The Storm God

Chapter 3343 Karason surrenders!


Little Arthur returned to Bai Xiaofei's side.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei with hopeful eyes, and asked, "How is it? Can this thing be transformed? I want the shape of the Lightning Spear!"

The little guy had an expectant expression on his face.

no way.

Who told Atlanta to tell him that Bai Xiaofei controlled the thunder and lightning since she was a child, and in this world, Zeus, the king of the gods, also played with lightning...


In the heart of young Arthur.

This has formed such a cognition: only the most powerful people are worthy of playing lightning!

As Bai Xiaofei's son, Little Arthur was certainly not to be outdone.


His most developed ability now.

It is the power of lightning!


The little guy doesn't care much about weapons.

But after Bai Xiaofei appeared, it was different. Only then did Little Arthur realize that there was still talk about the artifact at this time.

follow closely.

The little guy came up with an idea to have his own artifact.

Like, the Lightning Spear!

why is it


Of course it's because of the fame.

Even Zeus, the king of the gods, uses a lightning spear as a weapon, which is enough to prove that the shape of such a weapon is more awesome.


It doesn't matter whether the idea is right or wrong.

Bai Xiaofei only wanted his son to be happy.


For his son's request, Bai Xiaofei naturally agreed unconditionally. Hearing the words, he nodded immediately and said: "Let's go back now, and when the matter of Atlantis is settled, Dad will build it for you immediately!"


Little Arthur nodded happily.

Bai Xiaofei turned his eyes to the sea beast Kara Sen, not angry and pretentious.


The sea beast Kara Sen suddenly trembled.

Then there was a strange cry, and Bai Xiaofei and Little Arthur lowered their knees, their huge heads were almost buried in the soil.


Little Arthur seemed to understand Kara Sen's words, and he happily said to Bai Xiaofei: "This big guy said that he is willing to surrender to us..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded calmly.

Glancing at Karason, he said, "Assuming you know the current affairs, even so, then you can leave here with us, just go to Atlantis to deal with things, and you can still be used. If you behave well, you will be rewarded." You are absolutely indispensable."


Kara Sen immediately stated that from now on, he will be absolutely loyal, and he will follow the example of Bai Xiaofei's family, and will do his best until he dies.


Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Kara Sen's attitude.

He smiled, then threw him a bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water, and said: "This is the benefit that will be rewarded to you first. After taking it, it should bring your strength to another level."

These bottles of Ice Phoenix holy water belong to Bai Xiaofei.

Even in this unfathomable seabed, it can withstand the endless pressure of sea water and will not break easily.

The sea beast Kara Sen was suddenly excited.

His biological instinct told himself that the liquid in this small bottle was definitely a rare treasure in the world, and he was about to develop.


Without any hesitation, Karason directly swallowed the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, including the bottle, into his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if something exploded in his body, and an unimaginable huge force filled his whole body in an instant.

next moment.

The tail that was blown away by Bai Xiaofei's thought power fist before quickly recovered to its original state.

At the same time, Kara Sen's appearance also began to undergo a huge change. The original ugly and hideous appearance became full of immortality in a blink of an eye, giving people a sense of sacredness.


The appearance or something is second.

The most important thing is Karason's inner nature and his own strength.

With the effect of the ice phoenix holy water, his current level of strength, as if riding a rocket, directly rose several steps.

The most obvious feature is Karason's physical body, which has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before, such as infinite strength, unparalleled defense, and so on.

This makes Kara Sen very happy.


He was grateful to Bai Xiaofei for a while, and his attitude was more flattering and enthusiastic than before. It can be said that he completely forgot about his former master, Sea God.

"There's no need to be so excited."

However, Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and said to Kara Sen: "These are nothing, just some low-level resources, as long as you perform well, there will be a lot of good things waiting for you in the future!"


Kara Sen suddenly became more excited.

He secretly rejoiced that the cliff followed the right person this time, and this boss was much more generous than the last guy who knew how to order him around but didn't give him any benefits.


Kara Sen left this sea area with Bai Xiaofei's parents.


five islands.

Atlanta has been waiting a long time.

She wasn't worried about the safety of Bai Xiaofei and her son, but it was really boring to be here alone, and it was the first time that Atlanta was separated from her son for such a long time.

It is inevitable that I feel a little uncomfortable.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei giving her a lot of cultivation resources, Atlanta could practice and improve herself, maybe she wouldn't be able to sit still for a moment.


Atlanta began to think wildly.

For example, after returning to Atlantis, what should they do with their lives? The tribe would definitely not accept Bai Xiaofei and the child easily.

At that time, there will inevitably be a bloodbath.


Bai Xiaofei is not the only woman.

As far as Atlanna knows, there is Diana, the Amazon princess of Paradise Island. I don't know if that princess would mind me and Xiaofei having a child first?

I heard that Xiao Fei has an adopted daughter...

I don't know her...


While Atlanta was thinking wildly, a figure suddenly stepped out from behind the waterfall, it was Bai Xiaofei.

Little Arthur was sitting on Bai Xiaofei's shoulders, and the two looked very intimate and happy.

In Bai Xiaofei's hand, he held the legendary artifact——

Golden Trident!


Atlanta was suddenly overjoyed.

Because of this artifact, their return to Atlantis will be justified, and it will also be able to seal the excuses of many people.


cried little Arthur.

Atlanta ran over quickly, then hugged Bai Xiaofei directly, and said excitedly: "I knew it, you will succeed!"


Bai Xiaofei patted Atlanta with a smile, and said, "Not only did we get the golden trident, but we also subdued the sea beast Karason. From now on, it will be our family's submarine mount, and you can use it as you like!"


Hearing this, Atlanta was taken aback.

She thought that Bai Xiaofei had already killed the sea beast Kara Sen, but unexpectedly, not only did he not, but he even subdued it into a mount...

This made her feel incredible.

But think about it.


There is nothing to doubt about this, after all, Bai Xiaofei's strength is so powerful and terrifying, he is just a sea monster.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, it was really nothing.

Then she was relieved.

"Little Fei!"

Atlanta said excitedly: "Now that the golden trident has been obtained, and the sea beast Kara Sen has become our pet and mount, can we go to Atlantis now?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He smiled and said, "I've found the exit. I'm here to pick you up this time. Is there anything to pack on the island? If not, then we can set off now!"


After hearing that, Atlanta immediately left Bai Xiaofei's embrace.

Not for a while.

She came back again, with something special in her arms. Bai Xiaofei saw that they were all tools made from the bones of marine life.

Most of them are children's toys.

Presumably it belonged to little Arthur.

Although it is not worth much, and it is not very good-looking, but it is made by Atlanta herself, and it has been with them for several years, which is very commemorative.

Seeing these things, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling guilty again, and he secretly vowed that he must make up for Atlanta and Little Arthur in the future!

This is what I owe them!


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