.

Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei traveled to the North Pole first.

Finally, there was Bai Xiaofei.

"Chi Chi!"

The door to the space is closed.

In the sky, there are only a few dots of Mars left, and then they die quickly.

on the ground below.

"That is……"

Diana, who was among the crowd, stared wide-eyed, full of excitement and excitement, and shouted in her heart: "Kama Taj's space magic!"

"You can't go wrong!"

"In addition to the Meow Meow Hammer, and the cooperation of the three of them..."

"That person must be Xiao Fei!"


Diana wept with joy.

At this moment, she finally understood that the disappearance of her own power was not completely useless, at least Bai Xiaofei really came.


The God of Lies did not deceive himself this time!

However, it seems that his body has been tampered with, and the distance is so close, Xiaofei didn't even feel himself...

This is very abnormal!

It doesn't matter!

At worst, go find him yourself.


If you guessed right, Xiaofei and the others should have gone to the exploration spacecraft that landed on the earth on the planet Dachao, right?

Although I have no power, I still have some money. It seems that it is not difficult to hire some people to go to the North Pole...

that's all.

Diana immediately made a decision.

And quickly acted for it, spent money, found people, hired planes, and went to Iceland, which is the closest to the North Pole...

Etc., etc.


And the other side.


After Bai Xiaofei's family of three came here, they were a little dazed and dazed. Because the Kryptonian spacecraft that was still here before is gone!


completely gone.

There is no trace at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

This made him very depressed.


The cold wind howled.

The three members of Bai Xiaofei's family were floating in the sky above the North Pole, silent.

In the end, it was Nie Xiaoqian who broke the silence and comforted: "Xiao Fei, don't worry, the earth in this world has undergone such amazing changes, maybe someone took the Kryptonian spacecraft away..."

"Since everyone is here, let's just build an ice palace of our own here. We still have a lot of Kryptonian crystals, right?"


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

What can he do now? Only according to Nie Xiaoqian's proposal, an ice palace was rebuilt in the North Pole with Kryptonian crystals.

The location is where the original Kryptonian spacecraft stayed.


A magnificent and gorgeous ice palace rises from the ground.

Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei happily went to decorate their rooms, while Bai Xiaofei started to set up the ice palace's defense system and weapon counterattack equipment.


He launched several Tianjian satellites.

On a global scale, it has established its own communication and monitoring network.

Since the consciousness and perception are blocked, and Diana cannot be found quickly, Bai Xiaofei will not believe it by using technological means. Could it be that Diana can still have plastic surgery?

As everyone knows.

At this moment, Diana has lost her strength. In order to protect her safety, she had to dress up in Qiao Zhuang, changing her appearance and figure.


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