The Storm God

Chapter 3333 Everyone is looking for someone!


Inside the Justice League headquarters.


Hebron and ZAKER, who returned in vain and even lost one of them, blushed with anger and slapped the round conference table with their hands.

It was also fortunate that the table was specially made, otherwise it would have been smashed by their terrifying power, but even so, a very clear palm print was also photographed.

It can be seen how angry the two are now.


"Who do those three bastards think they are? It's unreasonable that the person who detained us actually asked us to help him find someone!"

"I should definitely go to the North Pole and kill him!"


ZAKER is the most angry.

Directly propose and adopt a kill policy to avoid endless troubles.

Hebron frowned, but didn't say anything. After all, Herb was still in his hands. Even if he wanted to kill him, he had to rescue him.

To know.

Herb is Hebron's good brother, others can ignore Herb's life and death, but he alone can't.


A voice suddenly spoke.

He was wearing a dark tights, he looked a bit like a bat, his voice was low and hoarse, and he was sitting at the main seat of the circular meeting.

It can be seen from this.

This person's identity is very unusual.

At least……

Following his opening, whether it was ZAKER or Hebron, they stopped immediately, and then obediently did their best, waiting for the reprimand.

The members next to him also quickly put on a serious face.


The boss caught fire.

The consequences are quite serious and terrifying!

No one wants to take that!

"Da da da……"

The fingers of the black bat tapped the table lightly, making a crisp sound, echoing continuously in the huge room.

Everyone was silent and waited quietly.

a long time……

The black bat finally spoke.

He said: "I have carefully studied the previous battle video, and it is not your fault, because the opponent's strength is far above yours!"

The implication is that your failure is doomed.

It is already very good to be able to return two safely, otherwise, if it is more serious, none of them may come back!

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.


They didn't speak rashly or discuss in low voices, but continued to look at the black bat, waiting for the next step.

The black bat didn't play tricks on everyone, pointed at Bai Xiaofei in the holographic projection, and said: "According to my analysis and speculation, this person is the most dangerous, and the strength of the other two is at most equal to yours!"

On the projection screen, some information about Bai Xiaofei's influence was highlighted, such as Dragon Ball's combat power, which was actually lined up? Number and! Number.

This means that even Black Bat can't budget its upper limit.

at last……

The black bat also called up a picture.

The above shows a scene somewhere in the North Pole, a vast and magnificent ice palace suddenly uprooted and formed out of thin air.


There's no after that.

The picture ended here, and it was clearly blocked by some special force.

The black bat pointed at the three of Bai Xiaofei who walked into the ice palace, frowned and said: "These three must have important secrets hidden in them, otherwise it would be impossible to know the exact location of that spaceship, and this crystal technology..."

"I suspect that they are also outsiders. As for the purpose, it should be related to Wonder Woman, but the strange thing is that with our power, there is almost no relevant information..."

"This is a little abnormal!"


Speaking of which.

The black bat operated the circular conference table and continued to display the information.

And on the screen, some old data materials appeared again, which contained some rumors about some World War I soldiers, as well as old photos.

One of them contained photos of Wonder Woman Diana and Bai Xiaofei.

The black bat pointed at the two people in the photo, and said emphatically: "If I'm not wrong, the two of them should be in a relationship, so this Wonder Woman is very important to us. As long as we find her, we can Control him in turn!"

At this time...

Hebron finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up directly and said excitedly: "Boss, you mean that our next task is to find someone!"

"That's right!"

The black bat nodded and said: "I suspect that Wonder Woman has some shielding power, otherwise that person would have sensed it long ago, so I suggest that everyone use more technological means..."



at the same time.

Injustice headquarters on the other side.

The man in the black and red uniform was also discussing with his teammates about Bai Xiaofei and Wonder Woman.


Much like the Justice League side.

They don't know much about Wonder Woman's situation. But compared to the Justice League, they have a natural advantage, that is shameless!

Someone suggested that there is no need to be so troublesome at all, as long as they keep a close eye on those people in the Justice League, and when the other party finds someone, then a yellow bird will follow.


"Just do it according to what you mean!"


Conference decisions are made quickly.

Then, one order after another was conveyed.

Following the countless people who were active in the dark, they began to follow the orders of the Injustice League and targeted the members of the Justice League on their territory.

The goal of all of them is Wonder Woman!


Even the White House in the United States is no exception.

The big battle that took place in the center of New York today made the President of the United States depressed and uncomfortable for a long time, and many voices asked him to stand up and give an explanation.

But more or responsibility and complaints.

We are taxpayers!

Why are you guys eating and watching us being hurt?




Pay back!

step down!

Looking outside the monitor, the huge slogans one after another, the President of the United States was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "What the hell does this have to do with me? I'm not a superman!"

He was about to vent his anger.

At this moment……


A strange voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "You want to be a superman? It's fine, as long as you sincerely make a wish..."

The President of the United States was taken aback for a moment.

He suspected that he was so confused that he had hallucinations. But right after that, he subconsciously replied to that voice: "Okay! I make a wish now, I will become an invincible superman in the world, and beat up all the bastards who look unhappy!"

next moment.

The wish came true, and an extremely powerful force was born in his body out of thin air. At the same time, something was instantly taken away from him.


The president of the United States seems to be unaware of all this.

As usual, he continued the meeting and discussed things, and the content of the discussion was about Wonder Woman. After all, this person was related to the three powerful kidnappers.

If you want to get rid of the three kidnappers, you have to find Wonder Woman first.

Otherwise everything is useless.


Arctic Ice Palace.

Bai Xiaofei has countless clones, and quickly built a powerful defense and monitoring system, and handed over the task to Baikas.


He separated a clone.

Soaring directly into the sky, he flew towards the location of Paradise Island in his memory.


In the vast sea of ​​clouds.

A private jet is flying in the sky.

Its goal is the only place in Arctic Iceland where planes can land. And the person who hired this plane was none other than Diana in disguise.


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