The Storm God

Chapter 3339 Bai Xiaofei: I have a son!


There was a soft sound.

The simple toy in the woman's hand fell directly to the ground.

Her eyes were full of disbelief, as if she had seen something unbelievable, she was shocked, dazed, suspicious, and couldn't help herself.

at the same time……

The delicate body of the woman in a strange dress also began to tremble.

And this person is none other than Princess Atlanta.


Beside Atlanta was a little boy carved in jade.

The little boy looked about three or four years old, with big eyes and a cute appearance. It gave people the feeling that he could be completely softened at a glance, and he was so cute.

Seeing his mother's abnormal expression, the little boy was very puzzled.


He glanced at Bai Xiaofei again.

This look was completely different from just now, with anger, hostility, and even anger. Obviously, the little boy knew that it was the appearance of that figure in the sky that made his mother unhappy.


The little boy stared——


Two golden lights shot out suddenly, heading straight for Bai Xiaofei.


Atlanta regained consciousness in an instant.

She wanted to stop it, but her eyes were too late.

The golden light shot out from the little boy's eyes was so fast that it hit Bai Xiaofei almost instantly, but Bai Xiaofei acted as if he had never heard of it, neither moving nor flickering.


He was bombarded by the golden light rays.

"This feeling……"

Bai Xiaofei's strength is unparalleled.

Although the little boy's golden light ray is powerful, compared to his current state, it's just like scratching an itch, harmless.


Bai Xiaofei felt a familiar smell from it.

That is the ability I once had!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was sure in an instant.

The little boy opposite is his own child! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to have the same ability as himself!


Bai Xiaofei flew over excitedly.

"Xiao Fei?"

And this time.

Atlanta had already regained her composure, then stood up, and met Bai Xiaofei's eyes, eyes filled with joy and tears.

"Is it really you? You, you are back and looking for me!"

"Am I dreaming?"


Bai Xiaofei grabbed Atlanta's hands, and said affectionately: "Atlana, you are not dreaming, I am really back!"


He was about to embrace Atlanta in his arms.



This is, a huge force strikes.

But the cute little boy, already with a straight face, flew directly in front of Atlanta, as if he wanted to protect her, he was facing Bai Xiaofei with a wicked face.

While waving his pink and tender fists, he put on a very fierce look, and said in a deep voice: "Bad guy! You are not allowed to get close to my mother!"

at the same time……

The little guy's body also began to mutate.

The billowing thunderbolt and raging fire seemed to be alive, attached to the little guy's body, and even some terrifying visions began to flash around his body.

Such as storms, cracks in the ground, roaring waves...

Etc., etc.

this moment.

It was as if the whole world was enraged.


Atlanta knew her son had misunderstood.

So he quickly explained: "Don't mess around, he is not a bad person, he is..."

The words are not finished yet.

Bai Xiaofei was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately asked: "Atlanna, is this little guy our son?"


The little guy whom Atlanna called Arthur froze when he heard this, and the rolling strength in his body disappeared in an instant.

The little boy's eyes widened.

He first glanced at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, then looked at his mother, and asked, "Mom, tell me, he is mine..."


Atlanta nodded heavily.

She hugged the little guy, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch him away, and while weeping with joy, she explained: "That's right! He is your father, the heartless man who left us alone!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

Although he was also forced to leave at that time, he was really innocent.

But in the final analysis, it was Bai Xiaofei's fault after all, because no matter what the reason, Atlanta ruined Bai Xiaofei's child, and was expelled to this deserted island, where he stayed for several years...

this pot.

Bai Xiaofei has a little responsibility anyway.

He can't get rid of it!

I didn't even want to get rid of the relationship.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to confirm the facts and make up for Atlanna and her son.

after all……

He is also the father of the child after all.

If you are a man, you have to take your own responsibilities. A little bit of complaint, crying over the suffering of Byatlana and her son over the years, is nothing at all.


Bai Xiaofei silently lowered his head.

Then, he began to explain to Atlanta what happened back then, not because he deliberately wanted to abandon Atlanta, but because of some special reasons, he was forced to leave this world.

It wasn't until now that he came back and learned of what happened to Atlanta.

If Bai Xiaofei knew all this before, no matter what, he would do everything possible to rush back to this world as soon as possible.

after all……

The little guy in Atlanta's arms is Bai Xiaofei's real heir.

Bai Lei, that's not her own.

This is it!

No matter how bastard Bai Xiaofei is, it is impossible for his own flesh and blood and lover to be left on a deserted island and stay there for several years.

Before, he said without knowing it.


This also has something to do with Bai Xiaofei's scum.

At that time, he only cared about Diana, Nie Xiaoqian and others. He never thought that Atlanta would be pregnant. He thought that she, like Diana, was reproductively isolated from him.

All I can say is that it was all a coincidence.

after all.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei also had sex with Diana who didn't wear a condom, but she had sex with Diana so many times, but she didn't get pregnant.

How many times has Bai Xiaofei been with Atlanta?

Change it to be you.

Can you believe it?


After Bai Xiaofei finished explaining.

Atlanta froze.

Her eyes were full of shock and disbelief. Obviously, she hadn't expected that there would be so many bizarre events in between.


She is more than happy.

Because Bai Xiaofei never abandoned himself, he had to leave only because of special reasons, and he also didn't know about the child.


All of this might not happen today.


As for the little guy?


It is difficult for him to understand the affairs of adults.

Although the little guy is very smart, but after all, his age and experience are there, and everything that Bai Xiaofei has experienced is so complicated and special...

The little guy didn't quite understand, but it was quite normal.


He did understand one thing.

This strange man in front of me is extremely handsome, with a special temperament on his body, which makes the strength in his body resonate with him...

It is the father that I have been thinking about for a long time!


Encouraged by his mother, Atlanta, the little guy tilted his head, blinked his big eyes, and finally tried to call Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei burst into tears of joy.

He stretched out his hands, just hugged Atlanta and his son, and said with tears streaming down his face: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I caused you to suffer a lot, but I promise, it's over, And I will never leave you again!"

"I swear!"


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