The Storm God

Chapter 3336 Greened?

"Xiao Fei?"

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Bai Xiaofei with concern: "What's the matter? Judging from your expression, it seems that you are not very well. Have you encountered any problems?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Nie Xiaoqian is his wife, one of the closest people.

Naturally, he would not hide the situation, and truthfully stated his guess to Nie Xiaoqian, and finally said: "I always feel that the other party seems to be brewing a huge conspiracy!"


Nie Xiaoqian said: "If the facts are as you guessed, it is indeed very possible, but the key now is, if we really match up, can we beat it?"

Relatively speaking.

She was undoubtedly more concerned about Bai Xiaofei's safety.

As for the so-called safety of the world?


None of my business!

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said: "It's not easy to say, the strength has reached my level, or even above, many things are no longer simply a comparison of strength, and many additional factors will be involved..."

"For example, luck, merit, emperor soldiers, magic weapons and so on."

"Anyway, it's troublesome."


Nie Xiaoqian seemed to understand but half understood.

All she knew was that anyway, it was impossible for her and Leilei to help Bai Xiaofei, because their level of strength was too low.

He couldn't keep up with Bai Xiaofei's rhythm at all.

Think here.

Nie Xiaoqian suddenly had an idea.

She smiled and said: "I understand, Xiao Fei, just do whatever you want, Lei Lei and I will stay in the ice palace and practice hard..."


Nie Xiaoqian's strength has already reached a critical point.

What she lacks now is an opportunity, as long as it arrives, she can immediately break through and step into the threshold of the God Emperor Realm.

As for Bai Lei.

Then there is no need to say more.

At the initial level of the God King Realm, the future is bright and the potential is endless.

The only problem is that this girl is too playful and can't calm down at all, which leads to the slow growth of her strength.

And this time.

Nie Xiaoqian decided to take good care of her.

Try to improve your strength in the shortest possible time, otherwise what should you do if you encounter trouble in the future? You can't hold Bai Xiaofei back all the time, can you?

Anyway, Nie Xiaoqian felt very sorry.


What does Nie Xiaoqian think.

Bai Xiaofei could understand it almost at a glance, so he couldn't say much about it, he could only give encouragement and support.

He smiled and said: "Just follow the fate, don't force it too much, after all, in cultivation, haste makes waste, everything is about success..."


Nie Xiaoqian turned and left.

Bai Xiaofei stayed here alone, continuing to study and search for clues about the mastermind behind the scenes. As for the whereabouts of the avatar...

He has already thought about it.


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei (clone) left Paradise Island and plunged directly into the Atlantic Ocean, planning to go to Atlantis to have a look.

This is what the deity means.

after all……

in this world.

There are not many characters related to Bai Xiaofei, except Paradise Island and Diana, who is Atlanna of Atlantis.

Now that he is back, he naturally wants to go and have a look.

The last time Bai Xiaofei took Diana out of the DC world, it was due to the threat of the world's will, so he left in a hurry and anxiously.

Didn't even have time to say goodbye to Atlanta.


In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

I don't know what happened to Atlanta, will she hate herself?

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei felt a little dizzy.

This is very difficult!



Bai Xiaofei's speed is very fast.

For him, the sea does not have any oppression at all, on the contrary, he is quite free, and he can do whatever he wants.

Just like on the outside, there is hardly any difference.

Especially the current Bai Xiaofei, who is so different from before, it's just sea water, so it's not a problem.


Bai Xiaofei came outside Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.


"I haven't seen you for decades. Atlantis is developing well. Compared with the past, it's a world of difference. It's amazing!"

"This level of technology is much better than land!"


Haven't gone in yet.

Bai Xiaofei was amazed by the vastness of Atlantis and all kinds of special technological equipment.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't even have believed it. This was Atlantis.

Compared with the previous one, it is like a sky and a ground.



The harsh alarm came suddenly.

Apparently, Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance immediately aroused Atlantis' defensive reaction. Countless cannons were aimed at Bai Xiaofei in an instant.

at the same time.

Soldiers who rode underwater sharks and seahorses and other creatures, wearing unknown armor and equipment, also rushed over.

They surrounded Bai Xiaofei and blocked him outside, waiting in full force. The leader even shouted angrily: "Who are you? Report your name!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

Over the past few decades, has his reputation in Atlantis become so unknown? After all, we are also the consorts of your kingdom.

It's outrageous!


Bai Xiaofei said his name.

But it's a pity that those soldiers are still unknown, and their attitude is still bad, and it hasn't changed because of Bai Xiaofei's cooperation.

This made Bai Xiaofei very puzzled and speechless.


"Your princess Atlanta and I are very good friends. What's the situation with you? Even if I haven't been here for decades, you don't have to treat me like this?"

"If you mess around again, I'll be rude to you!"


Bai Xiaofei frowned and said displeasedly.

Because, when he saw two soldiers walking towards him with shackles, they obviously wanted to arrest him and treat him like a prisoner.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't accept this kind of treatment.

"Shut up!"

In the end, it was fine if Bai Xiaofei didn't open his mouth. When he mentioned Atlanna's name, those soldiers became even worse.

One of them sneered and said, "Princess Atlanta? Huh! That was a long time ago. Our current past is Her Majesty Aum!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you'd better cooperate with our investigation obediently, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"


They all raised the unidentified weapons in their hands, and pointed their guns at Bai Xiaofei, intending to fire if there was any disagreement.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned on the spot.

His Majesty Aum?

I rely on!

What's the situation!

Isn't that Atlanta's son?

Is it possible that in the decades since I left DC, the power of plot correction has begun to work? So that Atlanta is still on the old road?

That is.

I was given... green? !


This is absolutely unbearable!


Thinking that the so-called Mysterious Majesty might be the child that Atlanta had with someone else, Bai Xiaofei exploded at that time.

In the blink of an eye.

A terrifying coercion like the vast universe spewed out from Bai Xiaofei's body, knocking several soldiers unconscious on the spot.

at the same time.

The defense center of the city wall of Atlantis also immediately detected extremely dangerous energy fluctuations. It was just an ordinary alarm, but now it was immediately upgraded to the highest level of threat alarm.


The automatic counterattack artillery of the defense system, without any hesitation or delay, immediately launched an overwhelming concentrated fire attack on Bai Xiaofei.

at the same time.

The system also immediately sent the situation that happened here to the Atlantis Palace, waiting for further instructions and rescue.

Because the system's analysis shows that with Bai Xiaofei's energy fluctuation level, the firepower here can't hold it at all.


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