The Storm God

Chapter 3342 Heart of the Ocean!


Kara Sen roared at Bai Xiaofei and little Arthur, with a pair of giant eyes, staring at them angrily, with six legs baring their teeth and claws, wishing to tear them apart.


And that's all.

No matter how loud the momentum was, they didn't dare to rush forward at all.

Typical silver pewter tip.

no way.

When Bai Xiaofei made a lap just now, he directly exploded its tail. The powerful and terrifying destructive power left a deep impression on Karason, and he also knew that the humans in front of him were not easy to mess with.

It stood up now, but it was just a symbolic gesture of respect.

after all……

After all, it is also a guardian beast.

The golden trident was taken away, Karason couldn't even show his face, could he? In case the Sea God pursues it, it will definitely not be able to afford to go around.

"What are you yelling, do you want to get punched again?"

Bai Xiaofei glared at Kara Sen angrily, and said coldly: "I know you are the guardian of the golden trident. You have been guarding the trident for thousands of years. Only a true king is worthy of having it..."

The wisdom of the giant Kara Sen is not low. In the original plot, when it appeared on the stage, it talked a lot with the muscular version of Arthur, showing the same advanced wisdom as humans.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei firmly believed that the other party must be able to understand its current force field.

as expected.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Kara Sen immediately calmed down, apparently understood Bai Xiaofei's words, or was frightened.

In short.

Now Karason, like a docile kitten, lay there obediently, no longer barking its teeth and claws.

Bai Xiaofei had a smug expression on his face.

And little Arthur, seeing that his father was so powerful, tamed such a big sea beast with just a few words, immediately admired him.

"Dad, you are amazing!"

"That is!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Then he said to Kara Sen: "My strength is far superior to the sea god you believe in. Even if my son is still young, he definitely has the potential to be a king. It is his blessing to be able to see the golden trident. One point, you have to admit it?"


As a subordinate of the Sea God, Karason should have been angry and ran away after hearing such arrogant words from Bai Xiaofei, but he didn't.

Obviously, it can also see that Bai Xiaofei is indeed very terrifying.


Even that human kid was definitely not a mortal, because Karason also sensed danger from him.

This shows that let alone that adult, even that child may not be able to beat him. Although it is a bit unbelievable, it is the truth.

The most important thing is.

Karason also felt the blood from the Atlantis family from the little Arthur, which shows that the little guy is definitely not an outsider.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is so powerful...

Then I still pretend to be a fur.

Admit it directly!

Even if the Sea God is here in person, Kara Sen has enough reasons - who dares to say that such a person is not qualified to own the golden trident?

Anyway, Kara Sen thinks it's okay.

Think here.

The sea beast Kara Sen's six thighs went limp, and he knelt down directly to Bai Xiaofei and little Arthur, obviously surrendering completely.

"very good!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Little Arthur was also dancing with excitement, very happy, as if he got some fun toy.

The only pity is that the sea beast Kara Sen is really ugly.


The little guy was even more excited.

Then, under Bai Xiaofei's signal, Little Arthur turned around and walked towards the golden trident. The sea beast Kara Sen didn't make any movement, just watching silently.

It knew that the golden trident was endowed with divine power by the sea god, and only recognized the true king. If someone without the qualifications of a king tries to touch it, he will be injured by the rebound.


It doesn't matter whether you block it or not.

Because it is an indisputable fact that the other party has touched the golden trident, the key is whether this little guy has the qualifications of a king.

Namely, can he pick up the golden trident.

And opposite.

Little Arthur had come to the golden trident again. The golden trident stood there, motionless, but exuding a special power.

This power is like a shock wave, causing waves and ripples, spreading in all directions, as if communicating with the sea.

next moment.

Little Arthur's palm was placed directly on top of the golden trident.

Suddenly, the golden light bloomed, and the positive sea area was dyed golden, turning into a golden ocean. And the golden trident in Little Arthur's hand showed no sign of rebounding.

The sea beast Kara Sen stared blankly.

The golden trident does not rebound, which means that it has recognized little Arthur's kingship and is qualified to own the golden trident.


What happened to this sudden burst of golden light?

The sea beast Karason said that he had never seen such a scene before, and the scene in front of him was completely beyond its imagination.


The golden light converges.

Little Arthur held the golden trident in his hand, waved it back and forth, then couldn't help curling his lips, and said in distaste: "The feeling is just so-so, it doesn't seem to be a big deal..."


He directly threw the golden trident to Bai Xiaofei.

No nostalgia at all.


The sea beast Kara Sen suddenly widened his eyes again, his face full of bewilderment.


That is the divine artifact golden trident.

Why is it in your hands, like a contemptuous toy? By the way, do you know what it means?

Karason was a little broken.

I feel that the three views have been shattered and destroyed so badly that I almost lose my composure.

Especially when I saw little Arthur, the bones of the first Atlantis had turned into dust and completely merged with the sea water...

Only the scale armor and the crown were left on the throne, but the little guy didn't even look at it, and just swam towards Bai Xiaofei.

Karason felt insulted like never before.

after all……

That was the supreme place it had guarded all its life, but in front of these two people, it described it as trash, with disgust in its eyes.

This is very heartbreaking, old man!

By the way, can't you just consider my feelings a little bit?

"It's really rubbish!"

Bai Xiaofei's subsequent words pierced his heart again: "The material is so-so, even inferior to ordinary Ulu metal, and the [Heart of the Ocean] ability in it is still somewhat useful, and the rest are really useless!"


The sea beast Karason was speechless for a moment.

It's completely shut down.

You cattle!

Say what you want, I don't hear anything, I don't see anything, I don't know anything.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care how the sea beast Kara Sen reacted.

When the ability was used, the so-called divine power in the golden trident was actually some regular fragments. Bai Xiaofei completely copied the ability called "Heart of the Ocean".


Bai Xiaofei immediately felt the difference.

At this moment, he is the master of the sea. All sea creatures seem to be a part of his body. As long as he wants, he can control all sea creatures as he likes!

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei's control over the sea water is also higher.

It only takes him one thought, and without wasting any power, he can create a terrifying and amazing super tsunami...


There is nothing after that.

The golden trident is still useful with this ability, let alone the rest. Anyway, for the artifacts owned by Bai Xiaofei, they are completely unworthy of even lifting shoes.


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