The Storm God

Chapter 3341 Beat Kara Sen hard!

The island where Atlanna and her son live is very environment, like a paradise, there is no sun, but there is light.

This is very magical.

What is even more unbelievable is that behind the waterfall on this island is an incomparably vast sea area, in which the artifact golden trident and the sea beast Karason are located.

The little guy was very excited when he heard that his father was going to take him to the bottom of the sea to fight monsters.

Atlanta was somewhat dissatisfied.

She stared at Bai Xiaofei, her eyes seemed to say: "Aren't you afraid of spoiling the child? He's only three years old now!"

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about it, and said with a smile: "It's just a monster fight, and it's not too bloody and violent. Don't worry, my son, Bai Xiaofei, how can his endurance be measured by ordinary people!"


He took little Arthur into the waterfall.

Although Atlanta wanted to go too, she stayed in the end. No way, who made her strength too low.

Bai Xiaofei was not stingy, and left many good things for Atlanta.

For example, Ice Phoenix holy water or something.

With these.

Atlanna will soon transform and become a master.

But it takes time and process.


She stayed.

Of course, these are just one of the reasons, the real key is that Atlanta wants to create a separate space for Bai Xiaofei and Little Arthur.

After all, Bai Xiaofei has been missing for many years.

It must be difficult for little Arthur to accept and adapt to this sudden return.

Appropriately give the father and son some space, let the father and son have more contact, and it is also convenient for the two to interact and talk.


After crossing the waterfall.

Below is a bottomless hole, Bai Xiaofei took little Arthur, quickly sank, and soon came to an unnamed seabed.

Bai Xiaofei is powerful, he is not afraid of the pressure of sea water, he walks on flat ground without any discomfort. Little Arthur has the talent of the Atlantean family and Bai Xiaofei's powerful genes. Even though he is young, he has shown extremely terrifying potential.


The little guy was very curious and excited when he came to a strange place for the first time.

The only fly in the ointment is that the environment here is really bad enough, and there are no deep-sea fish creatures.

This is not because there are no living things on the bottom of the sea. There are generally two reasons for this phenomenon:

One is that seawater has undergone qualitative changes and is not suitable for survival.

The other is that there are certain powerful creatures on the seabed, and this place has become the territory of powerful creatures, causing other fish creatures not to dare to approach.

Just like lions and tigers sleep beside, there will be no other animals.

The sea water here is very clean without impurities.


is the second case.

Even, just as Bai Xiaofei and his son landed on the bottom of the sea, they could clearly hear a strong heartbeat coming from the dark sea.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just the heartbeat is so strong, like thunder, which shows how powerful that unknown creature is.


This so-called toughness is for ordinary people.

Like Bai Xiaofei and little Arthur, they didn't take it seriously, they didn't change their expressions, and they still walked towards a certain area on the bottom of the sea.

That's where the golden trident is located.

It was a throne made of boulders, and a human figure sat on the throne. He is tall and wears armor and a crown.

Not surprisingly, this should be the first king of Atlantis. But now, thousands of years have passed, and the opponent has turned into a pile of bones.

In his hand, he was holding a golden weapon, which was the legendary artifact bestowed by the sea god - the golden trident.

The name is loud enough, but this shape...

Just a little average.


Little Arthur was not very interested.

Obviously, in the eyes of the little guy, this golden trident is not good-looking enough, otherwise he must have rushed over and played with the golden trident in his hand.

"It's okay!"

Seeing his son's lack of interest, Bai Xiaofei smiled and comforted him: "Father can forge and improve this thing, and I'll change it into what you like later."


The little guy was immediately happy.

After all, little Arthur also has the blood of the Atlantis family flowing in his body, so he still has a lot of feelings for this golden trident.

After all, it is an artifact in the inheritance family.

It's this shape, which really makes Little Arthur not like it, if Bai Xiaofei said that he can transform and change the shape, he might have given up.


The little guy swam over.

Bai Xiaofei was on the sidelines, watching his son prepare to collect the golden trident, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

at this moment.


As if some kind of mechanism had been touched, the surrounding seawater suddenly surged violently. Immediately afterwards, a gigantic tail of an unknown creature, carrying surging water pressure, drew directly towards little Arthur.

"Go away!"

Bai Xiaofei knew that this must be his son's act of taking the golden trident, which alarmed the sea beast Kara Sen, who wanted to stop little Arthur.

He snorted coldly.

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, followed by the release of his thoughts, and transformed into a gigantic fist, which appeared next to little Arthur in an instant.

Then punch out.


This blow directly burst the sea water.

The tyrannical destructive force directly hit Kara Sen's giant tail. That giant tail, which looked like a tentacle, was instantly split and disintegrated...


at the same time.

In the depths of the darkness, there was a deafening and miserable roar.

This tragic and mournful sound spread throughout the entire sea area in an instant, and all the fish and sea creatures around were frightened and ran around.

Even Atlanta outside the waterfall heard the scream, and then she couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile and said, "This should be Karason, right?"


The undersea behemoth, Karason, is the most terrifying and powerful monster. It is a terrifying existence that is almost invincible in the sea.

But now, she was beaten up by her husband and screamed...

Xiaofei, Xiaofei.

How powerful and terrifying are you now?

Comparable to a god?

Or has it far surpassed the gods?


It's completely unimaginable and incomprehensible!


Nameless Sea.


The sea beast Kara Sen was screaming.

One of its tails was blown off half of it by Bai Xiaofei's thought power, leaving only a little bit of root intact.


Where the tail was broken, blood flowed continuously, dyeing the nearby seawater red.

Afterwards, it revealed its main body, which was a body comparable to a small island, extremely huge, and its weight was even more astonishing.

For the average person.

The sea monster Karathon may be terrifying, and his size is also amazing. But in front of Bai Xiaofei, sorry, this is just so-so.

Because he has seen more terrifying and terrifying fights than this.

Compared with those, Kara Sen is completely insignificant. Even Bai Xiaofei's son, little Arthur, didn't feel any nervousness at all when he saw it.

To use a sentence in a certain movie, people like Karason may have used their cultivation bases for their looks, but their actual combat power is not worth mentioning.

At least for little Arthur.

he feels...

Such a monster, I can fight at least ten of them, and I don't need any special power, just use my physical strength.

no way.

Who made him Bai Xiaofei's seed.

I'm awesome and perverted, it's so strong that I inherited it!


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