The Storm God

Chapter 3338 Looking for relatives under the sea!

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei thought a lot.


Troubled by his conservative ability, his bid winning rate was as high as 100%. For this, he sacrificed a lot of happiness.

But later.

As the strength continued to grow stronger, reproductive isolation began to appear.

At that time, he and Diana had never worn condoms, and once wanted to have their own children, but they were unsuccessful.

Not just Diana.

Even with Nie Xiaoqian and others.

This made Bai Xiaofei very distressed and depressed, after all who doesn't want to have their own children.

No idea.

Princess Atlanta is pregnant with her own child!

You say you may have made a mistake?

Absolutely not!

after all……

At that time, Bai Xiaofei was not as powerful as he is now. When doing that, he had to be careful, and reproductive isolation did not appear at all.

Coupled with the fact that Bai Xiaofei and Princess Atlanta are so loving and happy, and they have been here several times, the chances of pregnancy have obviously increased greatly!

How could it not be Bai Xiaofei's species? !


You said it took decades to show?

This is completely abnormal?


You are talking about ordinary people, right?

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei or Princess Atlanta, these are not ordinary people, right? How could it be possible for the two sides to join forces like ordinary people.

Don't you see, Nezha has been pregnant for three years?

Bai Xiaofei's genes are so strong, and Princess Atlanta is not an ordinary person, so what's wrong with getting pregnant later than ordinary people!

In short.

Someone stubbornly believed that the child in Atlanta's womb must be his own seed! It is absolutely impossible to belong to someone else!


"That fellow Aum, dared to expel Atlanna and my child from Atlantis, and sacrificed to the Trench tribe, he is courting death!"

"You wait for me!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes were full of killing intent.

But at this time, he was not impulsive, and immediately broke into the palace of Atlantis, but turned and left directly.


That's it.

Stop fighting the soldiers of Atlantis.


Bai Xiaofei still has more important things to do, and that is to go to the Trench Clan's territory to find his wife and children!

Bai Xiaofei firmly believed that the trash of the Trench Clan would never hurt Atlanta and his children!

But the world has become so weird now, can't something unexpected happen.


It's better to find Atlanta as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, Bai Xiaofei will never forgive himself in this life.


And the other side.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei left, Atlantis immediately became confused.

Countless people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all stared at each other: "What... what's going on? That scary guy, how could he just leave?"

"It shouldn't be?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

If you say you are at a disadvantage, you will leave as soon as you leave, and it will not make people feel that there is something wrong, but the key is that the one who is at a disadvantage is obviously Atlantis.

It's fine if the opponent didn't take advantage of the victory.

Why did you leave by yourself?


He is still so smart and anxious, which makes countless people wonder.


Doubt and wonder.

They were more fortunate that this terrifying evil star had finally left, otherwise they would not know how many people would have suffered.

Looking back.

However, the once vast and magnificent city wall of Atlantis has become a ruin, extremely messy, with damaged buildings and ships everywhere.

Thankfully, there were no fatalities in terms of personnel.

At most, it was a serious injury.

on this...

Many people feel very puzzled.

With the opponent's terrifying strength, this shouldn't be. Could it be that he deliberately showed mercy? But this doesn't make sense either, since the other party started attacking those buildings and ships, and they were extremely brave and ruthless and said okay!

There was also news from the palace soon.

Tell everyone to stand up for battle. If the city wall is destroyed, it will be destroyed. There is no need to repair it for the time being, because there is no need for that at all.

after all……

A big battle is about to break out.

Maybe what it will look like, why fix that? Maybe it will affect here the next day, isn't that a waste of effort!

However, His Majesty Aum has remembered this grudge.

he swears—

I will definitely retaliate severely.

And the target of revenge is undoubtedly the land people he hates the most.

As everyone knows.

All this has nothing to do with land people.

Orm was totally wrong.


None of this matters.

The important thing is that following the order of the King of Atlantis, the leaders of the rest of the Seven Seas tribe, except for the Trench tribe who had no intelligence, all rushed to the palace.

However, Vico drove a speedboat, secretly crossed the vast sea, and came to the territory of the Trench tribe, preparing to find Princess Atlanta to prevent the catastrophe.

He doesn't know.

His every move is actually under Aum's surveillance.


Behind Vico.

There are a bunch of elite killers following behind.


"Is this the territory of the Trench Clan?" With Bai Xiaofei's speed, it is not difficult to cross the vast sea.

After leaving the outer city wall of Atlantis, Bai Xiaofei went directly to the deep sea trench where Atlanna was sacrificed.

follow closely……

Terrifying release of mind power.

Bai Xiaofei's mental power turned into countless tentacles, and went straight to the bottom of the trench, exploring and searching, trying to find traces of Atlanta.

It's just that the effect is not very ideal.


This trench is too deep.

Moreover, it is intricate, and the turbulence at the bottom is even more numerous. If you go down from here, you may be pulled somewhere by the impact.

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only conduct a further horizontal search.


This time it worked out.


Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up suddenly, and then his figure transformed into a sword shape that cut through thorns and thorns, and rushed directly to a certain place in the deep sea trench.

And not long after he left, a speedboat with a strange shape came slowly from afar, and this man was Vico.


Somewhere on the bottom of the deep sea.

In the dark area with turbulent currents and the boundless and complicated trench terrain, there are countless ugly and ferocious humanoid monsters.

These are the members of the Trench Clan, Trench Monsters!

They have little intelligence.


Just endless greed, and appetite.

There is almost nothing in this world that they do not eat, even their own companions.

They are not afraid of death and attack all foreign enemies.


This time there are some exceptions.

Even those with low spiritual intelligence realized Bai Xiaofei's terror and strength, so even though they were aware of it, they even saw Bai Xiaofei's arrival with their own eyes.

But these trench monsters still didn't make any moves.

It was completely unheard of.

Asking is afraid of death!


Bai Xiaofei brought them the ultimate death crisis.

The endless and terrifying sense of crisis made the trench monsters who are not afraid of death also feel fear, so they dare not act rashly.

They could only watch Bai Xiaofei pass by before their eyes, and then go straight to the forbidden place in the tribe, until Bai Xiaofei disappeared into the deep darkness, these trench monsters all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately after, they sensed that someone was coming again.


The endless depths of the sea.

Like a meteor, Bai Xiaofei passed through countless turbulent currents and submarine storms, and finally successfully arrived at a special existence.


A light came.

Bai Xiaofei directly appeared in an extremely bright and special environment, where there are mountains, water, sea and plants...

It seems to be the inner world of the earth.


None of this matters.

The most important thing is that in this special environment and world, Bai Xiaofei's incomparably powerful mental power immediately sensed an extremely familiar aura.

At the same time, there is a special feeling that is even more inexplicable.

just like……

It's like having another self out there.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel extremely surprised and unbelievable. At the same time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "Could it be..."

next moment.

He quickly flew towards the location of the breath.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei saw a familiar female figure and a small, deja vu kid in the flat area of ​​a certain island.

And that little guy was also staring at Bai Xiaofei with wide eyes.

The two sides looked at each other.

at the same time……

Thunder and lightning are faintly brewing and converging in the air.

The bodies of Bai Xiaofei and that little guy immediately filled with billowing electric sparks and various other attributes of power.

That situation seemed like a certain kind of special resonance.


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