The Storm God

Chapter 3335 Suspected saint behind the scenes!


"Your Majesty, do you really care about the development of the outside world?"

"Speaking of whether they fight or not, they seem to have nothing to do with Paradise Island, right? I remember you used to seem to..."

"Why is your attitude so different now?"

"You're not worried about Diana?"


Bai Xiaofei was very embarrassed.

After thinking about it, I think it is better to test it a little bit.

Or we don't call it a test, but an inquiry.


Just ask!

Ask if you don't understand, standard good boy!

We don't mean any disrespect!

Absolutely not!


Upon hearing this, Her Majesty the Queen gave Bai Xiaofei a strange look, then frowned and said, "Xiao Fei, your attitude is not very good!"

A thick preaching tone.

The queen said righteously: "After all, we all live on the earth. Even if there are differences in beliefs and lifestyles, the yearning for peace should be the same..."

"Diana is my daughter, of course I am worried about her, but now is not the time to care about personal gains and losses, we should solve the fundamental problems first..."

"And I'm sure Diana must have thought so too."

"What are you here for?"


Facing the inquiry of Her Majesty the Queen.

Bai Xiaofei can be 100% sure that Her Majesty the Queen, and even the Amazon female warriors in Paradise Island, have been affected by something.

The former queen, although she didn't like war, she didn't like humans even more.

Otherwise, if the First World War had been fought so badly, they wouldn't have been hiding in Paradise Island, living a free life like a fairy, and would have rushed out to save the world long ago.

They didn't.

But now...


Everything has changed.

The Queen turned into something almost like a Virgin.

For the sake of the so-called peace and stability of the world, he didn't even care about his own daughter's safety. If it was all right, he wouldn't believe it if he killed Bai Xiaofei.

But what made Bai Xiaofei speechless the most was that even if he observed with the eyes of primordial vision, he couldn't see anything wrong with Her Majesty the Queen and others.

This makes him difficult to deal with.

It's like seeing a doctor.

If you can't find the cause, how can you treat it?

You can't mess around, right?


This is my mother-in-law.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei could only talk about him from left to right, bluffing and bluffing, and finally fooled Her Majesty the Queen.

Following him, he came to the conclusion that Paradise Island didn't know much about the outside world, and didn't even know about the outside changes at all.

As for the inner exception?


It's not too much trouble, after all, Paradise Island has lived in seclusion for a long time, and even if something goes wrong, there are no casualties.

This is luck in misfortune.

As for asking them to help, looking for Diana or something, that would be absolutely useless.


After shivering casually.

Bai Xiaofei gave some good things to his mother-in-law, and then quickly left with the excuse of going back quickly to save the world.

And when he left, he also set up a special dimensional space coordinates in Paradise Island, so that Bai Xiaofei could teleport at any time next time.



Arctic Ice Palace.

Needless to say, Bai Cass's efficiency is impressive.

In less than half a day, he assumed a huge communication and reconnaissance network system for Bai Xiaofei, and initially connected and communicated with the Hongmeng Dark System with this world.

However, if you want to fully understand the development of this world, there have been changes in certain aspects, such as the invasion of foreign forces and so on.

These have to take some time to decipher and analyze.

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei's harvest is also very huge.

He discovered that three years ago, a huge space-time fluctuation occurred in this world, and then a strange meteor shower appeared on the earth.

follow closely.

Many special ores and crystals have been discovered on the earth.

These ore crystals have different functions, and the most powerful one is undoubtedly citrine. Citrine is also known as the wishing stone.

As long as you hold a citrine and make a wish to it, it can usually come true.

Even some outrageous wishes.

for example……

I want to be president.

I want to be the richest man.

I want countless beauties.

I want unrivaled power...

Etc., etc.

Wishing stones can help you come true.

The only fly in the ointment is that this wishing stone has a side effect. When fulfilling other people's wishes, it will often deprive the wisher of something.

Like conscience, kindness, humanity, faith...

Etc., etc.

Just like a transaction, although the transactions between the two parties may not be reciprocal, some things must be taken away, otherwise the transaction cannot be completed.

In the past three years, countless people have obtained the wishing stone, and countless people have studied it, but without exception, they have not obtained any results.

On the contrary, they have gradually become the trading objects of wishing stones.

Some people have reached the pinnacle of life because of this, and some people have become more miserable because of this. Unrestrained desires erupt, like a virus, spreading wantonly.


The world and society that had just been stabilized have rapidly become swollen and chaotic. Then came the Justice League.

In a period of time.

With the suppression of the Justice League, the world once restored peace.

But suddenly at a certain moment, a voice will suddenly appear in some people's minds, as long as they follow the instructions, make a wish, and indulge their desires, changes beyond imagination will occur.

Some people become monsters.

Others gained great strength and stature.

But more people, because of too strong desires and full of negative and unhealthy information, completely lost control and became members of darkness and evil.


The Injustice was born.

In the following year, various wars broke out between the Justice League and the Injustice League, making the world more chaotic and miserable.

The arrival of the three members of Bai Xiaofei's family just coincided with their meeting, and it was just the tip of the iceberg. In major cities around the world, various tragedies and melees may be staged at any time.

After understanding this information.

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that this was definitely a conspiracy.

The first feeling is that someone is deliberately leading the world into chaos, and then fishes in troubled waters, just like raising Gu.

Regardless of who lives and who dies in the end, the owner will always benefit.


Bai Xiaofei is not the Holy Mother.

He doesn't really care if those irrelevant people die or not.


Bai Xiaofei was very curious and concerned about this almost virus-like desire expansion and sudden change.

The entire world was silently invaded, and such extreme information and mutation power were constructed in the minds of countless people...

It can be seen from this.

The opponent's strength must at least be above the God Emperor Realm.

The most important thing is that you can easily realize the wishes of N people, and deprive them of certain things silently...

This ability is extremely perverted and weird.

Even if it was Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't do it, unless he relied on the power of some contract, but even so, it was impossible for the other party to do it so easily.


Bai Xiaofei was suspicious.

The biggest behind-the-scenes black hand may be stronger than himself.


Has reached the saint level.

According to Bai Xiaofei's understanding and analysis, only a sage who has communicated with the Dao of Heaven can quietly connect with the world, and make changes to its cause and effect without affecting himself, and even benefit from it.

If this is the case, then things will be troublesome.


Almost the strongest horror in the legend!

It's hard to say!


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