The Storm God

Chapter 3337 The expelled princess!

Palace of Atlantis.

His Majesty King Aum, who is handsome and elegant, is discussing important matters with his ministers...

The main content of the meeting is aimed at land humans.

no way.

Humanity has changed so much recently.

Although it still lags behind Atlantis in terms of technology, it has a tendency to overtake in other aspects.

Just like strength!


In the past, Atlantis looked down on land people at all.

I think they are just a group of backward aboriginals. They are obviously dying of everything, but they are self-righteous and think how amazing they are...

That is, Atlantis ignored them.


Teach them how to behave in minutes.

But now, the situation is different. With the arrival of the inexplicable crystal wishing stone, among the land people, superheroes and super criminals are suddenly awakened.

This is very difficult to do.


Some of them are just too scary.

Not to mention Atlantis, I am afraid that even the whole earth can be easily smashed into pieces by them!

Aum and the others really couldn't understand, where did that weird wishing crystal come from? Why does such a small piece of ore possess such terrifying power!

If this problem is not resolved, I am afraid Atlantis will suffer sooner or later.

Didn't you see that all kinds of wars broke out among the people on the land every now and then, making the cities on the ground miserable and causing heavy casualties?

This is because the land people do not know the existence of Atlantis.

Once Atlantis is exposed...


The consequences could be disastrous!

His Majesty Aum now wants to plan ahead, and think of a solution with the ministers, discussing how to solve this trouble.


Not waiting for them to discuss a one, two, three.

On the outer wall of Atlantis, the highest level of danger alarm came.

"what happened?"

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

His Majesty Aum even wondered on the spot, whether those so-called superheroes or super criminals on land invaded Atlantis!


The technicians showed the accurate picture to His Majesty Aum and others. When everyone saw that just a human being had messed up the defensive city wall, and even retreated steadily, it was impossible to resist.

The faces of His Majesty Aum and the others instantly became extremely gloomy.

"Land people!"

His Majesty Aum clenched his fists tightly, and said through gritted teeth: "It's unreasonable, a mere person dares to come to our Atlantis to make trouble..."

"Pass down the order, gather all the elite troops, and take him down at all costs, regardless of life or death!"


Orders were delivered quickly.

"His Majesty!"

And this time.

Vico, one of the members of the Atlantis Council, suddenly stood up and frowned: "With the strength shown by the opponent, even our elite troops may not be able to compete with it?"

The implication is, don't be impulsive, we'd better talk to him, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

As soon as this statement came out.

Other ministers and council members also agreed.

after all……

No one likes trouble.

What's more, he is such a big and difficult guy. If he really wants to die, God knows how many people will be sacrificed.

These ministers are naturally unwilling to take risks.

It's easy to say if it succeeds, but if it fails, then these people will definitely become sinners in history and be reviled by future generations!

But unfortunately...

No matter what they say, how much they persuade, His Majesty Aum just doesn't listen.

He was determined to go to war, and he called it a beautiful name, and he must not lose the majesty of Atlantis. Today, he will teach the land people a lesson.

Everyone was helpless.

The meeting was terminated, and then fully entered a state of combat readiness.

Seeing that His Majesty Aum was becoming more and more crazy, and seemed to have a tendency to become a demon, many ministers resigned their authority on the spot for various reasons.

Directly hand over all the power to Aum alone.

Apparently he didn't want to take part in the war.

on this...

His Majesty Aum didn't say much, no matter who it was, he accepted all the orders, and soon gathered all the rights of more than a dozen ministers.

Afterwards, he immediately sent someone to notify the rest of the tribes of Atlantis, preparing to gather the power of the seven seas to deal with the land people together.

And Vico was one of those who retreated.


He's a little bit different from everyone else.

Others basically gave up hope completely, but Vico didn't.

Vico gave up everything, in fact, retreated to advance, the purpose was to stay away from the crazy Majesty Aum, and prepared to think of other ways.

And his only hope is the princess who had to be expelled because of her reputation a few years ago—His Royal Highness Atlanna.

after all……

That is the princess of Atlantis.

Even if her reputation is ruined, the blood in her body will never change. Once there is any danger here, Atlanta can still worry about some tribes and turn the tide.


The key depends on how it works.

Fortunately, all these years, Vico has never forgotten the old king's advice, no matter what, he must keep Atlanta and the child in her belly.


The entire Atlantis is bound to attract disaster.

Many people sneered at this, but Vico, as the young man most valued by the old king, firmly believed in it.

Because Vico knows far more than anyone else.


The child in the womb of Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta is the crystallization of love between a certain boss and the princess. Later, for some reason, the big guy disappeared inexplicably.

But he and the old king believed that sooner or later, the other party would come back.


Until the old king died of illness.

His youngest son, His Royal Highness Aum, was bewitched by a newcomer and tried to usurp the throne. He managed to control the entire Atlantis, and the boss did not come back.

Then, Her Royal Highness was expelled.

Many people say.

Her Royal Highness, who was exiled to the trench clan, must have died a long time ago.

But Vico didn't believe it at all.


He had contact with the princess.

YouQi even found someone to check on Her Highness the Princess. The child in her womb was extraordinary. Even before she made a sound, she possessed extraordinary strength.

Obviously inherited some of the abilities of the boss.

And that power.

Far beyond the imagination of the Atlantis family.

In Vico's memory and impression, it seems that even Poseidon, the former sea god, may not be able to match the power potential of the little prince.

With the little prince around, it is impossible for mere Trench tribe to hurt Her Highness the Princess.

Vico has always believed that Princess Atlanta must be living happily with His Royal Highness the little prince somewhere, originally...

He didn't want to bother the two of them.

But now, the situation is special, so Vico has no choice but to hesitate and not go.

What Vico didn't know was that His Majesty Aum had been suspicious of him for a long time, so when he left, he directly sent a few confidants to follow him secretly.

And the purpose of these people is also very simple.

Eliminate future troubles forever!

As long as Atlanna and that evil species die, there will only be him, Aum, the royal family and legal heir in the entire Atlantis.

At that time, no one will compete with him for power and the throne, and he, Aum, will definitely be the greatest king in the entire history of Atlantis.

none of them!


Outside Atlantis.

"Boom boom boom!"

Bai Xiaofei was completely furious.

The shots were merciless, and everything they passed was destroyed. No matter how advanced the weapon was, it was just a display in front of him, and it could not hurt him at all.


Can't even get close to him.

However, even in the state of rage, Bai Xiaofei did not forget to show mercy. After all, everything was his own speculation. What if there was any misunderstanding?

If he killed too many Atlantean soldiers, it would be difficult to explain to Atlanna at that time, so he would just be dizzy or seriously injured.


Bai Xiaofei captured several soldiers.

Then he was unceremonious, and his mind and thoughts invaded, and he began to plunder the other party's memory unreasonably, eager to know, what happened to all this?


"This Orm is not the son of Atlanta, but the old king, the youngest son of an old man? Could it be a variation of the plot..."

"Wait! Atlanta is pregnant!"

"Could it be my child?"


The next moment, Bai Xiaofei was completely shocked.


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